The story follows Geon Woo Park, a shy and cute boy...
Singer-songwriter, Tetsuta, became unable to sing because of throat surgery, a step before his major debut. After turning down his friend who asked him to compose a song, he goes to the sea and meets Nagi, a young man who runs a restaurant with his father. This mysterious youth invites Tetsuta to their restaurant and listens to his troubles, which ended with him staying the night. Tetsuta hears Nagi’s singing voice and receives an electrifying impact from within his body. For the first time in his life, he wants someone else to sing the songs he composed.
Kang Seong Woon was a poor but ordinary college student. Suddenly, his mother goes missing, and he is forced to do anything for money. He takes a break from school and starts working as a part-time when a mysterious person named Seo Beom-eui appeared before his eyes. He thought the man was just a random annoying bar customer, but for some reason he keeps ending up by Seong Woon's side, and a superpower organization is also keeping an eye on Seong Woon... Will Seong Woon be able to return to his days as an ordinary college student?
A series of one-shots set in a world that seems to be mostly like ours... but with centaurs. The stories are all about human/centaur interaction, and most have a slice of life feel to them. Some are sweet and innocent, some a little sad, a couple are explicit. Featuring est em's typical deceptively simple, masterful composition and writing.
From Yaoi Sekai : Yukishiro works in the business department of a big company and has recently become an executive manager at such a young age. He has great expectations from the people around him and he is very popular too, but he has a secret. The only one who knows about that is Saotome, his subordinate, who is Yukishiro's kouhai since high school. Saotome has always known this secret and kept protecting Yukishiro. Although he is very clever, he works only for Yukishiro's sake. Worrying about Saotome, Yukishiro decided to open up only to him, but one rainy day, he meets the vice-president Hiiragi by chance, and the gears of destiny start to go crazy for him...
"The payment for a wish is sexual activity." The demon that suddenly appeared in front of me wants a contract with my body...! The demon's amazing technique brings hopeless pleasure...!?+
The warrior who helped save the world five years ago is left feeling empty. Deacon, a former warrior, has since been reduced to a beggar. Hoping to earn for a living, he signs a contract to work as a research assistant for a wizard named Lagavi..."Five years ago, you were dealing with so much more. You are the only one who can cope in an event of an emergency. So, please do your best", the wizard said as he smiled innocently.Little did Deacon know, nothing was what he'd initially expected~
Sachi and Kotetsu are best friends since high school and now they’re working together as Writer and Mangaka. Kotetsu’s family is really strict so he doesn’t have any experienced before. To be able to draw all the sex scenes, Sachi has to be his model figure.
From Baka-Updates: A very short (2 page) oneshot focusing on the idea of "eros" (passion, longing, love), and the narrator's own preferred definition.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard one day..." A countryside boy and a city boy, together 24/7. Ayumu seems to always be making passes at Hiromi, but is he even aware of this "unconscious sexual harassment?" And when they both end up at Ayumu's house one day, can Hiromi hold off his advances...?
Out of simple curiosity, Jaeyoung entered an adult DVD rental store. But when he first met the store owner Taesub, he fell head-over heels in love with him. He’s now been working in the store for over a month, but will he be able to win Taesub’s heart…?
Tomoharu Okabe is starting to work as an illustrator for a popular sensationalist novelist, Tougo Tsubaki. Since Okabe-san is not an established mangaka yet, he is persuaded to illustrate for Tsubaki-sensei. However, this assignment with Tsubaki-sensei ends up more than he ever bargains for.