Star Ring is a Japanese inspired shounen series that takes place in the genre of fantasy and thriller. The story follows Niko Akai and Zane Maximus of the Star Ring Federation as they embark on a secret mission to investigate the murders of Arcadia, unknowingly being watched by evil they can not comprehend. As the story continues, as the truth of the murders is unraveled, the Star Ring Federation comes to a realization that there is more truth to be sought after.
It is the magical school life of twin brothers Vermo and Rare....
Mai's experienced little romance, having been stuck in unrequited love for most of her life.She's been close friends with a group of great guys since her childhood, but their friendship has never turned into more.Now a grown woman, she reunites with her old crush.Her chance, she thinks, until she realizes how much he's changed...While she's suffering from a second broken heart, her old pal Ayato, now an actor, is there to cheer her up.He's brusque, kind, and anything but smooth, simultaneously healing and hurting her with his words.His caring, straightforward nature even makes him offer to practice dating Mai when she tells him it's time for a change!Could this be what carries them from friendship into more?A comic version of the hit romance on Love 365: Find Your Story!
"The plot ... takes place in a small town made up of many hills and slopes where Nishiki, a high-school girl, has taken on the title of a Sukuiya ("rescuer") trying to do her best to help grade-schooler, Akari."
From MegKF: "Beside a view like this, who would you want to share the aroma of coffee with...?"
"I will never love you." -- The wedding night of a political marriage. Abigail is impatient when her husband suddenly declares that he doesn't love her. Does that mean you can't have dinner!A new kind of baiting love story in which a viscountess, a demon king in a previous life who has been abused by her family all her life, is fed by her husband, a serious soldier, and becomes happy!
Aika no Yume is about a cute little creature who is negative and melancholic on the inside. She usually has nightmares about her many fears, entering her psyche and her personal self.
Soon after transferring to a new school, Mayu Kodabutsu recieves a love letter from a cute girl named Yuuko Hai... Expecting the envy of his classmates, Mayu is surprised to recieve condolences instead. You see, Yuuko Hai is no ordinary 5th grader... She's an exorcist. And Mayu is destined to experience her 100 terrifying ways.
Mitsuki's a high school freshman worried about her looks--or, at least, her "baby face". Until, that is, she enlists a little help from classmate Atsuki and her makeup kit. When Atsuki's finished, the transformation is complete--and breathtaking. It's also when the romantic adventures begin--a roller coaster ride of the heart that young and old are sure to enjoy.
Rising star Han Sia wins the Best New Actress award for her debut performance. Amid the celebration, she catches the eye of top actor Jeong Hyeok, who shows clear interest in getting closer to her. Although Sia feels an inexplicable sense of familiarity and longing towards Jeong Hyeok, her newfound success also attracts the envy of actress Sally, who feels threatened by Sia's achievements and Jeong Hyeok's attention. Sally begins to sabotage Sia at every turn, and as her hostility escalates, Sia starts to experience vivid visions of an ancient kingdom. In these visions, she encounters figures who eerily resemble Sally and Jeong Hyeok. As the echoes of a forgotten past rise to the surface, a story unfolds of long-buried memories, unfulfilled revenge, and a love that has endured through the ages.
From Project Bite Me! Scanlations: The creator of Baoh and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure presents a manga about magic and mysteries! You'll meet him at 13:13 pm, on Friday the 13th. He'll do an uncanny intro where he plays a trick on you! And wherever he goes, trouble seems to always follows. Who is this person that creates such incidents? None other than Cool Shock BT!