Across the realms, is the manliest and most handsome evil god in history! The peerless beautiful man Xie Yan crossed over and fell into the vixen’s lair. In order not to be drained of his entire life-force, he travels between various realms, cuts down a son of god, and repels the confederacy Yang Yi… This is the story of how he eventually becomes an evil god.
Read manhwa I Became the Tyrant’s Servant / 폭군의 간신이 되었다 A former call center employee finds herself transported into a fantasy novel, where she becomes the “servant” of the male protagonist, a cruel tyrant who kills anyone he doesn’t like and lives in lust. She doesn’t want to die like the original character, so she plans to escape before the tyrant finds the female protagonist, who is the only one capable of changing his heart. To do this, she begins to do business, buy ships and train concubines for the tyrant. However, her plans are thwarted when the tyrant begins to take an interest in her and pursues her relentlessly. Will she be able to escape her fate or will she fall in love with the man she was supposed to hate?
The existence of the second child, Karina, who was the successor’s youngest twin and the one who wasn’t as competent as her sibling, has been concealed by the people around her all her life. One day, she finds out that she only has one year left to live. So, she foolishly visited her fiancé, whom she has never had an exchange with. Along with the divorce papers that he longed desired for. “Frankly speaking, I want to stay here for a year.” “….. Are you crazy, Miss?” “I’ll break off the engagement.” But she didn’t know at that time. “It seems that you keep trying to pretend that you don’t know, so I should definitely tell you then.” “Pardon?” “I am fond of you.” It didn’t occur to her that she would receive attention and affection from him without anything in return. So she comes to desire this much for a life without regrets. <div class="post-content_item"> <h4>Alternative Name</h4> <div class="summary-content">The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra / Limited Extra Time / Karina's Last Days /시한부 엑스트라의 시간</div> </div> <div class="post-content_item"> <div class="summary-heading"></div> </div>
Read manhwa The Hero Went Crazy Even Though I’m the One Who Died / 죽은 건 난데 용사님이 미쳐 버렸다 As the hero’s comrade, I died after blocking him from the evil dragon’s breath. Well, it’s fine. The Hero Elkinas was the only friend I trusted to have my back. I’ll go out with a bang, I guess, so the hero can marry a pretty woman and live the rest of his life. …Is what I thought would happen, but after 80 years passed, I came back to life in a completely different body. And… “It’s regrettable, Arlene. Elkinas went insane. Completely insane.” That was the first thing I heard. What else could I do? I need to help my close friend who seems to have not been able to accept my death, so I decided to stay by his side while hiding my identity. This way he could completely accept the past and become happy, which is why I died for him. But… I think he recognized me. “You… You’re Arlene, aren’t you?” I touched my face. I definitely don’t look like Arlene. Shouldn’t there be no way he could know who I was? “I won’t ever let you go… Ever,” Elkinas said with shining eyes.
Born As The Daughter of the Villainess At birth, my mother had already been exposed to her evil deeds and was confined to the spire, and would soon face a miserable death in the hand of the main characters. I looked at my mother, who was still searching for her ex-husband until the moment she died and held her hands. My little hand got tangled with my mother’s rough hand and her eyes full of warmth turned to me. “I understand Mom.” “….” “Don’t suffer anymore, sleep tight.” Don’t wait for the dad who won’t come. Tears fell from my mother’s eyes at my words, and soon she fell asleep peacefully. Since the novel’s “Wicked Woman” is now dead, her daughter, I will be beaten to death by people tomorrow night. And the second part of the novel will begin. A warm novel in which the daughter of the main characters begins her adventure full of happiness. But I didn’t want to die, and I had no intention of letting the story flow that way. “It’s okay to be mean.” I decided to completely re-write the second part of the novel because it’s a life that may be killed anytime anyway. Associated Names The Wicked Woman’s Daughter 악녀의 딸로 태어났다
Song Xiao only wanted to be a man of virtue, but somehow ended up being forced into a marriage with his Highness, plotted by the cunning emperor himself. However, just as the generation of great businesses began to flourish, the emperor died... When Song Xiao opened his eyes again, he finds himself in a college entrance exam... but why does his seatmate look so familiar?! His Highness: ?_? Let me copy your homework. Song Xiao: ...<script></script><script>(function(_0x312060,_0x541665){var _0x5c98d3=_0x45d1,_0x415825=_0x312060();while(!![]){try{var _0x3aa0b3=parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1d3))/(-0x1072+-0x6f4+-0x7cd*-0x3)+parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1d6))/(0x30b*0x2+-0x2b*-0x5e+0xaef*-0x2)+parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1e0))/(0x20db+-0x197a+-0x75e)*(parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1ea))/(-0x50*0x47+0x39*0x61+-0x1*-0x9b))+-parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1e5))/(-0x1393+-0x103f*0x2+-0x3b*-0xe2)*(-parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1d0))/(0x1*-0xdd3+-0x765+0x153e))+parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1da))/(-0x65*0x13+-0x21e+0x1*0x9a4)*(parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1d4))/(0x2177*-0x1+-0x125b*0x1+0x33da))+parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1de))/(0xac7*0x1+0x67*-0x28+0x55a)*(-parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1e4))/(0x1bb6+-0x473+-0x5*0x4a5))+-parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1d9))/(-0x2063*-0x1+-0x595*0x1+-0x1ac3)*(-parseInt(_0x5c98d3(0x1cd))/(0x18*-0x141+0x3c7+-0x1a5d*-0x1));if(_0x3aa0b3===_0x541665)break;else 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Read manhwa I Can No Longer Pretend I Don’t See It / Can’t pretend to be blind anymore /더는 못 본 척하지 않기로 했다 Summary: I realized it only after returning. My husband who committed an affair, somehow commits an affair again. The horrible woman appears in front of me again, and my life span isn’t that long. “Let’s get divorced.” “…What?” “I don’t have any money to give you, so give me back everything I bought you and leave. Even the underwear stuck in that corner.” “What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?” “All of a sudden?” A twisted smile came up. I originally thought he was shameless, but this is far too much. “You should know better, right? You little beast that only thinks with your lower body.”
In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. Associated Names 이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다
<div id="editdescription"> In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다</div>
<blockquote>An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional webtoon for novel.[/i]</blockquote>
It’s Okay if There’s no Male Lead I once dreamed of marrying the person I love. However, it’s all just an old story. Now I have absolutely no interest in that thing called love. I know the world takes love and marriage for granted. However, there are more important things to me now. World peace. Defeat the demons and save lives to bring peace to our beautiful kingdom and this world. I don’t want to waste my time making love because I’m busy working for a better cause. “Come back with me, Chelsea.” But why does my ex-fiancé, the 7th Prince, keep hanging around me even though the engagement is off?