A mysterious boy lies naked and unconscious on the street. The story begins when ninth grader, Ai Oomori, and his third grader brother, Seigi, find him. This boy has no memory of the past and doesn\'t even know his real name. He is like a little baby. Ai names this boy Makoto and takes him back home. Makoto has superhuman physical powers and can even recover quickly from injuries. Who is Makoto? Makoto is easygoing and not at all bothered by everyone\'s curiosity. Until that is he is pursued by a cruel woman who disguises herself as a spider. A neo sapiens, this spider woman has been dispatched by a mystery organization called, \"Love & Peace.\" Her mission is to bring back Makoto dead or alive. Source: MU
Last Love Once More / Last Phase Love Law / Mo Shi Lian Ai Fa Ze / 末世恋爱法则 Mu Yiran, an orphan girl, died with hatred in the post-Apocalyptic era. After getting a rebirth by chance, she goes back to three days before Doomsday and changed her destiny. She has managed to deal with the mistress and the guy who two-timed her in this life. She has obtained a unique space used for cultivators/immortals and uses it to stock as many supplies as possible within a relic of a pendant. Still, accidentally, things never go as planned, she suddenly gained a stepdad, obtained a massive inheritance, and she offends the strongest Marshal of the post-Apocalyptic era known in China, Ling Changqing with his protagonist Aura as he starts to take an interest in her daily menacing events. “Girl, you have no way to run!” “Ah!! this pervert! why does he keep chasing me!!” The romantic story between the stone-faced icy Marshal and the girl who is an Immortal cultivator therefore now begins.
Read “The Lost City of Alien Beasts” on Manhuatop! Get daily updates and enjoy the latest chapters of this thrilling Action Manhua The summary of the story “The Lost City of Alien Beasts” In the heart of the isolated island, a murderous intent surges. The city of despair reaches its end, with no escape in sight. Only by embracing death can one truly come to life, achieving ultimate mastery through nine cycles. If the blueprint of fate can be altered, even with the slightest chance—one in a million—we will fight with everything we have, battling to the very end, for the sake of hope! The alternative name for “The Lost City of Alien Beasts” 异兽迷城
Amber is an author desperate for a best-seller, but while trying to write a new idea, she dies in an accident. The next time she opens her eyes, she is the main character inside her own unfinished novel! High school was hell for Amber, and fictional life inside her book is worse--her novel was a thriller where the heroine is pursued by a love-obsessed psychopath! 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It’s easy to overlook the extras in a novel, but when one avid reader wakes up in the body of “extra” extraordinaire Princess Lyla, she’s ready to shed the side character image and step into her mightiest form! Armed with hidden magic more potent than the empire of Belliana has ever seen, Lyla is ditching the palace in favor of a nobler mission–protecting her bias at all costs! Now she must rescue Fian, dreamy descendant of the Kylon Dragon Empire, so he can have his happy ending with the story’s heroine. That is, assuming the heroine is still Princess Helene… This Overpowered Extra Will Change Your Life / 脇役だけどチートキャラなんで、人生変えて差し上げます! / 먼치킨 엑스트라 / 먼치킨 엑스트라가 인생을 바꿔드립니다
One more shot at life! After her untimely demise, Xue Rong is rewarded with the chance to be reincarnated — but this time as some sort of cute, furry creature! She soon realizes that not only is she in the distant past, but also smack dab in the middle of an academy full of beautiful men!
The protagonist, wandering the martial world with a secret of the red dot, has a fateful encounter with a legendary figure and joins the Beggars\' Sect. The master who imparted absolute martial arts to the protagonist meets a mysterious death. With the death of the master, who was the pillar of the beggars, the Beggars\' Sect gradually declines. In response, the protagonist decides to leave the sect, investigate the master\'s death, and create a new Beggars\' Sect that will not be looked down upon.
Yang Li, a modern man, finds himself crossing into the Primordial World, where destiny takes unexpected turns. What starts as an ordinary journey soon becomes legendary as he outwits celestial beings, subdues sages, and rescues the world from catastrophe. A story of wit, power, and unshakable determination awaits!
A genius disguiser. A master of escape. One day, Grand Duke Hexen, the known tyrant of the battlefield, came to visit the genius swindler and death-row prisoner, Viper, who had stirred the Empire. “Hey, I need you to help me a little.” “How can I help you?” “I want to try to become the Emperor.” “…Huh? You?” Someone known as the disgrace of the Imperial Family. The crazy northern dog. The tyrant of the battlefield. What am I supposed to do with someone who has muscles for a brain? “You must find a way for me to become the emperor. Or else there will be death.”
Legendary SSS-rank hunter Kang Tae-ha finally met his end. But just as he prepares to enter eternal sleep, he awakens once more in… imperial China?! Now, he must live as Liu Xinyun, the delinquent heir to a powerful company. All he wants to do is put his hunting days behind him, but in order to survive his new power-hungry relatives, Xinyun must hone his skills again, starting from level one. Can his own unique blend of necromancy and martial arts take him from useless bum to ultimate boss?
The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin is a Manhwa in (English/Raw) language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.com fastest updating comic site. The Summary is Cyan Vert, the best assassin of the continent, meets a pitiful death after having been betrayed by his own brother, whom he had trusted all his life. If I were given another chance at life, I would live it differently. I would only trust myself, and achieve all the things I want on my own without serving anyone else but myself. That is how I was given a second chance at life. The Cyan Vert, a shadow who lived for others, is no more. I will now pave a path on my own, for myself!
After the first Gate opened in 2018, Lim Dae-In survived for 20 years on Earth while being connected to other dimensions. The day after his long-awaited retirement celebration, he regresses by 20 years, back to when he had nothing…