In an era of upheaval, humanity is forced to respond with weapons known as “Sacred Relics” that embody their very souls to combat monsters emerging from another world. Asahi Hinata, a young man with a promising future as the son of a hero, is about to attend the entrance ceremony at the National Valkyrie Academy. However, the Sacred Relic he receives is a hero suit that looks like it came straight out of a low-budget children’s hero show…Living day by day as an outcast at the academy, Hinata perseveres despite being disregarded by those around him. But one day, Hinata’s courage and resolve awaken a unique power within his hero suit…
How well does a mourning dress not for a death, but for the days gone by and never to return, pair with an unforgettable red…? Four-page oneshot by Ameishi.
Jang-ho attempted to save my team, but fell victim to the Hwang mystery Church\'s ploy and was imprisoned. I\"ll give my all in this final moments! huh?I became 12 after I opened my eyes?! Returning to the 12-year-old, what I see in front of my eyes are his older brother, both of whom died as a result of poverty and disease! I will never let this life pass me by! After becoming an official disciple of Ui Seon-moon, he got a job in a physician\'s office to care for his two older brothers, martial arts training in the early morning and working in the office in the afternoon, but he can\'t ignore the witchcraft of the Hwang Mystery Church. This time for sure! I will stop you!
a oneshot adapted from a college page shitpost
Richii\'s parents died in an accident when he was in junior high school, leaving him alone with his doting sister Towa. Three years later, his sister also disappears, and even Riichi is summoned to another world where he is reunited with his sister. In the other world, Towa has become the most powerful hero! This is an erotic love comedy in another world where beautiful women are always pestering our protagonist!
Read manhua I Have an Apocalyptic Underground City / I have a post-apocalyptic dungeon A Female President? Then come help me manage the shelter. A Female Special Forces Soldier? Then come and be the captain of the guards. At the end of the world, titles like CEOs, beautiful women, secretaries, electricians, programmers and all other professions are all no longer useful. Don’t be afraid to come to my underground system shelter- as long as you are talented people and human beings! 5 consecutive updates will be launched after February 16.
Shinjuku, 2012. Yamada, who works as a hostess in a night club, meets Mii-chan, a new girl who is no good at anything she does. Mii-chan is energetic and motivated, but she can\'t read kanji or the atmosphere, so she is ridiculed by those around her and labeled as \"pitiful.\" Nevertheless, Yamada is gradually drawn to Mii-chan as she works diligently. (Translated from Magazine Pocket.) (Originally serialised on X/Twitter under a pseudonym and released in collected volumes on Kindle. The original manga began with shorts, then ran \"Mii-chan and Yamada-san\" as a lengthier story. This is a reboot with the same basic premise. The author worked in a hostess club when she was in college, but has publicly stated in interviews and on social media that while there was a \"Mii-chan\" who served as the inspiration for the character, everything else about the story is fictional.)