Set in an alternate world, we follow a group of friends as they encounter and deal with the many absurdities within the city of Woodbridge. Whether or not they\'ll stop these elusive figures for good is up to question, because these villains come from places most wouldn\'t expect! Be sure to support @sekora2000 on IG, Tiktok, Twitter, and Patreon!
Amara is a girl who doesn’t have such a great life. But she manages, til an ill fated day..I
Enchanters possess special talents that set them apart from the average human. They are recognized by their ability to manipulate Chi. However, some use their abilities for personal gain. Some rise against Enchanters to uncover the secrets of the world. Others seek to become the highest power or simply wish to erase Enchanters from existence. Even if it’s destiny, karma, or nature, in the Enchanter world, one must understand the blur between life and death.
This work takes its own route from the original \"Oshi no Ko\" manga from chapter 158. It portrays a daily life of Aqua and Ruby. What whould happen if Fuyuko Niino actually stabbed Ruby Hoshino, being envious of young idol\'s success?
The National Agency for Combating Elementals (NACE) achieved a long-awaited victory against the most dangerous and ruthless spirit in history — Inferno. Yet, the spirit proved more cunning than expected: instead of perishing, it abandoned its physical form and escaped, gaining newfound freedom. Its next host became Niro Kasai — a gifted teenager with a tragic past and a passion for taekwondo. But the delicate balance of his life is shattered: within him now burns the immense power of Inferno, threatening to consume not just him but the entire world. Niro has become a ticking time bomb. Can he tame the flames that crave destruction, or will Inferno take full control, transforming the boy into a vessel of chaos?
In a world where humanity is struggling to fight off the demon threat due to the difference in magic between them, the humans choose to summon heroes from another world, hoping the heroes\' unique magic can save them. But, both the \"heroes\", and the world they were summoned to, are more complex than they seem...
In a quirky convenience store known for having everything, a weary cashier faces a daily parade of strange customers. \"Damn it, and it\'s minimum wage too!\", the cashier complains while ringing up a di*do.
Xialys seems like typical a second-year college student. She\'s living with her freshman girlfriend who worked hard to get into the same school as her. But they both have some...problems. So maybe there\'s much more in store for their futures than just each other. Maybe, Xialys is destined to meet someone special, someone just as seemingly \"typical\" as she is.
This is a original story set in the world of Jojo\'s Bizarre Adventure. In 1992, a small town in Canada called Planck\'s Creek is faced with the untimely death of a young woman, Patsy Paula. In this town that is a lot stranger than it seems, her childhood friends take on a bizarre adventure to unravel the mystery of her death.
A romance about two stubborn people that like each other.
A so·cial op·er·a·tor 1. An individual involved in mending the balance of the welfare of human beings in society. Zuoh Cidio a man with a hanged mans Past answers the call of a troubled high school girl. Together they walk through the horrors of the commonfolk.