Manhwa - Page 109

Manhwa, the Korean version of comics, is renowned for its digital format and engaging stories across genres, from romance to action and fantasy.

2940 results

I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

“I can’t promise you love, but I’ll have no other woman but you.” I thought it would be okay. Even if he didn’t love me, I thought my love would make our marriage happy. But that naive wish was soon shattered. Because Lizzena, Raymond’s first love, came back with a kid. “Lize is trying to make her child be the First Prince,” he told me. “Let’s get a divorce.” I decided to abandon him. *** “What?” Raymond’s eyes shook violently as if he didn’t understand my words. His agitation, seen for the first time, for some reason made me feel relieved. I opened my lips to him again with a soft smile: “I want to leave you. So Raymond, let’s stop now. Divorce me.” It was the end of a long unrequited love. Associated Names 당신의 후회는받지 않겠습니다


How To Tame A Dangerous Husband

The man surrounded by rumors that he’s the ugliest man of the century, he’s half-killed people because of his violent personality, he’s a psychopath, yes, was quite a dangerous man.


Don’t Trust the Heroine

Read manhwa Don’t Trust the Heroine / 여주를 믿지 마세요! She was reincarnated into a novel as the villainess’ supporter and died a tragic death after harassing the heroine. To avoid her death, she gave everything to Suzanne, the heroine and helped her get her happy ending. But… “Think back on your sins. You are convicted of attempted murder, high treason…” She was betrayed in the end… “Goodbye, foolish countess. Ah, I forgot that you’re not a countess anymore,” Suzanne chuckled. The heroine’s vicious nature, which she learned on the brink of her death. At that last moment, she thought. ‘If I was given another chance, I…’ * * * “No way! …I returned?” She went back to the day before she met the heroine. The worst mistake she had made in her previous life. [History is written by the victors.] She will no longer be the heroine’s s*ave. She swears to come out victorious and have her own happy ending!


Dominant Castle

Read manhwa Dominant Castle / 도미넌트 캐슬 The door to the old castle that had been closed for a long time was opened. Jeyeon goes to study the numerous works of art hidden there and experiences something strange. The owner of the old castle appears at the moment when the beautiful castle appears to be a miserable ruin. For some reason, he shows a strange interest in Je-yeon…


The Lost Stiletto Affair

Read manhwa The Lost Stiletto Affair / I’m in Love (INO) / 初体験なので、俺の責任取ってください / 爱情,进行时 / 사랑, 하고 있어 After her ex-boyfriend dumps her to marry the boss’s daughter, Cha Eunseo swears off love and gets a job at a rival company for a fresh start. But her plan goes awry when she has a one-night stand with her new sexy CEO, Lee Wonwoo! Eunseo runs from the hotel, leaving behind a heel that Wonwoo uses to find her. She wants nothing to do with him, but his interest in her only grows. With such a fervent suitor, can Eunseo stay away from love? Or can Wonwoo bring her the happy ending she wanted?



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Gorgeous Robe

Read Manhua Gorgeous Robe / Huali De Paozi / Huálì De Páozi Zheng Heyue Is An Illegitimate Child Who Must Remain Unseen. She Had Lived A Peaceful Life With Her Mother When She Was Young. But Everything Changed On Her 10Th Birthday When Explosion Took Away All Of Her Loved Ones. But It Wasn’t An Accident, It Was Murder! Determined To Avenge Her Family, She Hid Her Identity And Adopts The Name Jiang Qiutian. After Enduring Many Years Of Hardship, She Finally Steps Into The Mansion Where Her Mother’s Killer Resides, And Her Long-Awaited Revenge Is About To Begin. “Gorgeous Robe Manhua” Is Another Name: 华丽的袍子


The Life Of An Evil Empress

Read manhwa The Life Of An Evil Empress / 황녀가 깽판 침 I am an abandoned princess No, she was an abandoned princess. Until I met my lovely moneylender, the Marquis Joseph Patello. “If Your Highness wishes, we may throw the imperial family into the abyss.” Yeah, I can’t back off so easily. It’s time to take revenge on those who have looked down on me and reign as emperor. “Marquis Joseph, I will give you a chance to become my knight.” Now, let’s start a joke that pretends to be a comeback, shall we?


