Enren Debut is a one-shot that takes place 11 months after the end of Koukou Debut. Sequel of Kokou Debut, Enren Debut tells what happens during the Golden Week time after Yoh left for college in Tokyo. Its been sometime since Yoh left and Haruna had to start another part-time job to keep her expenses in check. In addition her new manager is a total jerk who keeps her reminding that her Long-Distance Love won't last long. What will happen to Haruna's insecurities in her Long-Distance Love Debut?
Yuudai, being a son of a family that makes fireworks really wanted to turn eighteen so that he could finally be able to help out in their family business. His childhood friend Hana, also wanted the same thing to make Yuudai happy. Little did Hana know, that for Yuudai, being with her again is the most happiest thing that could ever happen to him. And she also doesn't know how much he is suffering to after a tragic incident that separated their paths. --from sakurakisses
Kubou Yuki likes a girl in her that has and angel-like appearance whose name is Hoshino Miho. One day, Kubou confessed his feelings.. that's when he saw Miho's devil-like attitude under her angel-like appearance?!
Akito and Sakuya compete over everything from how fast their hair grows to who can hold out the longest sexually!
From Intercross: When Tousaka-kun helps Hiyori out of a troublesome situation, it leaves such an impression on her that she wants to be with him always. But then Hiyori hears that Tousaka-kun is transferring. Can Hiyori handle the distance that slowly begins to grow between the two of them?
The Nightmare of Fabrication is a beautifully drawn full-colour manga from Yoshitoshi ABe. The 18 page short story can be found in the Lain Omnipresence in Wired artbook. It's a bonus story which apparently isn't related with neither the anime nor the PS game. It shows characters who were included in the PS game but not in the TV series (like the psychiatrist), but also determinant characters from the anime who didn't appear in the videogame (like Deus).
A short one shot about a girl named Natsuki, who wonders about the world after the death of her father.
Mr. Sakaki and Ms. Ousaka investigate the case of the serial scribbler!
Yotsuya-Sensei likes to tell stories, and his most recent one stems from the mysterious death near the school. Now the question is... was it a suicide or was it something more sinister?
Kanae tries to make friends with Tomoko by turning her into a real-life 3-D puzzle.