Welcome to CoffeeManga, your ultimate destination for reading manga online for free! Dive into the captivating world of A Motherʼs Love, A Daughterʼs Prison Manga Online Free, where thrilling adventures and heartwarming moments await you.
Whether you’re a fan of manhwa, manhua, action manga, romance manga, fantasy, or slice of life, this series has something for everyone. Join the journey of unforgettable characters as they navigate their challenges and triumphs.
Don't miss out on the chance to read A Motherʼs Love, A Daughterʼs Prison and explore its unique storylines and stunning artwork.
The torso of a headless, limbless body is found half-buried by a riverbank. It belonged to middle-aged mother Yaeko Miyagawa, and after an investigation and trial, her daughter Hikari eventually confesses to her murder. For many years, Hikari had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse by her mother, revolving around her failure to make it into a top medical school and become a doctor. Even after nine years of futile applications and entrance exams, Yaeko refused to free her daughter from this virtual prison. What led to the fatal stabbing that ended Yaeko's life? This series, based on a true story, will explore Hikari Miyagawa's experiences up to her greatest tragedyand what happened to her afterward.
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