This manga is partly inspired by the real-life Japanese horse bandit, Hakuro Kohinata, and depicts the tumultuous life of Kensaku Ohinata, who moved to China at a young age, was kidnapped by a group of horse bandits, but rose to prominence among their ranks and eventually grew up to unite a number of them under the name of Xiao Dongyang. Kensaku\'s adventurous spirit and ambition, as well as his positive, brave personality, can sometimes lead to light-hearted mischief, but as he matures into a young man, he grows to experience bouts of delusion. Regarded as one of Mitsuteru Yokoyama\'s most realistic and human works, this manga draws inspiration from another real-life Japanese horse bandit: Date Junnosuke, thus vividly depicting the reality of Chinese horse bandits.
Rex is a half man half dog. He was created when a drunk old man forced himself on a stray female dog in the street. Because of his father, Rex has to live his life as a freak rejected by society. So one day... he’s gonna find that man, and r*pe HIM.
A city fenced off from the outside world, crime and devastation, periodic shelling - how can the inhabitants of this town even be still in service? This story will be about these events and these people.
Mangaka Takei Hiroto, who was rejected once again at a serialization meeting, decided to give up on his dream and go on a heartbroken trip to Brazil to get over everything. In a favela (slum) he accidentally wandered into, Hiroto meets a poor boy with sharp eyes named João. Living on the exact opposite side of the Earth, João surprisingly has a dream of becoming a mangaka…!! No matter who you are or where you live, you don’t have to give up. The story of two slums mangaka chasing their dreams begins!!
A collection of Misao Inagaki\'s early oneshots from the Horror M magazine, known for extremely high quality horror manga and for its splatter horror series.
The authors of the hits \"Clover\" and \"Sunflowers\" are back! The curtain of a hot battle opens in anticipation of the bad guys! ..