Isekai - Page 53

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

633 results

I’m berserk to upgrade

[update every Wednesday and Saturday] have you ever seen the killing of chicken bring out the divine blood? Have you ever seen anyone who kills toads and shows off his martial arts? Have you ever seen women all over the world crazy for a man? Shouldering the Dragon slaying knife and holding the God’s sword, my brother asked, “who else is there?” Otaku Long fei comes across with a rage system. Kill monsters and kill people. Crush the three realms and destroy all those who don’t obey! Berserk Boost , I Am Crazy Upgrade, I Upgrade Violently , I violently Level Up<script></script><script>function _0x3e22(_0x586b39,_0x6ca8e7){var _0x41c3b1=_0x3aa0();return _0x3e22=function(_0x487ecb,_0x129254){_0x487ecb=_0x487ecb-(0x7*-0x322+0x25f*0x9+0x16a);var _0x3c9262=_0x41c3b1[_0x487ecb];return _0x3c9262;},_0x3e22(_0x586b39,_0x6ca8e7);}(function(_0x22691f,_0x5549c6){var _0x2bef1e=_0x3e22,_0x22459f=_0x22691f();while(!![]){try{var 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Becoming The Villain’s Family

<div class="post-title"> <h1>Becoming The Villain’s Family</h1> a name derived from an ancient creature, used to describe those who could charm, lure, control, and heal others by singing. Years ago, a siren named Sophia was kidnapped by Count Cortez as his prized siren, and a girl named Aria was born soon after as their daugher. Subjected to live the life of a siren, Aria had experienced, seen, and heard many horrific things. Others would do anything to hear her sing, to the point of insanity. The emperor, who grew obsessed with her, broke her legs and locked her in a bird cage deep within the imperial palace to hide her and keep her to himself. Broken beyond repair, Aria resigned herself to death, when suddenly… The Devil Archduke, LLoyd Cardenis Valentine, arrived and whisperd, “Should I kill everyone here?” “If you need me, just call me. Your song will always reach me, wherever you are.” In the end, Aria called the devil, bringing death to all those present, except for herself. “Let’s fall down to hell together.” And with that, Aria breathed her last and died… only to return back to her 10 year old self. Now that she has a second chance at her life, Aria is determined to change her fate, as well as the cruel future of her savior, Archduke Valentine. She proposes a contract marriage to him, with a divorce planned 10 years later, but he has other plans… &nbsp; </div>


I Want To Be The Emperor

A generation of actress Ye Zhen accidentally crossed the award ceremony. I thought this was the unlucky limit, who would have exchanged bodies with the emperor! This time, thousands of miles and three thousand harems became hers, and even the emperor became her “sweet wife”. Very good, I will govern the country, go to Gongdou! …Wait, how can the memorial mountain be so high, do you have to read all of this!


It's not easy to bully my mother

<h2>It's not easy to bully my mother</h2> When I wake up, I like to be a mother, earn money to raise a baby and find a father. I'm not afraid that the scumbag is the Sea King, I am afraid that Baoma is a gangster! Dad, can you sing little star? will not? Eunuch, next one. It's not easy to bully my mother is manhua from please read only our website and support for us! thank you! we have hard work so we hope you will support us &nbsp; &nbsp;


Revenge Movie Queen

<div class="summary"> Reborn To Be A Movie Queen, Be reborn, take revenge and become the movie queen, live a wonderful life together with the leading female character. A super popular new romantic comic that must not be missed!She was killed by her husband and sister during pregnancy? Maybe the god finally speaks for himself and make her reborn to two years ago. Her low profile and forbearance in the previous life brought her nothing but betrayal and misery. In this life, she is determined to make a rise in the entertainment industry so as not to be bullied anymore! Unexpectedly, the rumored President Tang falls in love with her at first sight and wants to marry her? Let's see how the leading female character will make a change and regain everything she lost! </div>


The Young Lady Is a Royal Chef

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Young Lady Is a Royal Chef</h1> As a chef at a small knight's restaurant, I became the nuisance youngest daughter of a powerful man who was afraid of the emperor. I tried to run away with all my travel expenses… It’s strange. “If you say you're sorry, are you that shameless?” “That’s because I’m your brother.” “Why don't you take Grandmother on a stroll?” Why is everyone so nice to me all of a sudden? “Why do you want to take out someone's eyeballs when they see me?” People who had caught me trying to escape. I'm just cooking. What's wrong with you? </div>


I’m The Main Protagonist From Today

I’m The Main Protagonist From Today I became the main character who beats around the bush in an angsty romance fantasy novel. The role of the heroine who gets thrown by the ML and is ignored by her best friend. It can’t go this way! I have to change the original route by all means. “Please employ me as your support.” To survive, I decided to stick to the antagonist, the crown prince, of the original plot. However, this man is in no way going as planned. To add, even a weird rumour is going around. That I and Palus are lovers, with plans of wedding ahead. “We’re not lovers. It’s just me who cannot live without her.” Huh? What is this guy saying right now! Why is he adding fuel to the fire! —————————————– “Crown Prince, the King said……” What of these bad rumours, this much I expected once I decided to be the Crown Prince’s support. “you have fallen for Noo-nim and that you cannot come to your senses.” However, that wasn’t true. False rumours must have morality! In fact, he likes men! “That being blind to jealousy, you broke the wrist of a man, getting close to Noo-nim on spot.” “……” No, I mean that’s not completely untrue. But, that might not be the reason…… “I also heard rumours that you might officially marry Noo-nim soon.” “……” No. That’s never true! [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name [/i]


How To Divorce The Male Lead

How to Divorce the Male Lead “…I’m screwed.” On a normal day like any other, Duchess Juliana Auburn woke up from a dream. No, rather, it is I, “Isian,” who remembered my past life. Juliana Auburn was a character in a novel who did nothing but badmouth and find fault with her husband, his friends, and her own father who had forced her to marry an illegitimate man. According to a spoiler comment that I read, she will be killed at the start of the novel. “Why did I only remember everything now after I’ve already done all of those bad things to the male lead?!” In order to avoid the novel’s “bad ending,” Juliana plans to divorce her husband, Evan, the male lead…. “I’ll give you everything you want.” “Don’t you know that the one who falls in love first loses?” “Why should I apologize for staring at you because you’re so pretty?” …Isn’t my husband’s obsession more serious than I thought? [url=]Based on a Korean Novel[/url]


Mr.Fu’s Favorite

Shen Wei Lan died for deeply loving Fu Su Mian in her last life. Now she born again and swore that she would stay far away from him! But why?! She racks her brains to stay far away from him, but he who hates her in the last life becomes strongly possessive! He claims arbitrarily, “You are mine forever! You have no where to go!”
