Manhua - Page 53

Manhua refers to Chinese comics that are known for their distinctive art and storytelling techniques. With genres ranging from romance to fantasy, manhua provides a unique perspective on comic books from a Chinese cultural lens.

1454 results

A Love Contract With The Devil

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Live Broadcast, I Roam Freely In The Other World

"My name is Li Zuo, seeks death!" "All eyes are on par with me! Let me announce something~ I am a cultivator!" "Brothers, give me a rocket, and I will use the kill immortal sword to hack the magic G**!" Because of hundreds of millions of debts, Li Zuo fell down the stairs while working as a live broadcaster and traveled to another world of sword and magic, Where he obtained the live broadcast cultivation system, and became a cultivator. Making money to marry another world's rich beauty, pretending to be strong, beating people in the magic world, and reaching the pinnacle of life!


Addictive Marriage

Because of her father’s seriously ill, Ye Youyou came back home in a hurry, but unexpectedly she fell into a sham… Her mother and elder brother sold her to a man who had a record of domestic violence for money. In order not to marry that old man to pay debts for her mother, she lied that she had married a rich man. When the lie was about to be revealed, the president who they haven’t seen each other before popped?!


Turing Code

Wen Tian He had always thought that he would become an overbearing CEO. However, he turned out to be the overbearing CEO’s man


The Distinguished Cute Master

She transmigrated as the opposing boss in the novel, but she was wiped out by the male lead. Fortunately, she reincarnates once more, but back to the past, when the male lead was still young! Looking at the pitifully weak male lead, she was troubled by a dilemma. Should she: 1. kill him, or 2. raise him up and openly ask for treasures from him. However, since she wants to get all sorts of treasures from the male lead, she chose the second option. Things don’t always work out though, as she accidentally raises a sheep up to be a big bad wolf.Master? Want treasure? Let’s cultivate together, but alone, just us two, then.


Martial Peak

The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then you can breakthrough and continue on your journey to becoming the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways possible to prepare them for such a journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a mysterious black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martial world. Associated Names The Pinnacle of Martial Arts 무련전봉

1 days ago

My Clone is the Space Bug King

Read manhua My Clone is the Space Bug King; Wo De Fenshen Shi Yuzhou Chong Wang In the future, humanity has successfully left Earth and colonized various star systems, evolving into a new breed of humans who are taller and possess incredibly long lifespans. Meanwhile, Earth, the once-thriving mother planet, has been reduced to a nuclear wasteland due to overdevelopment and severe pollution. The original inhabitants still living on Earth now face an average lifespan of just 40 years, leading to widespread discrimination from the new humans. The protagonist is one of these Earth natives, but unlike others who have succumbed to despair, he works hard to become a mechanic even more skilled than the new humans. Just when he thought he could finally live a better life, he is met with betrayal and treated as cannon fodder when the cosmic insect race attacks a human outpost. However, with a burning desire for revenge, the protagonist discovers that he has been reborn as one of the cosmic insects! “My Clone is the Space Bug King” is sames name: Vũ Trụ Trùng Vương Wǒ De Fēnshēn Shì Yǔzhòu Chóng Wáng 我的分身是宇宙虫王


My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters

Read Manhua “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters”: Man And Successfully Awakens An Invincible System. However, To His Dismay, The System Leads Him Into A World Ravaged By Monsters, Where He Must Wait 500 Years Before It Activates. Just As He Is About To Lose Hope, A Monkey Demon Appears Before Him, Seeking To Become His Disciple! To Safely Survive The 500-Year Wait For The System To Activate, Chu Xuan Yan Decides To Use This Monkey, Teaching It The Terrifying Powers Of The Hell Whale And The Self-Determination Magical Arts, Ensuring The Monkey Is Fearless. Years Later, This Monkey Becomes… “My Disciples Are All Invincible Monsters” Is Alternatively Named: 我的徒弟都是无敌大妖 Read Martial Arts Manhua Recommendations: The Crazy Killer Whale’s Favourite Penguin The Ten Thousand Races Invasion: Guardian Of The Rear Find The Runaway Princess


My Underworld Boyfriend

kissed by a rogue on one night, and then I was kidnapped by a handsome guy to a strange place…what a bad luck! What's more unfortunate, I was arranged to study in a noble while violent school by that guy, who is the biggest leader of the underworld... MangaToon got authorization from Ji Guang Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


I Created a Salvation Organization

Read “I Created a Salvation Organization Novel” – “I Created a Salvation Organization Manga” Online Free At HOT MANGA The summary of the comic I Created a Salvation Organization: He got a doomsday salvation system. As long as he saves the world, he can have everything. He recruited top talents to build the Pan-Human Principle Guardian Association. He descended into the doomsday worlds as the guardian of human principles, allowing the whole world to admire him and worship him as a god. The ultimate natural disaster. The mutation frenzy. The whisper of the evil god. Thus, a huge organization spanning many worlds, taking the protection of human principles as its own responsibility and saving civilization from the fate of destruction, gradually appeared in the eyes of the world. “I Created a Salvation Organization” is also known as: Created a Salvation Organization / Wo Dazaole Jiushi Zuzhi / I Founded a Salvation Organization / Wǒ Dǎzàole Jiùshì Zǔzhī / 我打造了救世组织 The comic “I Created a Salvation Organization” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Shounen “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Love on the Clock

When she woke up, she only found herself in a state of unawareness with nothing in mind but blood. "I killed my own mother!" She shouted, like a wild monster. On the brink of her breakdown, he suddenly appeared, holding her tight and gently. "I will cure you." He decided to bet his own life to treat her from the moment they met... MangaToon got authorization from original comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
