The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.
Akaba Ken is a top-rank stock-car driver who was involved in a horrific accident, which killed 6 spectators. He was badly hurt, but he survived and promised his younger sister that he would give up racing. He goes to America to help his father develop a new Formula 1 racer, but in the testing of the car runs at speeds that set records – so the pressure is on for him to return to racing, this time in the F-1 circuit. He has supporters, but there are also those who don’t want him to come back, including those who caused the original crash…
Story about Makoto Osawa, a university student on the regatta (rowing) team. He and his friend have dominated the intercollegiate competition for the double scull. Along with his friend's girlfriend (and team manager) Misao , the team has dreams of participating in an Olympic competition. But his friend's death in a racing accident leaves Makoto broken up, and he has to deal with pulling himself together as well as facing the trials of love and friendship.
Honey Senior, Darling Junior is an endearing collection of four short stories about the inevitability of love. Chapters 1 - 3) School is ending and two friends Hikaru and Tsuyoshi decide to go on a road trip together to make one last, good memory. Chapter 4) Chikato and Yo-o are fellow track runners with great potential. However, when Yo-o suffers a permanent leg injury, Chikato sticks by his friend through the good times and bad. Chapter 5) Niwa is considered the school weirdo. Only one fellow student, Sako, shows any compassion and understanding. Chapter 6) Ushio lives out lonely days in his hometown waiting for his cousin Kei to return home on university holidays. What do all these couples have in common? Through all their laughter and tragedies, they discover a deep bond with each other they never knew existed...a bond that will last forever. Love is everywhere, but more importantly love is inevitable.
Because of the two senpais passionate affections towards each other, there isn’t any new recruit for the Archery Club. As a result, the club might be disbanded. However, there might be hope if the two freshmen, who have been studying archery for over ten years, join the club. Will the boys agree to join a club that has only three members and without a consultant? And will their relationship advance to the next stage? Includes a one-shot of a sweet love confession between a sensei and an intern.
Ryuuzaki is the athletic teams idol, but having been called a 'mermaid' by the Swim teams Toya, he becomes determined to find out why... Watch as the story between these two individuals collides in this highschool-romance By Mango
From Tenshi-Tachi: Tsukasa Miyu's life revolved around only one thing--swimming. She gets admitted to Tenkai Academy on a swimming scholarship. However, before the start of high school, she encounters Suzuki Aoi and gets drawn into a world that doesn't involve just swimming anymore...
Desperate for a group to fit in, clumsy Elena auditions for her school's Rhysmyth team by mistake. All of a sudden, Elena must compete in one-on-one dance-offs across a grid with disappearing blocks. Embracing style and precision, Elena discovers a new self and even love in the world of dance!
Kokura Hikari is a first-year high school girl who loves rifle shooting. She entered Chidori High School because it had a shooting club, but finds that the club had been disbanded. She had only one day to find enough members to reform the club, but luckily was able to find three other first-year girls who she had met at a competition in middle school. Thus begins the daily activities of the Chidori High Shooting Club.
Marumi was accepted into her high school through her Kyudo (Japanese Archery) skills, but recently, her growing bre**** are getting in the way. Now, she has been forced to quit Kyudo and is now on the brink of being kicked out of her high school due to her not so stellar grades. Her teacher recommended her to a club known as "Rikijo," a female sumo wrestling club. Will Marumi be able to keep up with this new club?
Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life. After his father's death, a former-boxer Yakuza man taught him how to do a basic punch, and that punch saved his life when he had to defend himself from his mom's drug dealer. He ended up taking the drug dealer's life, marking him as a killer. Criminals continued to come after him, leading to more tragedy for the people who attempted to care for him. All of this drove him to ask that same former boxer to teach him to become stronger, which led him to a rundown gym, his door to the world of pro boxing!