Gu Ann, an artificial intelligence robot, is capable of travelling between virtual worlds. Her job is to avenge hosts and crack whoever fails them. She talks little, but moves ferociously. Whatever you scums obtain regardless of moral and manner, I will crash them with the flick of a finger. Vengeance Of The Omnipotent AI manhua Omnipotent AI’s Strategy to Punish Scums Quán Néng AI Nüè Zhā Gōng Lüè Supreme AI System 全能AI虐渣攻略
In the Republic of China, famous Shanghainese author Xu Youyi has everything anyone could want-- until the day an anonymous letter arrives, revealing the truth behind her perfect life. Betrayed by both her best friend and her husband, she meets Yan Wei, the outwardly cold but inwardly warm owner of a photography studio. They click instantly, both independent yet in harmony with one another. Growing closer in the turbulent dangers that surround them, the two different women soothe the scars within each other's heart. 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Soo Ah gave up her dream of becoming an artist due to her parents’ opposition, Jade came to Korea to find her mother who had never seen her face since her father’s death. She works as Butler at the Yuchae School, a noble school attended by Soo Ah .Looking for traces of his mother, Jade meets Soo Ah, who hangs on her dreams, helping her out, the developing feelings of love.
A princess cursed by God for a lifetime! My king, why did you stab me with your sword? If I do it again, can my knight still guard me till the end? Even if... Even if I am punished by God, my destiny is doomed to death. But I still love the world, love the sunshine, love this dessert, love my king, love my little skirt, and love the knight. Her Highness the Princess of Deific Punishment / Her Highness, the Princess of Divine Punishment / Shén Chéng De Gōng Zhǔ Diàn Xià / The Princess Of Punishment / 神惩的公主殿下 /1/
The cursed war is over. Three years have passed. It seems like this rural village has finally settled down… But now, some bear-like vagrant barges into our restaurant, spouting nonsense. “I’ve come to repay a debt I owe your father from the war.” And yet, this guy doesn’t even know what he supposedly owes. My father passed away during the war, so there’s no way to ask him! I told him to just leave, but this vagrant says: “How much do you want? I’ll pay whatever you ask.” Do I look like I lack pride, even if I’m short on money? “Forget the money, pay it back with labor.” “…With my body, or someone else’s? Either way, I can—” “Just go chop some onions!”
<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">She had thought that she met the love of her life, he had thought that he could give her the perfect life. But fate is always messing around, in the end , who's truly in love? Who will be happy again? If she had the opportunity she'd rather have met him sooner, if he had the opportunity, he'd rather fall love with her sooner.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>
Miyanaga Saki is a high school freshman who doesn’t like mahjong. Ever since she was a child, she would lose her New Year’s gift money during her family mahjong game. If she won, her parents would be upset, and if she lost, well, she lost. As a result, she’s learned to play in such a way that her score always remains plus/minus zero: not good enough to win, but not bad enough to lose. When we meet her, she’s being dragged to her school’s mahjong club by an old friend. How will a girl who hates mahjong, yet has become adept at the game as a result of her upbringing, survive in this environment?
<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">The infamous Big Demon actually accepted a 4-year-old female apprentice! Do you want to see Demon raise a baby? The 4-year-old female apprentice said that she didn't really think much about it. She was just a female college student who accidentally transverse into a book. What's the matter with her fate and grievances and Xiuxian Daguai? But this villain Demon Lord seems to have something hidden...</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>
<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px expanded"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">For eleven years, Sayeh has resided in the sultan’s harem, staying out of sight and doing her best to avoid attracting any attention. All that changes when one night, she happens across the sultan’s path and is called to his bedchamber… But just when all seems lost for Sayeh, news of a sudden revolt by the ninth prince, Kainer, rocks the palace. Under Kainer’s rule, all the other women are set free from the harem, and Sayeh hopes that her freedom may finally be within reach as well. Instead, the newly crowned sultan pays her a personal visit, expressing feelings for Sayeh that she never could've imagined. But does Kainer’s love offer her salvation or ruin…?</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="head">Other Name: La flor del Sultán / Sultan's Flower / 술탄의 꽃 / The Sultan's Love</div>
Read Care Sheet Manhwa / 케어시트 on Mangazin. Jung Jun, the ultimate social butterfly who finds making friends easier than breathing. After transferring schools five times, he finally meets the girl of his destiny, Lee Yoonhwa. The only way to win over the icy goddess Yoonhwa is to use her deskmate, reptile enthusiast Lee Dayeon! However, for Jung Jun, who has a phobia of animals, Dayeon, the “reptile girl,” is nothing short of a source of shock and terror. Can Jung Jun overcome the overwhelming charm of the rare exotic pets that constantly surround him and safely reach Yoonhwa?
<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> I possessed someone in a depraved adult BL novel and met the young obsessive male lead (Top). After being bullied by the bottom for years, he turns to a darker path in his adulthood and becomes the crown prince, indulging in imprisonment, obsession and all sorts of heinous adult past-times. Hmm… Then if the bottom never bullied the top, it would have a happy ending, right? — For the bottom’s happy future, I met the young obsessive male lead top… and he was super cute?! ‘Oh, my heart. He’s like a furry baby predator.’ My baby, I shall protect you! I fed, raised and even introduced the insecure obsessive male lead top to the bottom. ‘Big Sis, I don’t like that bastard. He’s disgusting.’ Of course the bottom was hesitant at the beginning, but the two ended up a little closer. I left with peace of mind. I hoped that my favourite character would lead a happy lives with each other, but, despite my intentions- A few years later, I heard that an obsessive male lead was sweeping through the battlefield looking for me. — With a height reaching almost 190cm, shoulders as wide as a wild beast and black hair with the scent of blood, Sislin held my waist with a look in his eyes akin to that of a freshly captured beast. ‘Annette is tiny.’ Red eyes tinged with madness turned towards me. ‘But I’m not.’ — Heinley undid my ribbon with his bright red lips. Swish – I could hear the thin cloth rub against each other as it came undone. ‘You promised not to leave me behind.’ Purple irises with a hauntingly beautiful smile. ‘What kind of punishment should I give… to a naughty child that breaks her promises?’ — He was a stranger, the man who ‘proposed’ to me with countless slaves caged up behind him. ‘It’s a present. You wished to raise a smart pet, after all.’ All I did was raise some boys for a happy ending, but these obsessive male leads want to eat me alive. Why? What happened…? </div> </div> <h2 class="h4">Read manhwa The Obsessive Male Leads Wants to Eat Me / 집착 광공들이 잡아먹으려고 해 / The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive</h2>