Marriage Of Convenience

결혼 장사 / The Marriage Business Bianca De Blanchefort. The Wife Of Zachary De Arno, Thrown Out Of Arno Family After His Death Due To Her Self-Indulgent, Frivolous, And Immoral Behavior. She Had Nowhere To Go, The Blanchefort Family Having Already Fallen To Ruin, And Was More Or Less Kicked To A Convent Out In The Border. A Woman Who Ultimately Met Her End On A Cold Stone Floor. A Villainess With No Honor: That Was Bianca’s Life Before She Went Back In Time. “Is This Truly Reality? Did I Really Travel Back To The Past?” This Was Neither A Dream Nor A Hallucination. This Feeling Of Hunger, Fatigue, The Vivid Sense Of Everything Around Her… This Was All Real. If This Was Indeed Reality… If God Truly Gave Her One More Precious Chance…! ‘I’m Going To Carry Out A Business. A Marriage Is A Business In The End. Zachary’s Child Will Be The Perfect Source Of Financial Support. I’m Sure My Dowry Will Remain Safe Too. I Won’t Have To Lose The Blanchefort Or Arno Territories To That Damned Viscount Either.’ Then Whether It Be Through Seduction Or Persuasion, She Needed To Give Birth To Her Husband, Zachary’s Child. “How Much Was My Dowry Exactly?” “400 Calves, 900 Pigs, 100 Units Of Silverware, 300 Rolls Of Silk, 2 Crates Of Jewels, And A Portion Of A Territory… Equivalent To A Two-Year Budget For The Arno County.” “Don’t You Think You Should Compensate For That?” Alternative Name 결혼 장사 / The Marriage Business


Once Wicked, Always Wicked

Read manhwa Once Wicked, Always Wicked / 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다 I am a successful woman in her 30’s excelling at her career. But I guess the tables turn when life seems too perfect. It is just my luck that I woke up as Camilla Elchasis, a character in my favorite novel whose life is filled with trouble. After possessing Camilla’s body, I first need to get rid of my ridiculous fiancé and his mistress who are fooling around in my house. I must also deal with my half-sister and father who wish to kill me. Meanwhile, why is Duke Caliet so obsessed with me? “You started it, so I’ll finish it.”


Maxed Out Leveling

Read Manhwa Maxed Out Leveling Online For Free At KunManga Maxed Out Leveling Manga also known as “EXCEEDING MAX LEVEL / Level up From Max Level / Leveling Beyond the Max / カンストからのレベルアップ / 一級武林至尊 / 从满级开始升级 / 만렙부터 레벨업”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Endlessea and illustrations by Kimsanglok / studioM. The content of the comic Maxed Out Leveling: After a car crash mysteriously transports him to a land of martial arts, Cha Shinhyun trains for 140 years and becomes the strongest being in Murim. But when he returns to Earth, it’s nothing like he remembers. Though he is finally reunited with his sister, the home he once knew is now filled with people called “hunters” who defeat monsters to level up their powers in a constant race for survival. Now he must start back at level 1 and work to exact revenge on the person who altered his fate! The comic Maxed Out Leveling belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gender Bender, Historical, Manhwa, Martial Arts, Murim, Supernatural, System Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Deadline Is Raining in the Status Window Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife


I Tamed The Male Lead Who Tried To Kill Me

Read manhwa I Tamed the Male Lead Who Tried to Kill Me Latia’s family took in Karshian when his father went on a maritime expedition, but after rumors go around that he’s dead, they treat him like a parasite. Egged on by her sadistic parents and desperate for their approval, Latia bullies Karshian relentlessly. However, when Karshian’s father returns as a national hero and powerful duke, Karshian gets his revenge by executing Latia’s entire family! As she recalls her last moments, she realizes that her family had been lying to her all along. So when she’s thrown back into the past, she’s determined to prevent her death and treat Karshian right this time. But this won’t be easy when Karshian distrusts Latia’s every move. Will Latia be able to win over Karshian and turn the tables on her family this time around, or is she doomed to die once more?
