Drama - Page 1437

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18289 results

The President’s Special Instructions

Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss


Bon Appétit

Bon Appétit / 맛본 김에 꿀꺽! / Bon Appetit / Gulp while you taste it “Are you eating in this situation?” “Of course! I’ll have to keep savoring the taste until I die. Do you want one?” She was reincarnated in a novel as Luana, the abandoned princess. And her death was already decided. She just wanted to let people know about her cooking talent, but she was misunderstood as a witch because of her cheese jerky! The General of the conquering army, Duke Legion, who had lost his sense of taste, took her to the Empire for her extraordinary jerkies and to break the curse that had come down from generation to generation. “It is delicious, isn’t it?” “Prepare the same for the dinner.” She was happy to be able to cook and eat as much as delicious food as she wanted… But now, she also wanted to look after Legion. ‘Eat three meals a day, and make sure to make dessert. I’m sure he will be able to gain some weight…!’ – The Duke took the jerky from the princess. On the surface, it was no different from any beef jerky. But when he took a bite of it, it felt like a new world had opened up. The jerky, made by the princess, felt more tender than the others as he gently crushed it with his teeth. The taste of condensed meat smudged his tongue as he chewed on. It was just as she said. He could feel the savory taste of the spicy meat, and at the end of the day, he wanted to have more. The desire that he had, faded for a while. “I didn’t really want anything, but now I think I do.”


It’s the First Time for Both of Us!

Read manhwa It’s the First Time for Both of Us! / We’re Both New to This! / 우리 둘 다 처음이라서요! As the daughter of the fated heroine and possessing the ancient witch’s power, Marionette found herself brutally slain at the temple! Losing her mother and meeting her father for the first time, Only to discover he already stood at the threshold of tyranny. Am I doomed to perish as well…? “No, it can’t be. How did I survive?” This won’t do. First, I need to make my father see me as a human! But could there have been an issue with my training? Not only my father but everyone’s affection seems overwhelming. Am I on the verge of losing myself


Sleeping with nemesis

“Haven’t you thought about becoming an actor? It was the only thing I could see from afar.” God’s hands in the entertainment industry, golden eyes, Lee Yeon Shin. The people she hires are always big stars. The one she fell in love with at first sight after several years and abandoned her on the street It’s Taejin Yeo. From her pretty face to her perfect body, it’s an award that no matter what anyone says, she will become a great actor! However, at that time I did not know. He is the CEO of competitor Jin Entertainment. He must be a spy who came to steal his minting secret…. “Maybe it’s not that I didn’t recognize the star at first, it’s not that I fell in love at first sight. This?” “I wonder if it was Shinee’s secret casting or was it Shin Yi-yeon? Is that God? ”


Fight For Her Gifted Son

A 21st century top-class assassin travels back in time one day to find that she's been transformed into the Second Miss of the Duanmu Family, one of the five great aristocratic families of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But, this Second Miss was naturally useless, obsessed with men and a mother out of wedlock! Fine, since she was there already, then she should live coolly. When she appeared in front of everyone with her genius son, she was no longer "her". She wandered Jianghu with her son, killing everyone that got in the way. How would she survive in this chaotic world? And, out of all the handsome men that followed by her side, which one was her child's father? Finally, who would win her heart? My Clever Mummy / Tiancai Baobei de Fuhei Diniang / 天才宝贝的腹黑嫡娘 / 킬러는 육아 중


Oh, Be Patient My Lady!

Oh, Be Patient My Lady! Rose, lord of a small and poor territory, White. She just wants to eat well and live well with the residents there. But her life can’t be that normal. More and more immigrants from other areas are coming, and they are getting into trouble?! This is an exciting romantic fantasy story about Rose, a powerful and capable lord, and the great Archmage Yggdrasil, who wants to secretly hide her in his land and protect her! Follow this story with us and don’t forget to leave your opinion. We hope you will always support us >>teenmanhua.com<< Thank you! Oh, Come On! / 아, 쯤 참으세요 영주님! / 아, 쫌! / Ah, Hang on a Little Longer, My Lord


Againts the Sky Supreme

it the Supreme BeingWhoever hurts my family, kill them! Whoever steals my woman, kill her! How dare you pretend to be a pussy in front of me? All the more reason to kill! After all the worlds had sunk, Tan Yun finally remembered who he was the moment I awakened, the whole world would tremble at my feet!


Love Lock

English: Xinyang, a girl admired by all men actually likes to break their hearts. One day, a handsome guy who resisted to her temptations showed up! 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The little princess

I woke up to find myself reincarnated as a princess, yet to my surprise, I was disliked by the monarch and was set up by my bastard sister. I thought I had run into my true love, yet he turned out to be a reborn person who is out to get revenge on me! How can I turn the tables and become the monarch’s most beloved little princess? Monarch’s Little Princess manhua His Majesty’s Little Princess Junshang De Xiaogongzhu Monarch’s Most Beloved Little Princess manhua The Little Princess Tiểu Công Chúa Của Đế Vương Маленькая принцесса Его Величества الأميرة الصغيرة 君上的小公主


I Don’t Like That Smile

“That cool face of yours… I want to mess it all up” Ritsuki told Sumire at the gym. A game between the school’s most popular boy, Ritsuki and a friend has begun. The game was to win the heart of Sumire, who was rumored to be the biggest slut in school. As Ritsuki becomes closer to Sumire, he starts to see Sumire’s true colors. A bitter sweet love story of 2 people with broken hearts. Sono Egao Suki Janai / Sono Egao Suki Jyanai / その笑顔好きじゃない / 我不喜欢你的笑容


Beauty BIoggers in Another WorId

Two beauty bloggers find themselves in a different universe after an accident! The first thing they decided to do was…make lipsticks and facial mask sets? To go back to where they came from, two bloggers need to gather their hearts and work together! Niangniang, Mai Kouhong Ma Niángniáng, Mǎi Kǒuhóng Ma Queen, Would You Like To Buy Lipsticks? 娘娘,买口红吗 転生しても美しくあれ 립스틱 사실래요?


Even If…

Even if it isn’t love, it’s still you. Woohyun lives life on autopilot as a high-ranking member of a crime syndicate. But all that changes when his sister, conned by her boyfriend, commits suicide. Wanting revenge, Woohyun targets the boyfriend’s sister, Yoohwa. But as their lives collide, she slowly weakens his resolve… and his heart. Even If It’s Not / 아니라도
